- Correção do tratamento interno
- Ajuste arquivo de credenciais
- Correção do tratamento de responses
- Correção na função req
- Correção endpoint deletePlan
- Correção do exemplo: UpdateParcel
- Correção do exemplo: GetInstallments
- Melhoria do arquivo Credentials
- Adicionada a tratativa para o ValidadeMtls
- Adicionado os endpoints do Pix
- Novo modelo arquivo credentials
- Adição das funções do Pix na chamada principal da sdk
- Adicionada Autenticação PIX
- Substituição do request pelo axios
- Melhoria na leitura do certificado
- Atualização dos exemplos
- Nome das funções atualizadas e padronizadas
- Stable release
- Updated: package.json
- Added: new endpoint (one step)
- Updated: package.json
- Added: new endpoint (settle charge)
- Added: new endpoint (settle carnet parcel)
- Added: new endpoint (create charge balance sheet)
- Fix: dependencies
- Added: new endpoint (update plan)
- Added: new endpoint (create subscription history)
- Added: new endpoint (update charge link)
- Added: forward
- Added: new endpoint (charge link)
- Updated: docs
- Added: new endpoint (cancel carnet)
- Added: new endpoint (cancel parcel)
- Updated: docs
- Added: new endpoint (carnet history)
- Added: new endpoint (carnet resend)
- Updated: docs
- Added: new endpoint (charge history)
- Added: custom header
- Updated: docs
- Added: new endpoint (resend billet)
- Updated: docs
- Updated: code examples
- Updated: docs
- Refactored: gn-auth - client credentials are now sent within the header
- Refactored: gn-constants/gn-endpoints/gn-sdk - each function now has two arguments: params and body. The body is meant to be sent in the request body as usual, whereas the params will be mapped to url params as defined in gn-constants. If the param is not present in the url, it will be sent as a query string
- Refactored: gn-endpoints - now Gerencianet endpoints are restfull, which means that the sdk must consider sending also put and delete
- Updated: docs
- Updated: gn-constants - added new endpoints
- Refactored: gn-sdk - loop through gn-constants endpoints and create the prototype functions
- Updated: docs
- Updated: gn-sdk - added createPlan
- Updated: docs
- Updated: getPaymentMethods endpoint now is getPaymentData
- Updated: node modules dependencies
- Fixed: nock net connection issues
- Changed: Gerenciant's urls for production and sandbox
- Added: new endpoints (subscriptions, notifications)
- Initial release