OZ serial is start from all-zero network, has some special supervisor-training parameter:
Traning color plan:(thanks @alreadydone @Hersmunch)
Color plan can be used for handicape game, please refer to
Split traning. (thanks @icee)
After compare GX-Serial, it seems that zero sgf is good at opening and human is good at ending game, so I split the traning data, and use more zero data at opening game, more human data at ending game.
Balance training.
The 80% exist go sgf is end before 200 step, so the traning data is poor after 200 step. I sampling more at ending game to balance traning.
It highly recommend use OZ-serial network with @alreadydone komi version leelazero branch:
branch: komi+batch, komi+next, komi+tensorbatch, komi ....
Please enjoy the different go game style.
Training Data has contain bellow datas.
Leela Training Set Data: from https://leela.online-go.com/training/ (last 150W games)
Data use to make netowkr's PN, VN more accurate at komi 7.5.
NOTE: I don't modify the Leela Training Set Data's color plan to other value, because the traning data's VN is mostly come from the percent of wining game, and I have no idea to filter the game by STM color.
Human games: https://github.com/yenw/computer-go-dataset (about 100W games)
Leela match games: https://leela.online-go.com/zero/all_match.sgf.xz (last 20W games)
Octopus self-play games(about 100W games)
The 2,3,4 datas is dumped to 7.5 and other komi games.
When dump data from sgf, I use rule bellow to dump komi data:
Filter all W+R, B+R games, the games left only W+N.n and B+N.n;
All games is make in 7.5 komi, so if a game is W+2.5, when komi set to 7.5, 8.5, 9.5, the white side is still win, so I can make komi<10 data with this game. If a game is B+2.5, when komi set to 7.5, 6.5, 5.5, the black side can still win, so I can make komi>5 data with this game.
And I dump many komi data in [-30, 40], each komi point had right distribution of black and white win games, so the VN value maybe training right in each komi value.
@icee make a tool to split training data to different part by step number, we can use this tools to split the training data to [0-30), [30-100),[100-200),[200-300),[300-999]
So we get many training data with different step part, Now we can sample the data we love from the data, I made a tools to sample the data:
Split sample: After compare GX-Serial, it seems that zero sgf is good at opening and human is good at ending game, so I split the traning data, and use more zero data at opening game, more human data at ending game.
Balance sample: The 80% exist go sgf is end before 200 step, so the traning data is poor after 200 step. I sampling more at ending game to balance traning.
Also I sample more komi data at the first 30 steps, sample less down in left part....