The platform is a TCE management cluster and a TCE workload cluster where applications will run. The workload cluster can achieve multi-tenancy through namespaces, or it could just be a single-tenant cluster.
The platform is built using the following packages:
- contour as a reverse proxy for ingress into the cluster
- cert-manager for automated certificate management
- external-dns for automated DNS record management
- harbor to store and scan images
- kpack to build source code into images
- cartographer to coordinate the steps to turn source code into running application
- fluxcd
- source-controller for app-related GitOps
- kustomize-controller for platform-related GitOps
- helm-controller for Helm-based application deployments (e.g.: PostgreSQL)
The platform supports two supply chains, both of which assume a Spring Boot application:
-- Retrieve source code from a git repository, build it into an image, run the image on the cluster using kubernetes-native objects. Gets a URL, certificate, and ingress from the Internet.source-to-url-with-postgres
-- same as above, but uses Knative and deploys a PostgreSQL database and binds it to the application.
If a development team wants to deploy an application with a different stack or requirements such as a C#/.NET app with a Redis backend, they can, but there is no supply chain automation to do it. There is automation the team can leverage, such as kpack, cert-manager, external-dns, fluxcd, et al -- but none of it is automated in a supply chain.
The supply chains assume, expect, or produce the following:
- The platform owners prepared a namespace for the development team by following the Onboarding Guide. This includes setting up some resources on which the supply chains depend.
- The application's git repository is private and accessed via SSH over the Internet
- The source code in git is a Spring Boot application with a PostgreSQL driver on the classpath
- There is a secret for git repository access using SSH authentication named
in the team's namespace.- See FluxCD's GitRepository spec to create the secret.
- The PostgreSQL instance will have a single database named
, with a user named{workload-name}
and the password "keepitsimple" - The name of the image will be
- The image will be stored in Harbor under the
project - The URL will be https://workload-name.namespace-name.domain
- The domain is currently configured to be
- The domain is currently configured to be