Welcome to the Sandbox for ideas of things to do with others in the community!
A home for ideas 💭 - the only requirements are that they adhere to our Community Code of Conduct (link to be added), and that they involve at least one member of the community (can be yourself!)
- Size doesn't matter! From big ideas like community-wide events, to suggestions for existing community initiatives, e.g. newsletters, Slack group, membership, etc. They are all welcomed 🌈
- We love half-baked ideas! Opening up the idea earlier means more people get to participate and influence earlier decisions
This repository centres around the use of issues.
- Open a new issue to post a new idea
- To help others understand your idea and be able to contribute effectively, consider including:
- Why? Why would you like to pursue this idea?
- What the idea is, in the simplest langugage possible - include links that can help people understand and learn further, especially if concepts could be unfamiliar to others
- What are the benefits for other members to contribute to the idea/participate?
- If you are asking for contributions from others - what is the time amount of time required? Are there different ways they can contribute (depending, e.g., on the amount of time that they have on hand of this?)
I'm still not sure if I know how to start... - head to the Issues page and see some of the existing ideas being posted to obtain a more concrete overview!
Head to issues, read about the existing ideas and add your comments to the issue! Good comments:
- Questions - to help the proposer(s) explain and map their ideas further, e.g. "Could you please let us know a bit more about why you think this is important?"
- Constructively building on their original ideas, e.g. "I think people in xxx Faculty could also be interested - maybe xxx can help spread the word there?"
- Propose alternatives, constructively, e.g. "I cannot agree more with the importance of achieving xxx - I've recently been at/talked to/seen xxxx, I think it may be a worthwhile alternative to try?"
🌻 Please be respecful, welcoming and open to learning from others in your discussions.