This is Voxdung world generator written in 6 days for Warsztat.GD compo.
You can simply double click Genek.exe. It'll start in graphical mode.
If you wanna use command line, just use Genek (seed)
from command line.
It'll generate map with default options using given seed.
I'm using following software to build my project:
- Code::Blocks 16 IDE
- GCC 5.1 (TDM-1 32 bit)
- NANA C++ library Static
also useful:
- Nana library in
- GCC compiler
- Make
You just need put path to them into global variables of your OS.
- UPX Packer
- OptiPNG
It'll pack your executable, optimize PNG files and create up-to-date Makefiles when building ( now only on Windows ) :D
NOTE: You can use Code::Blocks project instead of makefiles.
- /src - Code
- /data - Application data
- /bin - Binaries
- /obj - Build objects
- /scripts - build scripts
- /lib - library folder