An AVR HVSP programmer with a CH341 device
As the name says, this is an application for programming AVR chips with HVSP protocol using a CH341.
This library is based on the module contained in CH341PAR_LINUX.ZIP published by WCH:
The application has been tested on an ATTiny85 with a YSUMA01-341A module, and I think it must work with any EPP/I2C/SPI module based on the CH341 chip (and maybe any CH34X)
In the folder Hardware you can find an schematic and a Kicad project.
The project is based on a board with access to all the GPIO (you can see the boards here) and a MT3608 voltage booster for getting the required 12V in the AVR reset pin.
The GPIO assignment is as follows, but you can change it (don't forget to change it in code too)
|CH341 GPIO |AVR HVSP | |D0|RST| |D1|SCI| |D2|SDO| |D3|SII| |D4|SDI| |D5|Vcc control|
For linking the project you need libusb-1.0 installed.
The application uses an intel hex class from Stuart Cording ( which has it's own license. A copy of it is included with the class files.
If you want to use the application as a non root user copy the file rules/99-ch341-gpio.rules to the /etc/udev/rules.d/ directory.
If you need to change the pin assignments in hardware, you also need to change them in sofware/ch341i.cpp:
//CH341-HVSP pinout
#define RST D0// Output !RESET from npn transistor to Pin 1 (PB5) on ATTiny85
#define CLKOUT D1 // Connect to Serial Clock Input (SCI) Pin 2 (PB3) on ATTiny85
#define DATAIN D2 // Connect to Serial Data Output (SDO) Pin 7 (PB2) on ATTiny85
#define INSTOUT D3 // Connect to Serial Instruction Input (SII) Pin 6 (PB1) on ATTiny85
#define DATAOUT D4 // Connect to Serial Data Input (SDI) Pin 5 (PB0) on ATTiny85
#define VCC D5 // Connect to !VCC through pnp transistor
The syntax is similar to avrdude:
- -e: erases the chip.
- -U: memory operation with the same syntax as avrdude
Only intel hex format is allowed by now.
This application is under GPL v3, and greater, license. A copy of it is included.