Swapper is a tool for generating fictional scenarios. Swapper takes in a string with special identifying placeholders and swaps them with entries from a defined list.
Example Input Prompt: "[Person1] met [Person2] several years ago, they've been friends ever since."
Output: "Andrew met Sarah several years ago, they've been friends ever since."
Clone this repo and install dependancies with npm install
To start the development server, run
npm start
The server should start on port 1234 and the application should be availale at localhost:1234
Swap Lists are the heart of Swapper. Swap Lists are Javascript or JSON objects who's properties refer to the category names to be used with swapper. The following is a valid Swap List
person: ["Joe", "Molly"];
"person" in this swap list is offically a Swap Category.
Swap Identifiers tell Swapper what to swap. They are special bracketed markup containing a Swap Category and a number to disitinguish it, such as [person1]
. Swap identifiers can be reused in strings. There must be at least one Swap Identifier in every string.
Swap Groups work similarly to Swap Categories, except that they (should) refer to Swap Categories. Swap Groups can be used in identifiers just like Swap Categories. To specify a swap group, prefix the group name with "sg:"