A golang struct tags(schema) style mongo package hyper interface base on mongo-driver
, inspired by Node.JS package mongoose
You can check the /examples/
cd ./examples && go run ./simple.go
Once you connect database in main function, you can new a model in everywhere.
func main() {
err := godotenv.Load()
if err != nil {
db, err := goose.NewMongoDatabase(&goose.DatabaseOptions{
UsingEnv: true,
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
// do something else
mongoConnStringTemplate := "mongodb://%s:%s@%s:%s"
connectionURI := fmt.Sprintf(mongoConnStringTemplate, "root", "example", "localhost", "27017")
db, err := goose.NewMongoDatabase(&goose.DatabaseOptions{
DatabaseName: "test",
URL: connectionURI,
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
// do something else
// define struct as a schema
type User struct {
ID primitive.ObjectID `goose:"objectID,primary,required" bson="_id"`
Name string `goose:"required" bson="name"`
Email string `goose:"required" bson="email"`
func main() {
// init model with some data
user := &User{
ID: primitive.NewObjectID(),
Name: "Pascal",
Email: "pascal@example",
// new a model
userModel := goose.NewModel("TestUsers", user)
// update model data
user.Name = "Pascal Lin"
// save model, create or update
err = userModel.Save()
if err != nil {
Using goose
, you can using tags to specific some data relationship and normal business logic, there is the tag list below:
TagName | Usage | Description |
primary | goose:"primary" |
define a primary key for you collection model, default will set model primary key _id |
index | goose:"index" |
add field indexes to collection |
default | goose:"default='test'" or goose:"default=1" or goose:"default=1.1" or goose:"default=false" |
set default value for model field, string should be quote by ' and not including , ; int and float will convert to 64 bit, you should not add bson:omitempty if default=0 |
populate | goose:"populate=Users" or goose:"populate=User" ref="Users" foreignKey="_id" |
populate data from other collection, if not setting ref and foreignKey , populate should be populate=[COLLECTION_NAME] and default foreignKey is _id |
createdAt | goose:"createdAt" |
set field as created time |
updatedAt | goose:"updatedAt" |
set field as updated time |
deletedAt | goose:"deletedAt" |
set field as soft delete time |
- | goose:"-" |
do nothing |
A whole example:
type Post struct {
ID primitive.ObjectID `goose:"primary" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
UserID primitive.ObjectID `goose:"populate=User" bson:"userId,omitempty" ref:"TestUsers" forignKey:"_id"`
Title string `goose:"-" bson:"title,omitempty"`
Description string `goose:"default='No description.'" bson:"description,omitempty"`
CreatedTime time.Time `goose:"index,createdAt" bson:"createdTime,omitempty"`
UpdatedTime time.Time `goose:"updatedAt" bson:"updatedTime,omitempty"`
ViewCount int64 `goose:"default=0" bson:"viewCount"`
Rate float64 `goose:"default=0" bson:"rate"`
IsPublished bool `goose:"default=false" bson:"isPublished"`
You can still using collection from mongo-driver
database as usual. such as,
singleResult := goose.DB.Collection("TestUsers").FindOne(context.Background(), bson.M{"_id": userID})
var userResult User
fmt.Println("user: ", userResult)
git clone https://github.com/pascallin/goose.git
go get -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc
godoc -http=:6060
# visit http://localhost:6060/pkg/github.com/pascallin/goose/pkg/mongo/
go test -v ./test
- remove env (seems stupid idea)
- context handling
- test coverage