Clone this repository using git or download using Github interface
Install miniconda distribution for python 3.7 -> link
Open Anaconda Prompt (Miniconda 3) navigate to the tutorial folder and install requirements:
- Optional: you can create separate conda environment for this tutorial from environment file:
conda env create -f conda.yaml
conda activate mlflow-tutorial
- Installing requirements from requirements.txt file:
pip install -r requirements.txt -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
- Optional: you can create separate conda environment for this tutorial from environment file:
Launch Jupyter Lab from from the tutorial directory:
jupyter lab
Launch MLflow server:
mlflow server --backend-store-uri="sqlite:///C:\\path\\to\\project_folder\\backend\\mlflow_data.db" --default-artifact-root="file:///C:\\path\\to\\project_folder\\artifact_store\\"
- backend-store-uri - URI to which to persist experiment and run data (sqlite database in our case).
- default-artifact-root - Local or S3 URI to store artifacts, for new experiments (local folder in our case).
Hint: you can launch MLflow server also from terminal inside Jupyter Lab interface.
Make sure that you can access mlflow server and jupyter notebook from your browser :
- mlflow server : http://localhost:5000/
- jupyter notebook: http://localhost:8888/
Note: There could be some minor changes in the dependencies and files, thus make sure to double-check prior to the event. Note: Tutorial functionality was tested on Windows 10.