This is the code for the paper "A Modern Take on Visual Relationship Reasoning for Grasp Planning"
We base our test-bed on the MetaGraspNetV2 dataset, download from here the MGN-Sim and MGN-Real data and put both of them in the same folder.
We also provide splits and compressed meta-data for our testbed here, download all files and put them in the d3g/data/
For installing the environment create a fresh python env and run the following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you want to run deformable detr models run the following
cd ./models/deformable_detr_modules/ops
sh ./
python ./
We leverage detectron2 config systems to define experiments and models, to launch one simply run
python --config-file configs/config.yaml --data-path /your/data/path
create a new .yaml file in the config folder to create new experiments
For all reported experiments we first pretrain the detection part of the model on the detection task and then fine-tune/train the complete model on the detection and relationship understanding tasks. To pretrain models run the pretrain configs as follows
# Depending on your desired model run one of the following
# Detr based Models
python --config-file ./configs/pretrains/detr_pretrain.yaml
# Deformable Detr based models
python --config-file ./configs/pretrains/defdetr_pretrain.yaml
# Mask-RCNN based models
python --config-file ./configs/pretrains/rcnn_pretrain.yaml
For all models we start from the publicly avaiable COCO checkpoints, due to our changes to the detr and deformable detr architectures we need to change some key names, pretrain checkpoints with fixed keys are avaiable here
Now that you have your pretrained model you can train it on the relationship reasoning task as follows
python --config-file detr_graphdense_medium.yaml MODEL.WEIGHTS /path/to/checkpoint
If you find this work usefull please cite it using:
author={Rabino, Paolo and Tommasi, Tatiana},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
title={A Modern Take on Visual Relationship Reasoning for Grasp Planning},