OSU Directory Web API.
HTTPS is required for Web APIs in development and production. Use keytool(1)
to generate public and private keys.
Generate key pair and keystore:
$ keytool \
-genkeypair \
-dname "CN=Jane Doe, OU=Enterprise Computing Services, O=Oregon State University, L=Corvallis, S=Oregon, C=US" \
-ext "san=dns:localhost,ip:" \
-alias doej \
-keyalg RSA \
-keysize 2048 \
-sigalg SHA256withRSA \
-validity 365 \
-keystore doej.keystore
Export certificate to file:
$ keytool \
-exportcert \
-rfc \
-alias "doej" \
-keystore doej.keystore \
-file doej.pem
Import certificate into truststore:
$ keytool \
-importcert \
-alias "doej" \
-file doej.pem \
-keystore doej.truststore
This project uses the build automation tool Gradle. Use the Gradle Wrapper to download and install it automatically:
$ ./gradlew
The Gradle wrapper installs Gradle in the directory ~/.gradle
. To add it to your $PATH
, add the following line to ~/.bashrc
$ export PATH=$PATH:/home/user/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-2.4-all/WRAPPER_GENERATED_HASH/gradle-2.4/bin
The changes will take effect once you restart the terminal or source ~/.bashrc
List all tasks runnable from root project:
$ gradle tasks
Generate IntelliJ IDEA project:
$ gradle idea
Open with File
-> Open Project
Copy configuration-example.yaml to configuration.yaml
. Modify as necessary, being careful to avoid committing sensitive data.
Build the project:
$ gradle build
JARs will be saved into the directory build/libs/
Run the project:
$ gradle run
Any code that contains intellectual property from a vendor should be stored in Github Enterprise instead of public Github. Make the name of the contrib repo in Github Enterprise follow this format using archivesBaseName in gradle.properties.
Set the value of getContribFiles to yes in gradle.properties.
Also set the value of contribCommit to the SHA1 of the desired commit to be used from the contrib repository.
Files in a Github Enterprise repo will be copied to this directory upon building the application.
gradle build
Contrib files are copied to:
Clone the skeleton:
$ git clone --origin skeleton git@github.com:osu-mist/web-api-skeleton.git my-api
$ cd my-api
Rename the webapiskeleton package and SkeletonApplication class:
$ git mv src/main/groovy/edu/oregonstate/mist/webapiskeleton src/main/groovy/edu/oregonstate/mist/myapi
$ vim src/main/groovy/edu/oregonstate/mist/myapi/SkeletonApplication.class
Update gradle.properties with your package name and main class.
Replace swagger.yaml with your own API specification.
Update configuration-example.yaml as appropriate for your application.
Update the resource examples at the end of this readme.
Add the skeleton as a remote:
$ git remote add skeleton git@github.com:osu-mist/web-api-skeleton.git
$ git fetch skeleton
Merge the skeleton into your codebase:
$ git checkout feature/abc-123-branch
$ git merge skeleton/master
$ git commit -v
Fetch updates from the skeleton:
$ git fetch skeleton
Merge the updates into your codebase as before. Note that changes to CodeNarc configuration may introduce build failures.
$ git checkout feature/abc-124-branch
$ git merge skeleton/master
$ git commit -v
The Web API definition is contained in the Swagger specification.
The following examples demonstrate the use of curl
to make authenticated HTTPS requests.
This resource returns build and runtime information:
$ curl \
--insecure \
--user "username:password" \
This resource returns an object representing the directory entity matching the osuuid:
$ curl \
--insecure \
--user "username:password" \
{"links":null,"data":{"id":51646559347,"type":"directory","attributes":{"firstName":"Taylor","lastName":"Brown","fullName":"Brown, Taylor Alexander","primaryAffiliation":"Student","jobTitle":null,"department":"Computer Science","departmentMailingAddress":null,"homePhoneNumber":null,"homeAddress":null,"officePhoneNumber":null,"officeAddress":null,"faxNumber":null,"emailAddress":"browtayl@oregonstate.edu","username":"browtayl","osuuid":51646559347}}}
An error is returned if no directory entities match:
$ curl \
--insecure \
--user "username:password" \
{"status":404,"developerMessage":"Not Found","userMessage":"Not Found","code":1404,"details":"http://example.com/errors/1404"}
This resource returns an array of objects representing the directory entities matching the search query:
$ curl \
--insecure \
--user "username:password" \
[{"firstName":"Brandon","lastName":"Lee","fullName":"Lee, Brandon James","primaryAffiliation":"Student","jobTitle":null,"department":"Education","departmentMailingAddress":null,"homePhoneNumber":null,"homeAddress":null,"officePhoneNumber":null,"officeAddress":null,"faxNumber":null,"emailAddress":"leebrand@oregonstate.edu","username":"leebrand","osuuid":78313277887},{"firstName":"Taylor","lastName":"Brown","fullName":"Brown, Taylor Alexander","primaryAffiliation":"Student","jobTitle":null,"department":"Computer Science","departmentMailingAddress":null,"homePhoneNumber":null,"homeAddress":null,"officePhoneNumber":null,"officeAddress":null,"faxNumber":null,"emailAddress":"browtayl@oregonstate.edu","username":"browtayl","osuuid":51646559347},{"firstName":"Brandon","lastName":"Lee","fullName":"Lee, Brandon Michael","primaryAffiliation":"Student","jobTitle":null,"department":"Computer Science","departmentMailingAddress":null,"homePhoneNumber":null,"homeAddress":null,"officePhoneNumber":null,"officeAddress":null,"faxNumber":null,"emailAddress":"leebran@oregonstate.edu","username":"leebran","osuuid":64979932965}]
Search terms match names, email addresses, and usernames. An empty array is returned if no directory entities match:
$ curl \
--insecure \
--user "username:password" \
An error is returned if the request is invalid:
$ curl \
--insecure \
--user "username:password" \
{"status":400,"developerMessage":"Missing query parameter.","userMessage":"Bad Request","code":1400,"details":"http://example.com/errors/1400"}