This is a PagoPA scheduler service containing all batches that perform scheduled operations on transactions.
Scheduled batch that analyze all transaction in a given time slot and send TransactionExpiredEvent
to the queue for all transactions that are in a non-final state.
Here a description of when expiration event is sent based on the transaction status:
Transaction status | Expiration event sent |
CLOSED | ✅ |
For each transaction found in one of those statuses TransactionExpiredEvent
and transaction view document status is
updated to EXPIRED
In case of multiple events to be sent events queue visibility timeout is calculated so that all events are spread across the batch execution inter-time
Example: given the batch execution time of 1 hour and 5 events to be sent then each event will have a visibility timeout inter-time of 12 minutes, so:
Event | Visibility timeout |
E1 | now + 12 minute |
E2 | now + 24 minute |
E3 | now + 36 minute |
E4 | now + 48 minute |
E5 | now + 60 minute |
This mechanism prevents the module that read those events to be flooded in case of too many events to send.
Once started the batch analyze all transactions in a given time windows calculated from the batch execution rate and the
- Batch execution cron expression values with: 0 0 */1 * * * (the batch will be executed every hour)
- batch execution rate multiplier valued with 2
Batch execution time | Lower transaction time | Lower transaction time |
10:00:00 | 07:00:00 | 09:00:00 |
11:00:00 | 08:00:00 | 10:00:00 |
This mechanism permits to recover any batch missing executions. Setting this parameter to 1 will disable this mechanism and any execution will analyze only the transactions made during the previous time slot.
These are all environment variables needed by the application:
Variable name | Description | type | default |
MONGO_HOST | Mongo hostname | string | |
MONGO_USERNAME | Mongo username | string | |
MONGO_PORT | Mongo port | int | |
MONGO_SSL_ENABLED | Mongo SSL enabled | boolean | |
MONGO_PORT | Port used for connecting to MongoDB instance | string | |
MONGO_MIN_POOL_SIZE | Min amount of connections to be retained into connection pool. See docs * | string | |
MONGO_MAX_POOL_SIZE | Max amount of connections to be retained into connection pool.See docs * | string | |
MONGO_MAX_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS | Max timeout after which an idle connection is killed in milliseconds. See docs * | string | |
MONGO_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS | Max time to wait for a connection to be opened. See docs * | string | |
MONGO_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS | Max time to wait for a command send or receive before timing out. See docs * | string | |
MONGO_SERVER_SELECTION_TIMEOUT_MS | Max time to wait for a server to be selected while performing a communication with Mongo in milliseconds. See docs * | string | |
MONGO_WAITING_QUEUE_MS | Max time a thread has to wait for a connection to be available in milliseconds. See docs * | string | |
MONGO_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_MS | Hearth beat frequency in milliseconds. This is an hello command that is sent periodically on each active connection to perform an health check. See docs * | string | |
MONGO_REPLICA_SET_OPTION | The replica set connection string option valued with the name of the replica set. See docs * | string | |
ECOMMERCE_DATABASE_NAME | Mongo ecommerce database name | string | |
TRANSACTION_EXPIRED_EVENTS_QUEUE_NAME | Transaction expired event queue name. This is the queue where transaction expired events will be sent | string | |
QUEUE_TRANSIENT_CONNECTION_STRING | Transient queues connection string | string | |
TRANSIENT_QUEUES_TTL_SECONDS | TTL to be used when sending events on transient queues | number | 7 days |
PENDING_TRANSACTIONS_SCHEDULE_CRON | Pending transactions batch execution chron expression | string | |
PENDING_TRANSACTIONS_WINDOWS_BATCH_EXECUTION_RATE_MULTIPLIER | Pending transactions execution rate multiplier (used for calculate transactions window, see Transactions to analyze time window | int | |
PENDING_TRANSACTIONS_PARALLEL_EVENTS_TO_PROCESS | Pending transactions parallel events to be processed | int | |
PENDING_TRANSACTIONS_MAX_DURATION_SECONDS | Single batch max duration in seconds. Indicate the max time to wait for a single batch iteration to be completed. If negative the execution-rate-inter-time/2 will be used (Ex: if batch is configured to be executed every 10 minutes max duration will be set to 5 minutes | int | -1 |
PENDING_TRANSACTIONS_SEND_PAYMENT_RESULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS | Timeout for a sendPaymentResult callback (POST /user-receipts on transactions-service ) to be received. This timeout is evaluated for a transaction stuck in CLOSED status for which an OK authorization outcome has been received by Nodo and inhibits expiration if it is yet to be reached. |
int | |
PENDING_TRANSACTIONS_MAX_TRANSACTIONS_PER_PAGE | Max transactions to be fetched by paginated query | int | |
PENDING_TRANSACTIONS_PAGE_ANALYSIS_DELAY_SECONDS | Delay for the next pending transaction page to be analyzed (in seconds). This parameter in pair with PENDING_TRANSACTIONS_MAX_TRANSACTIONS_PER_PAGE define the max batch tps |
int | |
DEAD_LETTER_LISTENER_TRANSACTION_FIXED_DELAY_MILLIS | Transaction dead letter queue poll delay in milliseconds | int | |
DEAD_LETTER_LISTENER_TRANSACTION_MAX_MESSAGE_PER_POLL | Transaction dead letter queue max messages to retrieve per poll | int | |
DEAD_LETTER_LISTENER_TRANSACTION_QUEUE_NAME | Transaction dead letter queue name | string | |
DEAD_LETTER_LISTENER_NOTIFICATION_FIXED_DELAY_MILLIS | Notification dead letter queue poll delay in milliseconds | int | |
DEAD_LETTER_LISTENER_NOTIFICATION_MAX_MESSAGE_PER_POLL | Notification dead letter queue max messages to retrieve per poll | int | |
DEAD_LETTER_LISTENER_NOTIFICATION_QUEUE_NAME | Notification dead letter queue name | string | |
ECOMMERCE_STORAGE_DEAD_LETTER_QUEUE_ACCOUNT_NAME | Dead letter storage account name | string | |
ECOMMERCE_STORAGE_DEAD_LETTER_QUEUE_ENDPOINT | Dead letter storage account endpoint | string | |
ECOMMERCE_STORAGE_DEAD_LETTER_QUEUE_KEY | Dead letter storage account key | string | |
NPG_URI | NPG service URI | string | |
NPG_READ_TIMEOUT | NPG service HTTP read timeout | integer | |
NPG_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT | NPG service HTTP connection timeout | integer | |
NPG_API_KEY | NPG service api-key | string | |
NPG_CARDS_PSP_KEYS | Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request | string | |
NPG_CARDS_PSP_LIST | List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_CARDS_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) | string | |
NPG_PAYPAL_PSP_KEYS | Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request used for APM PAYPAL payment method | string | |
NPG_PAYPAL_PSP_LIST | List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_PAYPAL_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) | string | |
NPG_BANCOMATPAY_PSP_KEYS | Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request used for APM Bancomat pay payment method | string | |
NPG_BANCOMATPAY_PSP_LIST | List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_BANCOMATPAY_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) | string | |
NPG_MYBANK_PSP_KEYS | Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request used for APM My bank payment method | string | |
NPG_MYBANK_PSP_LIST | List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_MYBANK_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) | string | |
NPG_SATISPAY_PSP_KEYS | Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request used for APM Satispay payment method | string | |
NPG_SATISPAY_PSP_LIST | List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_SATISPAY_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) | string | |
NPG_APPLEPAY_PSP_KEYS | Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request used for APM Apple pay payment method | string | |
NPG_APPLEPAY_PSP_LIST | List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_APPLEPAY_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) | string | |
REDIS_HOST | Redis hostname | string | |
REDIS_PORT | Redis port | number | |
REDIS_PASSWORD | Redis password | string | |
REDIS_SSL_ENABLED | Redis ssl enabled | boolean | |
REDIS_STREAM_EVENT_CONTROLLER_STREAM_KEY | Event (receivers) controller redis stream key | string | |
REDIS_STREAM_EVENT_CONTROLLER_CONSUMER_NAME_PREFIX | Event (receivers) controller redis stream consumer name prefix | string | |
EVENT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_POLLING_CHRON | Chron used to schedule event receivers status polling | string | |
DEPLOYMENT_VERSION | Env property used to identify deployment version (STAGING/PROD) | string | PROD |
(*): for Mongo connection string options see docs
Pending transaction are processed at a configurable TPS (transactions per seconds) rate. This can be done changing the below parameters:
parameter allow to specify how many transactions to retrieve for each page -> chunk sizePENDING_TRANSACTIONS_PAGE_ANALYSIS_DELAY_SECONDS
parameter allow to specify time to be waited between the next page to be analyzed -> chunk rate
Example of configurations:
Max transaction per page | Delay between pages | Max TPS |
1 | 1 | 1 |
5 | 1 | 5 |
5 | 2 | 2,5 |
docker build -t pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-scheduler-service .
docker run -p 8999:8080 pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-scheduler-service
mvn validate
used to perform ecommerce-commons library checkout from git repo and install through maven plugin
mvn clean spring-boot:run
build and run service with spring locally
For testing purpose the commons reference can be changed from a specific release to a branch by changing the following
configurations tags inside pom.xml
updating also the commons library version to the one of the specific branch
Code formatting checks are automatically performed during build phase. If the code is not well formatted an error is raised blocking the maven build.
Helpful commands:
mvn spotless:check # --> used to perform format checks
mvn spotless:apply # --> used to format all misformatted files
By conventions all module are deployed as <> without '-'
Since for this module, applying the above rule, the name would result
into pagopaecommercetransactionsschedulerservice-microservice-chart
that would lead to
a too long name with "beta-" prefix for blue deployments the full name has been overridden
with the following pagopaecommercetxschedulerservice-microservice-chart
Any component such as deployment, pods, config maps, etc. can be searched with this reduced name
Repo has Github workflow and actions that trigger Azure devops deploy pipeline once a PR is merged on main branch.
In order to properly set version bump parameters for call Azure devops deploy pipelines will be check for the following tags presence during PR analysis:
Tag | Semantic versioning scope | Meaning |
patch | Application version | Patch-bump application version into pom.xml and Chart app version |
minor | Application version | Minor-bump application version into pom.xml and Chart app version |
major | Application version | Major-bump application version into pom.xml and Chart app version |
ignore-for-release | Application version | Ignore application version bump |
chart-patch | Chart version | Patch-bump Chart version |
chart-minor | Chart version | Minor-bump Chart version |
chart-major | Chart version | Major-bump Chart version |
skip-release | Any | The release will be skipped altogether |
For the check to be successfully passed only one of the Application version
labels and only ones of
the Chart version
labels must be contemporary present for a given PR or the skip-release
for skipping release step