🌱 I’m currently learning Backend web development
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://parth-kabra.vercel.app/
💬 Ask me about Python, NextJS
📫 How to reach me kabraji001@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I think I am funny
🌱 I’m currently learning Backend web development
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://parth-kabra.vercel.app/
💬 Ask me about Python, NextJS
📫 How to reach me kabraji001@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I think I am funny
The Vibeshare-Backend repository is the backbone of the Vibeshare social media app. Built on Flask, it provides a solid foundation for a seamless user experience.
Python 1
Powered by Next.js and styled with Shadcn UI, Aceternity UI, and Tailwind CSS, this site showcases my projects and skills in a sleek and modern design.
VibeShare: Connect through shared moments. Next.js for responsive design, Flask for a strong backend, and Firebase for secure authentication. Express yourself with vibrant vibes!
JavaScript 1
A web application based on Flask, Socket.io, SQL, and Javascript, Interstellar Chat lets you chat with stars.
This is an educational clone of Google Docs.
JavaScript 2
All of my solutions to problems which I have solved during my Competitive Programming journey in C++ and Python.
Python 1