Implementation of design patterns in C++17, compiled with g++.
Inspired by series of Christopher Okhravi's videos
which are based on book Head first - design patterns
All design patterns from original book by gang of four - Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
are implemented in this repo (or rather - soon be!).
Notes, reflections and personal opinions regarding patterns are here.
Every pattern can be compiled by calling make
command in pattern's main directory.
- Strategy
- Observer
- Decorator
- Factory
- Abstract Factory
- Singleton
- Command
- Adapter
- Facade
- Proxy
- Bridge
- Template Method
- Composite
- Iterator
- State
- Null Object
- Visitor
- Flyweight
- Chain of responsibility
- Prototype
- Builder
- Mediator
- Interpreter
- Memento
Dealing with problem of creating objects
Focusing on relationships between objects
Focusing on communication between objects