An app made with react and redux to manage your todo tasks bootstrapped with vite.
Deployed at:
- react, typescript
- react router
- redux-toolkit and redux-toolkit query
- redux-persist
- Chakra-ui, react-icons
- framer-motion
- react-hook-form, Yup validation
- jest
- Protected routes with react-router
- Optimistic-pessimistic updates, no unnecessary network requests and fetching todos with with rtk-query
- Persisting user image(base64) and username information in localStorage with redux-toolkit and redux-persist + logout
- Custom Toast Middleware for redux to manage notification toasts from 1 place
- Dark mode and skeleton loader with Chakra-ui
- pagination with custom usePagination Hook
- Framer-motion for UI animations and toast notifications
- React Hook Form for forms, YUP for validations
- User need login with nickname and image to use the app. image stored as base64.
- All API calls made with RTK-Query.
- User can add, edit, delete todos.
- Toast notifications for user on request success and fail
- User can switch between light and dark mode.
- User inputs protected with Yup validation