This project simulates the designed Bandgap Reference circuit to determine its performance characterisitics pre-layout and post-layout.
Note: Circuit requires further optimization to improve performance. Design yet to be modified.
To learn more about Bandgap Reference, its principle of generation, Implementation, Issues & Improvements, consider reading this.
To gain insight into the applications and significance of Bandgap Reference in VLSI, have a look at this.
To review the previous Bandgap Reference Design, read this.
The Design Specifications of the Bandgap Reference Circuit can be found here.
To ensure that the Vertical Parasitic PNP BJT was recognized and extracted correctly, the line below was added to the Technology File.
device bjt PNP nwell,nsc/a,nsd pdiff,pdc/a pwell,space/w,psc/a,psd
Parameter | Description | Min | Type | Max | Unit | Condition |
RL | Load resistance at Vbgp terminal | 100 | Mohm | VDD=3.3V, T=27C | ||
CL | Load capacitance at Vbgp terminal | 50 | pF | VDD=2.7V - 3.6V, T=-40C - 125C, RL=100M | ||
Vbgp | Output Reference voltage | 1.2013 | 1.2056 | 1.2070 | V | T=-40 to 140C, VDD=3.3V |
Vbgp | Output Reference voltage | 1.1698 | 1.2056 | 1.2234 | V | VDD=2.7V to VDD=3.6V, T=27C |
TC_vbgp | Temperature Coefficient of Vbgp | 26.2663 | ppm/C | T=-40 to 125C, VDD=3.3V | ||
VC_vbgp | Voltage Coefficient of Vbgp | 5.9555 | %/V | VDD=2.7V to 3.7, T=27C | ||
Tstart | Start up time | 3.3 | us | Vdd=3.3V, T=27C, CL=50pF | ||
VDD | Supply Voltage | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.6 | V | T=-40C to 125C |
IDD | Supply Current | 22.4760 | uA | EN=1 | ||
IDD | Supply Current | 95.3950 | pA | EN=0 |
Note:Current without Inverter for Enable Logic
Note:Current without Inverter for Enable Logic
Ngspice is an open source mixed-signal circuit simulator.
Open your terminal and type the following to install Ngspice
$ sudo apt-get install -y ngspice
To enter the Ngspice Shell, open the terminal & type:
$ ngspice
To simulate a netlist, type:
ngspice 1 -> source <filename>.cir
You can exit from the Ngspice Shell by typing:
ngspice 1 -> exit
ngspice 1 -> quit
There are several waveforms that need to be obtained to observe the performance of the Bandgap reference circuit.
To clone the Repository and download the Netlist files for Simulation, enter the following commands in your terminal.
$ sudo apt install -y git
$ git clone
$ cd avsdbgp_3v3/Simulation/Ngspice_Simulation/Final_Simulation/PreLayout
Run the netlist file using the following command.
$ ngspice pre_temp.cir
Run the netlist file using the following command.
$ ngspice pre_supply.cir
Run the netlist file using the following command.
$ ngspice pre_tc.cir
Run the netlist file using the following command.
$ ngspice pre_vc.cir
Run the netlist file using the following command.
$ ngspice pre_startup.cir
Run the netlist file using the following command.
$ ngspice pre_enable.cir
Note:Current without Inverter for Enable Logic
Ensure the Repository with the Simulation Files is cloned. Review the section above for detailed steps. Enter the following command in your terminal.
$ cd avsdbgp_3v3/Simulation/Ngspice_Simulation/Final_Simulation/PostLayout
Run the netlist file using the following command.
$ ngspice post_temp.cir
Run the netlist file using the following command.
$ ngspice post_supply.cir
Run the netlist file using the following command.
$ ngspice post_tc.cir
Run the netlist file using the following command.
$ ngspice post_vc.cir
Run the netlist file using the following command.
$ ngspice post_startup.cir
Run the netlist file using the following command.
$ ngspice post_enable.cir
Note:Current without Inverter for Enable Logic
- Improved matching techniques such as Common Centroid / Interdigitisation need to be implemented while laying out the current mirror.
- PNR for the designed circuit is yet to performed using the Open Source Tool provided by the OpenROAD project.
- Corner Analysis Testing of the bandgap reference circuit is yet to be performed.
- The load driving capability needs to be improved by addition of a buffer block such as an OTA or a common drain amplifier.
- To adjust the reference voltage resistors must be trimmed using fuses, hence, resistor trimming must be employed in the circuit.
- The design must be improved to provide a higher PSRR.
- In the future an OTA based bandgap reference circuit will be developed with improved performance characteristics. Also, a second order bandgap reference will be studied and developed, to improve the temperature coefficient.
- To solve the problem of unwanted parasitic BJTs being extracted due to the modification made in the Technology File.
- Sheryl Serrao
- Kunal Ghosh
- Philipp Gühring
- Kunal Ghosh, Director, VSD Corp. Pvt. Ltd.
- Philipp Gühring, Software Architect, LibreSilicon Assocation
- Saroj Rout, Associate Professor & Chief Mentor of VLSI Center of Excellence SIT, Bhubaneswar, India
- Santunu Sarangi, Asst. Professor, SIT, Bhubaneswar, India
- Tim Edwards, Senior Vice President of Analog and Design at efabless corporation
- Ankur Sah, M.Tech Embedded Systems, NIT Jamshedpur
- Sheryl Serrao, Undergraduate Student, Mumbai University
- Kunal Ghosh, Director, VSD Corp. Pvt. Ltd.
- Philipp Gühring, Software Architect, LibreSilicon Assocation
- Dr. Gaurav Trivedi Co-Principal Investigator, EICT Academy, IIT Guwahati