Notes for editors:
- All entries by Jan 7, 2022, please 🙏
- Please keep each item to 1-2 sentences max, providing enough information to pique interest and direct readers to external link for more information.
- Event entries: please follow the following format
- Event name, date & time, location, (participation fees): one line about what it is, any registration/submission deadline.
- Always have a call-to-action 📢 - What would you like readers to do with your item? Make it explicit with a verb, e.g. register for this conference, share this tweet
- Think about your audience- what's likely to interest them?
- Avoid "click here" - read more about meaningful link text 🔗
Dear OSC Delft members,
Happy 2022! I hope you've all enjoyed a somewhat restful holiday season.
And a very warm welcome to the 15 new members who have joined us in the last 2 months 👋 If you know anyone who'd appreciate these newsletters, please invite them to join this community.
- Many thanks to all of you who contributed feedback to the National Plan Open Science Ambition Document 2030! You can find here an abridged version of TUD's official response and the Dutch Open Science Communities' collective response.
- We are also thrilled to share a report of OSC Delft activities in 2021 🙌 Read to find out who we are and the activities we have contributed to and organised, as well as some plans for 2022!
- TUD has a new open science website! It aims to be a useful resource for TUD researchers and teachers looking to work more openly, and a place for the TUD community to share their thoughts and experience with open science. Special thank you to the community members who helped us user test this back in June :)
- Don't miss this seminar on Open Source Flow Batteries organised by Delft Open Hardware!
- Date & Time: Jan 21, 14.30-16.30
- Venue: Online
- Register at
- Together with 4TU.ResearchData and Material Pioneers, we are organising a series of workshops on Machine learning in material science for early career researchers in material sciences in Feburary and March - please see our website to find out more, register and share this with interested colleagues!
- Read community member Martijn's experience at MRI together 2021, a conference exploring open MRI research.
- Introduction to Deep Learning workshop organised by the NL eScience Centre, Jan 25-27, online. This is free to attend for all NL researchers.
- OLS, an international open science training and mentoring programme, is open for the application for its 5th round. PhD candidates at the Faculty of Applied Sciences can get 5 discipline-specific GS credits for joining the programme. The deadline for applying is Jan 15. Contact Esther (email redacted)/ Emmy (email redacted) if you have any questions!
- The Code for Science and Society Event Fund provide <20,000USD for organisers of inclusive events and spaces for scientific knowledge exchange. Find out more and apply by Jan 18.
- COESO is funding 5 new pilot projects for <€50,000 each to implement innovative Citizen Science projects in Social Sciences and Humanities - find out more and apply by Jan 30.
- The Earthshot Prize is a prestigious global environment prize and awards up to 1mil GBP to solutions that make tangible progress towards one of the five Earthshots. TU Delft is serving as a nominator for this prize, and the team invites your help in identifying inspiring, inclusive and impactful initiatives to nominate. These solutions should be beyond idea stage, have tested their solution in-field or with target audiences, and are at a ‘tipping point’ for scaling their impact within the next five years. Find out more on this website and send suggestions to [email redacted] by Feb 4, indicating which Earthshot category they concern and including relevant website links.
Interested in attending open science conferences but don't have funding for registration? We have a small budget for this - please email me / to find out more.
- Frictionless Planet - activating the power of open knowledge and data to fight the Climate Crisis, Jan 20/21, online: Join this brainstorming session to discuss how to make open climate data more useful.
- Dutch Recognition and Rewards Festival, Feb 4, online: Join to learn about and discuss the opportunities, challenges and dilemmas of culture and system change
- FOSDEM Open Research Tools and Technologies Dev Room, Feb 5, online: a full programme of talks from teams working on cutting-edge research software and tools.
- Mozilla Festival, March 7-10, online/Amsterdam: Open, hackable, emergent - join this dynamic collaborative event to learn more about and contribute to a more open and healthy internet
- Collaboration Workshop 2022, April 4-7, online: Great unconference to learn more about code review, sustainable software, research ethics, and network with other researchers, research software engineers and open advocates!
Some personal news: I'll be leaving TU Delft at the end of January to take up a new role at Invest in Open Infrastructure. I've really enjoyed getting to know some of you and working with this community - I'd love to stay in touch! You can connect with me on Twitter or Linkedin.
We're looking to recruit someone into the role ASAP, but there will likely be a break in this community's activities. If you are interested in coordinating this community in the mean time, please do let me know - it's a good opportunity to get some hands-on experience in running scientific communities :)
Are there announcements, events and opportunities that you would like to bring to the community for the next newsletter? Please submit an issue or email me.