- 👋 Hi, I’m Ese Ovie with Github userID, @ovese
- 👀 I’m interested in robotics, application development using c++, python, Matlab/Simulink and authorship
- 🌱 I actively use git as my goto VCS, Visual studio code and visual studio, standard template on c++, generic programming
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on python and c++ projects, modeling and development of engineering solutions to everyday problems, Matlab/Simulink, authoring
- 📫 How to reach me: via email oveseovese@gmail.com
I am an enthusiastic tinkerer and research scientist with a passion for automation and software engineering. The languages I speak in no particular order are: _Python, French, C++, English, HTML, Matlab script, UML, _; all depending on who my audience is, which could be a person or a computer.
Currently, I am an active user of:
- Python and C++ for applications and Embedded programming.
- Writing, debugging and executing code on windows or Linux
- Visual studio code and community edition
- Using Linux file system handling (Ubuntu)
- To a lesser degree python for web development using the Django framework.
- MySQL and SQL
- Git for version control via CLI
- Matlab/Simulink for MBSE and control
- Opcat for MBSE state and bahavioral modeling
Links to some python project implemented during my bootcamp: https://github.com/ovese/finalCapstone
Some C++ projects from my recent bootcamp. A reproduction of tasks in the c++ language https://github.com/ovese/bootcampcpp