I created a report software with woocommerce system.
Sample report view (Upper part, there are company info etc.)
$ pip install flask
$ pip instal pandas
$ pip install pdfkit
$ brew install wkhtmltopdf
Before running the code, you should fill fields in configuration.json;
info -> name
info -> fullname
email -> sender
email -> sender password
reports -> name etc. fields..
Inside the reports-> woocommerce ;
There are two fields for each website "consumer_key" "consumer_secret"
Open your woocommerce website panel, woocommerce-> settings -> advanced -> RESTAPI
Create a rest api key, it will provide these two fields. So you can access woocommerce reports directly.
Inside this program, I only provided status==completed transaction reports and their tax calculation for sweden. You can play with code to change them.
For send mail part, change smtplib.SMTP_SSL("mailcluster.loopia.se", 465, context=context) part and add your mail sender SMTP info.
You can also create a packet after edit with pyinstaller.
$ pip install pyinstaller
$ pyinstaller --onefile --add-data 'templates:templates' --add-data 'configuration.json:.' report.py
If you want to work directly from code use main method, otherwise I created a web gui with flask.