An offline corepresentation database and tool set for 1651 magnetic space groups.
a powerful script collection for data-analysis from vasp for topological matters
A VASP and Wannier90 interfaced tool for projection analysis and fully automated dis energy window optimization
A package for tight-binding model of magnetic and non-magnetic materials
A mirror of
Code to calculate the crystal field Hamiltonian of magnetic ions.
A mathematica package for irreducible representations of space group
Berry curvature and Chern number calculations with the output (WAVECAR) of VASP code
An updated version of the VASP2WANNIER90v2 interface
Calculate ab initio spin-orbital coupling strength for Wannier tight-binding models.
WannierTools: An open-source software package for novel topological materials. Full documentation:
A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
IRVSP: to obtain irreducible representations of electronic states in the VASP, Comput. Phys. Comm. 261, 107760 (2021).
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