Copyright 2018 - Kenneth Baker
purpleair is a weewx extension to collect data from the local interface of a Purple Air air sensor ( It saves this data to its own database which can then be displayed in weewx reports and graphs. The data is saved at the archive interval of the station.
Purpleair requires the requests Python library. This library does not come with the default installation of Python. It must be installed separately. Perhaps the fastest way to do so is to run:
pip install requests
or on a debian/ubuntu system run:
apt install python-requests
run the installer (from the git directory):
wee_extension --install .
restart weewx:
sudo /etc/init.d/weewx stop sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start
This will install the extension into the weewx/user/ directory. It will also add the necessary data bindings, hostname, database, and service configuration to the weewx.conf configuration file.
Something like the following:
data_binding = purpleair_binding
hostname =
database = purpleair_sqlite
manager = weewx.manager.DaySummaryManager
table_name = archive
schema = user.purpleair.schema
database_name = purpleair.sdb
driver = weedb.sqlite
To make use of the plugin you will need to modify the templates in /etc/weewx/skins/*.tmpl to include references to the new data found in the purpleair.sdb file.
- The current value:
- The maximum value today:
- The time today when the maximum value occurred:
- The units:
You can also graph these values by adding the appropriate configuration to your skin.conf file:
data_binding = purpleair_binding
The values stored in the database are as follows:
The pm*_*
values stored in the database are averages from the two
sensors contained in the sensor.
More details about these values can be found in the document referred to here