The Shutdown provides a structured approach to managing and safely closing resources in a Go application. It offers a variety of strategies to handle different ordering preferences for closing resources such as FIFO (First-In, First-Out), LIFO (Last-In, First-Out), and group-based closings.
- Concurrency Safe: All operations are made concurrency safe using mutex locks.
- Context Support: Allows you to close resources with context support. This is useful for timeouts or external cancellation.
- Error Aggregation: Combines errors from multiple closers into a single error using the library.
An alias for io.Closer
interface which requires a Close method.
Fifo struct manages a queue of resources to be closed in the order they were added.
Lifo struct manages a stack of resources, ensuring they are closed in the reverse order they were added.
Group struct manages a collection of resources that need to be closed. It spawns a goroutine for each closer to ensure they close concurrently.
Make sure you have Go installed and use:
go get
Here's an example showcasing the Lifo strategy, where resources are added to a stack and then closed in a Last-In, First-Out manner:
type MyCloser struct{}
func (c *MyCloser) Close() error {
return errors.New("my closer error")
now we can add our closers to the stack:
lifo := new(Lifo)
closer1 := &MyCloser{}
closer2 := io.NopCloser(nil)
err := lifo.CloseContext(context.Background())
// Output: my closer error
Employ the CloseContext method to facilitate resource shutdown with context backing:
err := lifoCloser.CloseContext(ctx)
To terminate resources absent context support, use the Close method:
err := lifoCloser.Close()
- A dependency used for amalgamating multiple errors into a unified error.
Make sure you address any errors propagated by the Close or CloseContext functions to effectively manage any complications that arise during the shutdown process.