This script is a CPS like for the Yaesu FT-891, it uses the CAT with the pyserial module to control the transceiver
git clone
cd CPyS-891
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 ./
- Edit the CPyS.cfg and change the COM port (Windows) or the /dev/ttyUSB (Linux) and the baudrate folowing your rig.
- The Live Mode will change immediatly the value parameters. If it is disabled, changes on the FT-891 will be applied when you trigger the "Send config to FT-891"
- For now, you can get all the parameters of the menu with "Get config from FT-891" on the menubar.
- this script is still in developpement, for now, only the Menu of the FT-891 is implemented.
- Menu -> done
- Functions
- Memory -> in progress
- Reset the rig to default config -> done
- Save and open config files
- Presets for quick config
- About
- Documentation