The distributed problem solver framework builder 1.8 version is an installer and it is available at:
- You need to download
to your local hard drive for launching that installer. JAVA JSE 8.x is necessary for runnig this JAR file.
- From directory where you have downloaded the installer, configure the CLASSPATH variable for correct operation.
dpsFrameworkBuilder-full-1.8.jar file
is 24.099.219 bytes in size.
:: Windows only:
> java -version
> set CLASSPATH=./*;lib/*;
:: GNU-Linux or OS-X:
$ java -version
$ export CLASSPATH=./*:lib/*:
:: Test it with:
$ java -jar dpsFrameworkBuilder-full-1.8.jar
- You should then get console output like the following.
Node Board Monitor Stage-Node Project: DPS-framework
---- ----- ------- ---------- JADE Agents to distribute RBES Apps
O || __ ______________________________________
O || O / \ /
O || O \__/ /
Usage: java framework [option]
Options : [new |--new=] Name # dpsFramework directory.
[-h |--help] # Help or verbose help
[-n |--no-doc] # Don't install Javadoc.
[-l |--no-lib] # Don't install Libraries.
Examples: java framework new set51
java framework -h
version: full-1.8 RF.1921
- If so, everything is correct.
- IMPORTANT: Please, do not forget that this version of
is only operative on Java SE-9 and Java SE-8. - Higher versions of Java SE block access to the Rules-Engine.
First things first: create the agent application directory.
- We propose to create an agent application with a name equal to:
- We propose to create an agent application with a name equal to:
REMEMBER: that all instances of
application deployed on remote servers with will allow theirPS-Agents
type agents, to connect and exchange rules and knowledge. -
Please name your new application whatever you like.
$ > java -jar dpsFrameworkBuilder-full-1.8.jar new AppApollo506 --no-doc
- We have used the
parameter. It is no longer necessary to install a copy of all the documentation in each Application Directory. - Documentation is available at
- The console output will be something like:
Node Board Monitor Stage-Node Project: DPS-framework
---- ----- ------- ---------- JADE Agents to distribute RBES Apps
O || __ ______________________________________
O || O / \ /
O || O \__/ /
New dpsFramework directory: [AppApollo506], is making.
create AppApollo506
create AppApollo506\nodes\Node\var
create AppApollo506\nodes\Node\engine
create AppApollo506\nodes\Node\engine\logs
create AppApollo506\nodes\Node\config
create AppApollo506\nodes\Monitor\var
create AppApollo506\nodes\Monitor\config
create AppApollo506\nodes\Board\var
create AppApollo506\nodes\Board\config
create AppApollo506\logs
create AppApollo506\config
create AppApollo506\lib
create AppApollo506\lib\w64
create AppApollo506\lib\w32
create AppApollo506\lib\ux64
create AppApollo506\lib\ux32
create AppApollo506\lib\mac
create AppApollo506\lib\jena
create AppApollo506\lib\arm
create AppApollo506\lib\Licenses
Framework: [ AppApollo506 ] has been created with structure:
| +-------w64/
+-------(PsNode names)/
| +---config/
| +---engine/
| +---var/
Note before running:
On Windows family : set CLASSPATH=lib/*;
On Linux or OS-X : export CLASSPATH=lib/*:
To access and deploy Agents on this Framework, please follow this steps:
$ home/> cd AppApollo506
$ home/AppApollo506/> java generate
$ home/AppApollo506/> java launcher
$ home/AppApollo506/> java shell
- This verifies that the application environment has been created correctly.
- Now it is necessary to move to the directory, create some agent and launch JADE.
$ > cd AppApollo506
:: Test the environment of PS-Agents with:
:~AppApollo506/ $ > java shell
:~AppApollo506/ $ > java generate
:~AppApollo506/ $ > java launcher
- In this release of PS-Agents-1.8, the utility LAUNCHER can be used to create and launch agents in one step.
:~AppApollo506/ $ > java launcher monitor localhost Mon712
- This generates, in a single step, an agent named
, of thePSAgent-Monitor
type, intended to control and manage other agents belonging to theAppApollo506
application. - When it has created the agent, it then launches the JADE Multi-Agent platform in stealth mode and the
agent itself in the foreground.
Fig. 1: Monitor-Agent GUI with selected Tab JADE-JAVA Shell console at run-time.
- For a rigorous control, you can do the following steps in a manual and controlled way with:
:: Two agents are generated with names: Mon714 and Mon814
:~AppApollo506/ $ > java generate --new=Mon714,Mon814 --type=monitor
:: A JADE instance is launched on localhost (on Windows):
>> start java launcher platform localhost
:: A JADE instance is launched on localhost (on GNU-Linux - OS X):
:~AppApollo506/ $ > java launcher platform localhost &
:: LAUNCHER is used to launch the newly created agents:
:~AppApollo506/ $ > java launcher all-monitors localhost
- But the result will be the same. It will only be necessary to launch in the background so as not to lose control of the console.
- If you have created the PS-Agents type agents in the previous sections, you can also open a small easter-egg found in the `AppApollo56` Application Directory. You can see the types of agents that can be launched with LAUNCHER with the `cat statement:
:~AppApollo506/ $ > cat config/
:: Output:
#Revised at:
#Wed xxxx-xxxx--xxxx CEST 2022
ps.framework.publickey=asfjksd98843.9692adsf name, over here.
ps.framework.keypasswd=password Production-Systems on JADE Platform
ps.framework.node.serie=Node,Monitor,Mon712,Mon714,Mon814 can simulate multiple lines with \\n symbol.
- Well, there is a way to launch TEST, Dummy and PreCOG type agents with the LAUNCHER utility.
- [PS-Agents-1.8] type PsTestAgent, allow creates messages and makes queries to be issued in JESS, Prolog or CLIPS language towards the agents of the AppApollo506 application.
- To get it, you can follow these steps:
$ java launcher platform localhost &
$ java launcher precog localhost Mon712 &
$ java launcher test localhost TestJADE101 &
$ java launcher dummy localhost FamousDummy404 &
- From the
Remote-Engine Shell $:
tab of the PreCog agent namedMon712
, issue to itself a query for the number of classes present in the working memory of a hypothetical agent connected to a CLIPS-type engine. Type for example:(browse-classes)
and press, CTRL+ALT+Enter or press the button with the moth.
Fig. 2: PreCog-Agent GUI with selected Tab Remote-Engine Shell at run-time.
Next, from the agent's Java-JADE Interpreter Shell console tab, proceed with the following command sequence (see: Fig. 3). Remember that you have the keyboard help function activated and you can press the TAB key to retrieve the Functions and Objects of the JADE Framework-API.
If you want to build and send messages to the other open agents, it is necessary to raise the execution level of the agent type [PS-Agents] to level = 5. By pressing the button on the top bar or, if you prefer, with the call a
init( 5 );
function from the Java-JADE Shell shell.
Fig. 3: PreCog-Agent GUI with selected Tab Remote-Engine Shell at run-time.
As can be seen, the agents created with the September 2018 [PS-Agents-1.8] Library can run with Java SE versions from 1.7 (see Fig. 1) to version 11 (see Fig. 3).
However, when it is necessary to use a version of Java greater than 11, it is no longer possible to establish the connection between the agents and the reasoning engines. This has been the reason for the implementation of the Update Process 2022, to generate the new version [PS-Agents-2.1] and propose security changes in the JADE platform, and in other components involved by these agents.
When using JDK-17 or OpenJDK-18, it is only possible to launch agents of type PSTestAgent (Fig.2) or of type
, which is insufficient to create applications with Expert Systems distributed through agents.
[1]: JADE Platform. CSELT, S. & TILab, S. (2017). Jade - java agent development framework. is a framework to develop multi-agent systems in compliance with the fipa specifications. jade 4.5.0 - revision 6825 of 23-05-2017 10:06:04. Open Source, under LGPL restrictions.
[2]: Agent Oriented Programming. Shoham, Y. (2005). Agent oriented programming: An overview of the framework and summary of recent research.
[3]: FIPA. [FIPA00001] FIPA Abstract Architecture Specification. Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, 2002.