This course is designed for beginners with no prior knowledge on ruby or sysops. One can complete this course in 4 to 5hrs. By end of this course you'll be able to setup whole chef environment and able to write your cookbooks.
Anyone who is having software engineering background. No prior knowledge on ruby is required.
4 to 5hrs
- Diagrams
- Theory wiki
- Example cookbooks
- Provision or create some linux box in Local/vagrant/VM/AWS
- Understanding SSH
- SSH from one box to another box
- Understanding SCP
- Installing Nginx in the remote server
- Understanding networking at highlevel
- Public network
- Private network
- Pros & cons with shell
- Pros & cons with tools (chef, ansible, puppet, fabric, etc..)
- Understanding the landscape of the tools
- What is chef?
- Chef Server
- Chef Workstation
- Chef Node
- Chef server-ctl
- Chef manage
- Chef dk
- knife
- berkshelf
- supermarket
- Understanding how chef works
- Understanding different tech stack items of chef
- Setup server
- Setup workstation
- Configuring chef server
- Creating Org
- Creating User
- Associating User to org
- Configuring chef workstation
- Setup knife
- Setup Ruby
- Skeleton
- Variables
- String formatting
- methods
- blocks
- Understanding folder structure
- Understanding chef-repo
- Understanding cookbooks
- Understanding recipes
- Understanding resources
- Understanding databags
- Understanding environments
- Understanding roles
- Resource identification
- Syntax
- Installing nginx on node
- Understanding kitchen.yml
- Bootstraping a new node/target machine
- Understanding run_list
- Understanding supermarket
- Understanding uploading your cookbook
- Using data_bags
- Using templates
- knife upload Vs berks upload (dependacy management)