PadoGrid | Catalogs | Manual | FAQ | Releases | Templates | Pods | Kubernetes | Docker | Apps | Quick Start
This bundle integrates Hazelcast with Debezium and Confluent KSQL and ksqlDB for ingesting initial data and CDC records from MySQL into a Hazelcast cluster via a Kafka sink connector included in the padogrid
distribution. It supports inserts, updates and deletes.
This bundle supports Hazelcast 3.12.x, 4.x, and 5.x.
install_bundle -download bundle-hazelcast-3n4n5-docker-debezium_ksql_kafka
âť— If you are running this bundle on WSL, make sure your workspace is on a shared folder. The Docker volume it creates will not be visible outside of WSL otherwise.
This use case ingests data changes made in the MySQL database into a Hazelcast cluster via Kafka connectors and also integrates Confluent KSQL for querying Kafka topics as streams and tables. It extends the original Debezium-Kafka bundle with Docker Compose, Confluent KSQL/ksqlDB, and the North Wind mock data for customers
and orders
tables. It includes the MySQL source connector and the hazelcast-addon
Debezium sink connectors.
- Docker
- Maven 3.x
- Hazelcast 3.12.x, 4.x, or 5.x
✏️ This bundle builds the demo enviroment based on the Hazelcast and Management versions in your workspace. Make sure your workspace has been configured with the desired versions before building the demo environment.
Before you begin, make sure you are in a Hazelcast product context by switching into a Hazelcast cluster. You can create a Hazelcast cluster if it does not exist as shown below.
# Create the default cluster named, 'myhz'
create_cluster -product hazelcast
# Switch to the 'myhz' cluster to set the product context
switch_cluster myhz
We must first build the demo by running the build_app
command as shown below. This command copies the Hazelcast and hazelcast-addon
jar files to the Docker container mounted volume in the padogrid
directory so that the Hazelcast Debezium Kafka connector can include them in its class path.
cd_docker debezium_ksql_kafka/bin_sh
Upon successful build, the padogrid
directory should have jar files similar to the following:
cd_docker debezium_ksql_kafka
tree padogrid
├── etc
│  ├── hazelcast-client-3.xml
│  ├── hazelcast-client-4.xml
│  ├── hazelcast-client-5.xml
│  └── hazelcast-client.xml
├── lib
│  ├── hazelcast-addon-common-1.0.0.jar
│  ├── hazelcast-addon-core-5-1.0.0.jar
│  ├── hazelcast-enterprise-5.3.6.jar
│  └── padogrid-common-1.0.0.jar
├── log
└── plugins
└── hazelcast-addon-core-5-1.0.0-tests.jar
Let's create the my_network
network to which all containers will join.
docker network create my_network
Let's create a Hazelcast cluster to run on Docker containers as follows.
create_docker -product hazelcast -cluster hazelcast -network my_network
If you will be running the Hazelcast Desktop app then you need to register the
class in the Hazelcast cluster. The Customer
and Order
classes implement the VersionedPortable
cd_docker hazelcast
vi padogrid/etc/hazelcast.xml
Add the following in the hazelcast.xml
<portable-factory factory-id="1">
Create and build perf_test
for ingesting mock data into MySQL:
create_app -product hazelcast -app perf_test -name perf_test_ksql
cd_app perf_test_ksql/bin_sh
Set the MySQL user name and password for perf_test_ksql
cd_app perf_test_ksql
vi etc/hibernate.cfg-mysql.xml
Set user name and password as follows:
<property name="connection.username">debezium</property>
<property name="connection.password">dbz</property>
cd_docker hazelcast
docker compose up -d
URL: http://localhost:8080/hazelcast-mancenter
If the managenment center prompts for adding a cluster config then make sure to enter the following.
Cluster Name: dev
Cluster Config State: Enabled
Member Addresses: localhost (or your host os address)
This bundle includes two (2) Docker Compose files. The default docker-compose.yaml
file is for running KSQL and the docker-compose-ksqldb.yaml
file is for running ksqlDB. Run one of them as shown below.
Start Zookeeper, Kafka, MySQL, Kafka Connect, Confluent KSQL containers:
cd_docker debezium_ksql_kafka
docker compose up -d
Start Zookeeper, Kafka, MySQL, Kafka Connect, Confluent ksqlDB containers:
cd_docker debezium_ksql_kafka
docker compose -f docker-compose-ksqldb.yaml up -d
âť— Wait till all the containers are up before executing the init_all
Execute init_all
which performs the following:
- Create the
database and grant all privileges to the userdebezium
cd_docker debezium_ksql_kafka/bin_sh
There are three (3) Kafka connectors that we need to register. The MySQL connector is provided by Debezium and the data connectors are part of the PadoGrid distribution.
cd_docker debezium_ksql_kafka/bin_sh
Note that if you run the following more than once then you may see multiple customers sharing the same customer ID when you execute KSQL queries on streams since the streams keep all the CDC records. The database (MySQL), on the other hand, will always have a single customer per customer ID.
cd_app perf_test_ksql/bin_sh
./test_group -run -db -prop ../etc/
If you started KSQL containers, i.e., docker-compose.yaml
, then execute run_ksql_cli
as shown below.
cd_docker debezium_ksql_kafka/bin_sh
If you started ksqlDB containers, i.e., docker-compose-ksqldb.yaml
, then execute run_ksqldb_cli
as shown below.
ksqlDB CLI:
cd_docker debezium_ksql_kafka/bin_sh
The KSQL/ksqlDB processing by default starts with latest
offsets. Set the KSQL/ksqlDB processing to earliest
SET 'auto.offset.reset' = 'earliest';
Create the following streams:
-- Create customers_from_debezium stream
-- (payload struct <after:struct<customerid:string,address:string,city:string,companyname:string,contactname:string,contacttitle:string,country:string,fax:string,phone:string,postalcode:string,region:string>>)
DROP STREAM IF EXISTS customers_from_debezium;
CREATE STREAM customers_from_debezium \
(customerid string,address string,city string,companyname string,contactname string, \
contacttitle string,country string,fax string,phone string,postalcode string,region string) \
WITH (KAFKA_TOPIC='dbserver1.nw.customers',VALUE_FORMAT='json');
-- Create orders_from_debezium stream
-- (payload struct <after:struct<orderid:string,customerid:string,employeeid:string,freight:double,orderdate:bigint,requireddate:bigint,shipaddress:string,shipcity:string,shiptcountry:string,shipname:string,shippostcal:string,shipregion:string,shipvia:string,shippeddate:string>>)
DROP STREAM IF EXISTS orders_from_debezium;
CREATE STREAM orders_from_debezium \
(orderid string,customerid string,employeeid string,freight double,orderdate bigint, \
requireddate bigint,shipaddress string,shipcity string,shiptcountry string,shipname string, \
shippostcal string,shipregion string,shipvia string,shippeddate string) \
WITH (KAFKA_TOPIC='dbserver1.nw.orders',VALUE_FORMAT='json');
Repartition streams.
-- orders_stream
DROP STREAM IF EXISTS orders_stream;
AS SELECT * FROM orders_from_debezium PARTITION BY orderid;
-- customers_stream
DROP STREAM IF EXISTS customers_stream;
AS SELECT * FROM customers_from_debezium PARTITION BY customerid;
Compare results: original vs. repartitioned
Original Query:
SELECT * FROM orders_from_debezium EMIT CHANGES LIMIT 1;
| | | |ID |ID | |E |DATE |ESS | |NTRY | |CAL |ON | |ATE |
|15971609|{"orderI|k0000000|000000-0|575585+2|40.25865|15969522|15975697|365 Osca|New Laur|null |Terry, K|null |FL |1 |15971208|
|01582 |d":"k000|066 |012 |624 |43354865|01000 |06000 |r Cove, |ence | |ohler an| | | |45000 |
| |0000066"| | | |4 | | |Lawrence| | |d Bernie| | | | |
| |} | | | | | | |ville, R| | |r | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |I 64139 | | | | | | | |
Limit Reached
Query terminated
Repartitioned Query:
| | | |ID |ID | |E |DATE |ESS | |NTRY | |CAL |ON | |ATE |
|15971609|k0000000|k0000000|000000-0|575585+2|40.25865|15969522|15975697|365 Osca|New Laur|null |Terry, K|null |FL |1 |15971208|
|01582 |066 |066 |012 |624 |43354865|01000 |06000 |r Cove, |ence | |ohler an| | | |45000 |
| | | | | |4 | | |Lawrence| | |d Bernie| | | | |
| | | | | | | | |ville, R| | |r | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |I 64139 | | | | | | | |
Limit Reached
Query terminated
Create the customers
table. Note the KEY and PRIMARY KEY keyword difference between KSQL and ksqkDB.
-- Create customers table from the topic containing repartitioned customers
CREATE TABLE customers (customerid string, contactname string, companyname string) \
CREATE TABLE customers (customerid string PRIMARY KEY, contactname string, companyname string) \
Join Table and Stream:
Join customers
and orders_stream
, and emit changes.
-- Make a join between customer and its orders_stream and create a query that monitors incoming orders_stream
SELECT customers.customerid,orderid,TIMESTAMPTOSTRING(orderdate, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'), \
customers.contactname,customers.companyname,freight \
FROM orders_stream LEFT JOIN customers ON orders_stream.customerid=customers.customerid \
|000000-0012 |k0000000066 |2020-08-09 05:50:01 |Pacocha |MacGyver Group |40.25865433548654 |
|000000-0048 |k0000000246 |2020-08-07 04:15:10 |Wiegand |Kuhic-Bode |157.48781188841855 |
|000000-0072 |k0000000366 |2020-08-08 21:53:28 |Pfannerstill |Weimann, Hills and Schmitt|79.03684813199516 |
|000000-0024 |k0000000126 |2020-08-05 05:35:38 |Torphy |Bednar LLC |55.94516435026855 |
|000000-0084 |k0000000426 |2020-08-05 22:09:37 |Nolan |Quigley Group |10.966276834050536 |
|000000-0000 |k0000000006 |2020-08-06 02:02:29 |Fadel |Miller-Abbott |12.769565213351175 |
|000000-0048 |k0000000247 |2020-08-07 13:23:20 |Wiegand |Kuhic-Bode |60.65402769673416 |
cd_docker debezium_ksql_kafka/bin_sh
./watch_topic dbserver1.nw.customers
./watch_topic dbserver1.nw.orders
cd_docker debezium_ksql_kafka/bin_sh
# Check status
curl -Ss -H "Accept:application/json" localhost:8083/ | jq
# List registered connectors
curl -Ss -H "Accept:application/json" localhost:8083/connectors/ | jq
The last command should display the connectors that we registered previously.
The following scripts are provided to drop KSQL/ksqlDB queries using the KSQL/ksqlDB REST API.
cd_docker debezium_ksql_kafka/bin_sh
# Drop all queries
# Drop all streams
# Drop all tables
To view the map contents, run the read_cache
command as follows:
cd_app perf_test_ksql/bin_sh
./read_cache nw/customers
./read_cache nw/orders
[address=Suite 579 23123 Drew Harbor, Coleburgh, OR 54795, city=Port Danica, companyName=Gulgowski-Weber, contactName=Howell, contactTitle=Forward Marketing Facilitator, country=Malaysia, customerId=000000-0878, fax=495.815.0654, phone=1-524-196-9729 x35639, postalCode=21468, region=ME]
[address=74311 Hane Trace, South Devonstad, IA 99977, city=East Timmyburgh, companyName=Schulist-Heidenreich, contactName=Adams, contactTitle=Education Liaison, country=Djibouti, customerId=000000-0233, fax=074.842.7598, phone=959-770-3197 x7440, postalCode=68067-2632, region=NM]
[address=22296 Toshia Hills, Lake Paulineport, CT 65036, city=North Lucius, companyName=Howe-Sporer, contactName=Bashirian, contactTitle=Human Construction Assistant, country=Madagascar, customerId=000000-0351, fax=(310) 746-2694, phone=284.623.1357 x04788, postalCode=73184, region=IA]
[address=Apt. 531 878 Rosalia Common, South So, WV 38349, city=New Marniburgh, companyName=Hintz-Muller, contactName=Beier, contactTitle=Banking Representative, country=Tuvalu, customerId=000000-0641, fax=288-872-6542, phone=(849) 149-9890, postalCode=81995, region=MI]
You can also install the desktop app and query the map contents.
create_app -product hazelcast -app desktop
Run the desktop and login with your user ID and the default locator of localhost:5701
. Password is not required.
cd_app desktop/bin_sh
# Stop KSQL and Kafka containers
cd_docker debezium_ksql_kafka
docker compose down
# Or stop ksqlDB and Kafka containers
cd_docker debezium_ksql_kafka
docker compose -f docker-compose-ksqldb.yaml down
# Stop Hazelcast containers
cd_docker hazelcast
docker compose down
# Remove my_network
docker network rm my_network
# Prune all stopped containers
docker container prune
- Querying Debezium Change Data Events With KSQL, Jiri Pechanec, Debezium blog,
- Debizium-Kafka Hazelcast Connector, PadoGrid bundle,
- Debezium-Hive-Kafka Hazelcast Connector, Padogrid bundle,
- Confluent KSQL, GitHub,
- ksqlDB Quickstart,
PadoGrid | Catalogs | Manual | FAQ | Releases | Templates | Pods | Kubernetes | Docker | Apps | Quick Start