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[{"name":"DatePicker","comment":"\n\n\n# Basic Usage\n\n@docs input, Model, init, setToday, ChangeEvent, update, Settings, defaultSettings, initWithToday\n\n\n# Helpers\n\nFor when you want to be more in control\n\n@docs close, open, setVisibleMonth\n\n","unions":[{"name":"ChangeEvent","comment":" Use in your update function:\n\n update msg model =\n case msg of\n ChangePicker changeEvent ->\n case changeEvent of\n DateChanged date ->\n -- update both date and text\n ( { model\n | date = Just date\n , dateText = Date.toIsoString date\n }\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n TextChanged text ->\n ( { model\n | date =\n -- parse the text in any way you like\n Date.fromIsoString text\n |> Result.toMaybe\n |> Maybe.Extra.orElse\n , dateText = text\n }\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n DateCleared ->\n ( { model\n | date =\n Nothing\n , dateText = \"\"\n }\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n PickerChanged subMsg ->\n -- internal stuff changed\n -- call DatePicker.update\n ( { model\n | pickerModel =\n model.pickerModel\n |> DatePicker.update subMsg\n }\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n","args":[],"cases":[["DateChanged",["Date.Date"]],["TextChanged",["String.String"]],["PickerChanged",["DatePicker.Msg"]]]},{"name":"Model","comment":" ","args":[],"cases":[]}],"aliases":[{"name":"Settings","comment":" ","args":[],"type":"{ firstDayOfWeek : Time.Weekday, language : Maybe.Maybe DatePicker.Language, disabled : Date.Date -> Basics.Bool, pickerAttributes : List.List (Element.Attribute Basics.Never), headerAttributes : List.List (Element.Attribute Basics.Never), tableAttributes : List.List (Element.Attribute Basics.Never), weekdayAttributes : List.List (Element.Attribute Basics.Never), dayAttributes : List.List (Element.Attribute Basics.Never), wrongMonthDayAttributes : List.List (Element.Attribute Basics.Never), todayDayAttributes : List.List (Element.Attribute Basics.Never), selectedDayAttributes : List.List (Element.Attribute Basics.Never), disabledDayAttributes : List.List (Element.Attribute Basics.Never), previousMonthElement : Element.Element Basics.Never, nextMonthElement : Element.Element Basics.Never }"}],"values":[{"name":"close","comment":" Closes the date picker.\n\nExample: close date picker on date input:\n\n DateChanged date ->\n ( { model\n | date = Just date\n , dateText = Date.toIsoString date\n , pickerModel =\n model.pickerModel\n |> DatePicker.close\n }\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n**Note**: the date picker will reopen on _focus_ and _click_.\nTo prevent this, close the date picker on every update:\n\n PickerChanged subMsg ->\n ( { model\n | pickerModel =\n model.pickerModel\n |> DatePicker.update subMsg\n --picker will never open\n |> DatePicker.close\n }\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n","type":"DatePicker.Model -> DatePicker.Model"},{"name":"defaultSettings","comment":" Reasonable default settings.\n","type":"DatePicker.Settings"},{"name":"init","comment":" The initial model of the date picker.\nEasy to us in your own init function:\n\n(You probably want to get todays date to give it to the date picker using [DatePicker.setToday](DatePicker#setToday))\n\n init =\n ( { date = Nothing\n , dateText = \"\"\n , pickerModel = DatePicker.init\n }\n , Task.perform SetToday\n )\n\n","type":"DatePicker.Model"},{"name":"initWithToday","comment":" The initial model of the date picker and sets the given date as today.\n","type":"Date.Date -> DatePicker.Model"},{"name":"input","comment":" Use it like you would `Input.text`, the attributes, `text`, `placeholder` and `label` will behave \nexactly like for `Input.text`. It has however a more complex `onChange`, a `selected` date, the internal `model` and some `settings`.\n\n**Note**: `Events.onClick`, `Events.onFocus` and `Events.onLoseFocus` are used internally by the date picker.\nThis means, that **your own `Events.onClick`, `Events.onFocus` and `Events.onLoseFocus` attributes have no effect and will not fire**.\n\n","type":"List.List (Element.Attribute msg) -> { onChange : DatePicker.ChangeEvent -> msg, selected : Maybe.Maybe Date.Date, text : String.String, label : Element.Input.Label msg, placeholder : Maybe.Maybe (Element.Input.Placeholder msg), model : DatePicker.Model, settings : DatePicker.Settings } -> Element.Element msg"},{"name":"open","comment":" Opens the date picker\n\nExample: start with open picker:\n\n init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )\n init =\n ( { date = Nothing\n , dateText = \"\"\n , pickerModel =\n DatePicker.init\n |>\n }\n , Task.perform SetToday\n )\n\n","type":"DatePicker.Model -> DatePicker.Model"},{"name":"setToday","comment":" Sets the day that should be marked as today.\n","type":"Date.Date -> DatePicker.Model -> DatePicker.Model"},{"name":"setVisibleMonth","comment":" Sets the current visible month of the date picker.\n","type":"Date.Date -> DatePicker.Model -> DatePicker.Model"},{"name":"update","comment":" ","type":"DatePicker.Msg -> DatePicker.Model -> DatePicker.Model"}],"binops":[]}]