Automode PlugY support
We have now reached a stage where I am happy to say beta testing should be over for the main application. To celebrate that I have added a lot of new features!
The application now supports automode (OPTIONAL!) What does this mean? Well basically, you can now turn on automode, and the application will detect every time you start a new run ingame and automatically increase the run counter. You still have to manually add drops, however. The automode is of course optional - you can simply turn it off if you do not wish to use it.
How does this work? Well basically, in single player mode every time you leave a game the "<char_name>.d2s" file is updated in your "/Save/" folder. I basically just monitor the update stamp on the file registered by Windows - then every time there is an update to the file, the current run is stopped and a new one is started. Thus, every time you leave a game in single player, you stop the current run and start a new one.
On, what instead happens is that every time you join a new game, the "<char_name>.map" file is updated in your "/Save/" folder. We just use the same approach as above - Thus every time you join a new game, you stop the current run and start a new one.
A little configuration is needed to use the automode. Under options you now find an "Automode" tab. The program will try and find your save folder automatically, but you might need to provide it yourself. Second, you need to choose whether you're using it on PlugY (single player) mode, or on mode. Finally, you need to make sure the character name provided in the profile is correct - if not, the automode wont work.
After configuring the above, you can turn on the automode. NB: If you pause the application, the automode is paused too.
Smaller features:
- The first time you open the app, you are now prompted to create your first profile
- Make application movable with arrow keys
- Tooltips now show for the different options when hovering over the label, providing the user a bit more information about what the option does
- A collected list of all your drops will appear in the bottom of the archive browser, allowing easy copy of only that part
- SOLVED: If you opened two archive browsers and closed the first one before the second one, and then changed colors, the application would crash
- SOLVED: Default hotkeys causing crashes for some users if they conflict with system reserved keys. Now, a check is performed to see if the key is occupied, in which case the default hotkey will be unbound
- SOLVED: Changing between "global" and "on focus" hotkeys for changing tabs in the application can now be done without restarting the app
- SOLVED: Messagebox pop-up windows now correctly share the same icon as the main application
- Item library, potentially autocompletion of item names when writing drops.. still haven't fully decided on how to do this