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AB's proposal for refactoring the sqw and dnd classes

Duc Le edited this page May 29, 2019 · 3 revisions

Go back: Horace framework redesign ideas

Refactoring the Framework

AB also presented a proposal to rewrite (refactor) parts of the core Matlab Horace code:

This section will deal proposed changes to the sqw and dnd classes.

Another section deals a new base class iSQW for better file handling.

New dnd and sqw class

In the other section, the proposal was to have a base iSQW class from which both sqw and dnd classes will be derived. iSQW will have concrete load and save methods but other methods, including binary and unary operations will be virtual and be implemented in the sqw and dnd subclasses.

As currently, dnd will contain only binned data, whilst sqw will contain both binned data as well as the original pixel data (counts per energy per detector element).

Since sqw will also have binned data, to have better code reuse, AB proposes that each sqw object includes an instance of dnd as one of its data member. As such, methods such as plot which never require pixel information will be a reference to the equivalent dnd call. (An alternative idea is have sqw be a subclass of dnd rather than iSQW directly.)

In addition to dnd, sqw will also have a member which is of a new PixBlock class, which will contain the pixel information and may be file-backed. PixBlock's main method is get_pixels which returns a list of counts within some specified boundaries. (Alternatively, sqw could have multiple inheritance and derive from both dnd and PixBlock.)

New projection class

One of the new features for Horace to be implemented in the PACE project is to support "generic projections". At present, Horace can only rebin along the coordinate axes of the data, either along the actual crystallographic axes (nonorthogonal projections) or along the orthogonalised crystal coordinates used when the data was converted by gen_sqw. In future, it is desirable that the data could also be rebinned in spherical or cylindrical or mixed q-E coordinates.

This will be encapsulated in a new projection class. The main functionality of projection is in the methods get_pixels_rlu and get_contributing_bins which is equivalent to the get_pixels method of PixBlock but in the user's desired coordinate system rather than in the orthogonal crystal coordinates used when the data was generated (e.g. by gen_sqw).

How projection works is unclear from the documents - it seems that it should be a member of dnd but will also need to access the internal data of PixBlock. It might be better if projection is an abstract base class from which both dnd and PixBlock (and hence sqw) inherits and provide concrete implementations of get_pixels_rlu.

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