Code to reproduce Named Entity Recognition for Nepali Language
We publicly release Nepali NER Dataset version 1 and version 2. We have named this dataset as EBIQUITY as we published this paper/dataset while working in EBIQUITY lab in UMBC. They are further divided into raw and stemmed (brute-force approach) version.
- v1 - IO tagging scheme
- v2 - BIO tagging scheme with corrections. Correction details are stated in README.txt inside the dataset folder. Recommended to use
National Nepali Corpus can be found here
Nepali sentences were collected from online news website of the year 2015-2016 and 2009-2010
Based on number of tokens for entities
Entities | EBIQUITY | ILPRL |
PER | 5059 | 262 |
ORG | 3811 | 180 |
LOC | 2313 | 273 |
MISC | 0 | 461 |
Total sentences | 3606 | 548 |
Embeddings | Raw | Stemmed |
Random | 73.98 | 76.410 |
Word2Vec_CBOW | 74.465 | 82.230 |
Word2Vec_Skip Gram | 76.873 | 84.330 |
GloVe | 75.718 | 83.833 |
fastText_Pretrained | 80.403 | 82.068 |
fastText_CBOW | 78.343 | 81.415 |
fastText_Skip Gram | 81.793 | 85.535 |
These results are obtained using [conlleval] ( tools
Stanford CRF | 75.160 | 56.250 |
BiLSTM | 85.535 | 77.718 |
BiLSTM + POS | 84.235 | 81.963 |
BiLSTM + CNN (C) | 86.520 | 80.045 |
BiLSTM + CNN (G) | 86.893 | 80.843 |
BiLSTM + CNN (C) + POS | 84.970 | 81.860 |
BiLSTM + CNN (G) + POS | 85.210 | 82.190 |
Bam et al. SVM | 66.26 | 46.26 |
Ma and Hovy w/ glove | 83.63 | 72.1 |
Lample et al. w/ word2vec | 86.49 | 78.48 |
BiLSTM + CNN (G) | 86.893 | 80.843 |
BiLSTM + CNN (G) + POS | 85.210 | 82.190 |
To run 5-fold cross validation for BiLSTM + POS + Grapheme-level CNN model
python -k 5 -d cuda:0 -p -g
- A simple flask based web app
If this dataset helped you in your research, feel free to cite the paper 😄
author={O. M. {Singh} and A. {Padia} and A. {Joshi}},
booktitle={2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC)},
title={Named Entity Recognition for Nepali Language},
keywords={Named Entity Recognition;Nepali;Low-resource;BiLSTM;CNN;Grapheme},