Thanks for contributing on Chocolatey repository.
We're glad that you're using our software. I need to remember that this message was generated automatically.
We need clarify some things before we can review & approve your Pull Request:
- Remember, only create a Pull Request to the
branch. - Explain your changes on your Pull Request
- You need specify the purpose of the change
- We also recommend to add screenshots of what was added.
- We also recommend that you inform why those changes are useful.
We really recommend using Lightshot to take your screenshot. It allows marks, annotations and more.
Also we recommend specify some Informations about your OS like.:
- Operational System
- Which Web Server are you using (like XAMPP)
- Which version of Web Server Using (eg.: 1.7.3)
- Which version of php & mysql & apache using. (Specify if is possible)
- How much RAM does you have?
You wait.
We have ful-jobs and a life, we will receive updates by e-mail and soon as possible update your PR by tagging it correctly, assigning to our team and obviously answering it.
We will review and if everything OK approve your PR with some time. Since we need analyze what's happening here.
Remember to test your changes before commiting it.
Remember also to undo any change on configuration files that you may have done.
- This BOT was originally created by @ajdlinux and @daxtens.
- Edited by @sant0ro for own purposes.
- Contributors of Chocolatey @BobyTS and @s150217754