Paradøx is a bot coded by Puerosola#0064, nockia#0065, and RetroTho#0912.
Paradøx has a constantly expanding, customisable server configuration, where you can change the prefix, enable join/leave messages, set the channel, and set a custom message! Here are some other features:
- Profile command
- Reputation system (Levels and XP soon!)
- Animal commands
- Utility commands (such as user info, discrim searching)
- LaTeX rendering
- User time command; users can set their timezone which allows users to see their current time
- Binary to character converter
- More features to come!
Paradøx has a support guild, which also doubles as a developer hub and a community to chat with and make friends! You can join the support guild here.
Command documentation can either be found with ~help cmdname
or on the WIP Website.