1. Add the repository to your composer.json
using either the JSON format:
"repositories": {
"parallax/coding-style": {
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/parallax/coding-style.git"
Or the CLI command:
composer config repositories.parallax/coding-style '{"type": "vcs", "url": "https://github.com/parallax/coding-style.git"}' --file composer.json
2. Include parallax/coding-style
in your project's dev dependencies:
composer require --dev parallax/coding-style
Run the Pint command to apply the Parallax coding style:
./vendor/bin/pint --config vendor/parallax/coding-style/pint.json
You can also add a script to your composer.json
for quicker style application:
composer config scripts.pint 'pint --config vendor/parallax/coding-style/pint.json' --file composer.json
Apply Parallax's coding style using the script:
composer pint