Porting the “SubGHz_Phy_PingPong” project (STM32Cube, NUCLEO-WL55JC) for the Feather_RAK3172 board.
Project “SubGHz_Phy_PingPong” taken from STM32CubeWL Firmware Package v1.3.0.
The project is based on Teapot Feather RAK3172 Low-cost LoRaWAN Development Board.
Github: Teapotlabs Feather RAK3172
This project implements a Ping-Pong application between two Ping-Pong devices.
Feather RAK3172 boards were used as such devices.
The applications aims to show a simple RX/TX RF link between the two Ping-Pong devices, one will be called Ping the other will be called Pong.
By default, each Ping-Pong Device starts as a master and will transmit a "Ping" message, and then wait for an answer.
At start-up, each Ping-Pong Device has its blue LED blinking with a frequency of approximately 5 Hz. When boards will synchronize (Tx window of one board aligned with Rx window of the other board) the Ping-Pong Devices will blink its blue LED with a frequency of approximately 1 Hz. The first Ping-Pong Device receiving a "Ping" message will become a slave and answers the master with a "Pong" message.
Logs via hyper-terminal complement LEDs indicators.