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LDWG Meeting Minutes: May 7, 2018

hesingh edited this page Jun 21, 2018 · 2 revisions

Meeting organized at Cisco in Milpitas; host is Andy Fingerhut


  • Andy Fingerhut
  • Han Wang
  • Andy Keep
  • Chris Sommers
  • Calin Cascaval
  • James Coole
  • Gordon Brebner
  • Milad Sharif
  • Mihai Budiu

Small issues

We agreed to merge this PR.

We agreed to merge this PR.

This PR has already been merged.

Bigger issues

Andy Keep discusses The enum is really a hidden bit<> (or int<>) type. Operations are !=, assignment, cast to/from. Should we allow aliasing of symbolic names? Andy will refine the pull request.

Han: should allow users to specify names for the fields in the set --- this has recently been merged in the compiler by allowing a struct as a value_set type parameter AndyF: one instance of value set should be usable in multiple parser match statements Han: Annotations on struct fields can be used to indicate match kind in the implementation.

We agreed to merge this PR.

This feature was needed to be able to generate the control-plane API. Annotations on types will work better, if they are needed at all.

This half-implemented in the compiler. Mihai should write the spec to describe this feature and submit a PR.

Q: Should we inherit operations?

Q: Should this work for structs, tuples, etc.

Andy: volunteer to write up what operator inheritance to be allowed.

Calin: proposed to rename the operation from "newtype" to simply "type".

Q: We are polluting the language namespace with new global identifiers, which could cause old programs to break. We can attempt to fix this by having a better grammar, and not reserving these identifiers as keywords.

Chris Sommers will write the spec for k=v annotations; it should include an example

How should we handle comments? What is the exact comment syntax supported? We will investigate when a clear need appears; it should be based on Doxygen and JavaDoc, but probably not support all features.

Who needs it? Do we need it for PSA? Milad think so. Milad will write the spec to add the 'int' type. The asymmetry between bit<>/bit and int<>/int is probably not a big concern.

Is this a front-end or back-end issue? Does the spec allow control-flow in actions? Andy: the language should allow control-flow in actions. Han: the spec should be updated if we want this feature.

One possibility: only allow parantheses if an expression is used. Calin: How should the spec be written? without without parentheses? We should try to write the most user-friendly spec.

does this proposal solve all the problems? Special values: NONE vs Null vs default value. None (@optional) = specified by architecture document. Default values can only be a compile-time constant and in arguments. Should see if the PSA could be done cleaner using these tools. Calin: will rewrite PSA. Mihai: will work on the implementation; only about 1/3 done (new syntax accepted).

  • P4 modularity constructs?

Postponed a discussion for later.

Plan to meet on May 21 - last meeting before the workshop.

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