The modern admin panel for osu! private servers!
It uses libraries such as express for web and is designed to interface with the Ripple stack (mainly with SQL and Redis).
I'm trying to re-code every feature that the RealistikPanel currently has into javascript.
I'm doing this project to learn some frontend and give people a chance of more maintainability
This project is now in work to be deployed as a full replacement to RAP.
Everyday tons of new features
- Recent Plays
- Common statistics and graphs (dashboard)
- Logging in using osu! server accounts
- Bancho & System Settings (viewing and editing)
- Beatmap Ranking (unranking, loving and ranking) //to be done
- Discord Webhook (sends an embed whenever a map is ranked/unranked/loved) //to be done
- RAP Log (viewing and logging)
- Privileges (checking if they are sufficient, creating privilege groups and assigning them) //to be finished
- Viewing the user list
- Editing users //to be finished
- Creating and assigning badges //to be done
- Management of clans and clan members //to be done
Almost everything RAP has to offer and more!
To get help, report bugs or suggest features, feel free to either create a GitHub issue or contact Lemres#0001 on Discord and I will happily help you.
jasmin has been tested on a VPS running Ubuntu, Python 3.6.9 while using the Ainu database.
User List
User Edit
Beatmap Ranking
Bancho Settings
System Settings
Admin Logs
Privilege Groups
Clan Management
This design is literally a clone of RealistikPanel. Thanks to RealistikDash for letting me use his design and remember kids, always finish your day by going to this link!