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2161 lines (1492 loc) · 149 KB
  1. amazon
  2. analytics
  3. apache
  4. asp-net-core
  5. automation
  6. aws
  7. awx
  8. azure
  9. balancer
  10. bare-metal
  11. bash
  12. bedrock
  13. book
  14. box
  15. cache
  16. capistrano
  17. cassandra
  18. cd
  19. celery
  20. centos
  21. centos7
  22. ceph
  23. certbot
  24. certificate
  25. chatops
  26. ci
  27. ci-cd
  28. cli
  29. cloud
  30. cluster
  31. cmdb
  32. cms
  33. completion
  34. composer
  35. configuration
  36. configuration-management
  37. consul
  38. containers
  39. continuous-integration
  40. dashboard
  41. data
  42. database
  43. debian
  44. debug
  45. demo
  46. deploy
  47. deployment
  48. deployment-strategy
  49. development
  50. devops
  51. devops-tools
  52. digital-ocean
  53. distributed
  54. django
  55. django-rest-framework
  56. docker
  57. docker-compose
  58. docker-container
  59. docker-image
  60. docker-swarm
  61. documentation
  62. dotfiles
  63. dotnet-core
  64. drupal
  65. ec2
  66. elasticsearch
  67. elk
  68. email
  69. environment
  70. etcd
  71. examples
  72. fedora
  73. file
  74. filebeat
  75. firewall
  76. flask
  77. foreman
  78. freebsd
  79. frontend
  80. fusion
  81. gce
  82. git
  83. go
  84. golang
  85. goss
  86. grafana
  87. hadoop
  88. haproxy
  89. hardening
  90. hardware
  91. homebrew
  92. hosting
  93. hpc
  94. http
  95. https
  96. hubot
  97. i3-gaps
  98. i3wm
  99. idrac
  100. image
  101. infrastructure
  102. infrastructure-as-code
  103. install
  104. inventory
  105. iptables
  106. ipython
  107. java
  108. javascript
  109. jenkins
  110. jinja2
  111. jinja2-templates
  112. junos-automation
  113. jupyter-notebook
  114. k8s
  115. kafka
  116. kibana
  117. kubeadm
  118. kubernetes
  119. kubernetes-cluster
  120. lamp
  121. language
  122. laravel
  123. lemp
  124. letsencrypt
  125. linux
  126. load-balancer
  127. local
  128. logging
  129. logstash
  130. mac
  131. macos
  132. mail
  133. mailcatcher
  134. management
  135. mariadb-galera-cluster
  136. memcached
  137. metricbeat
  138. microservice
  139. molecule
  140. monit
  141. monitoring
  142. mysql
  143. napalm
  144. network
  145. nginx
  146. nodejs
  147. nxos
  148. oauth2
  149. openiddict
  150. openshift
  151. openstack
  152. ops
  153. orchestration
  154. ovirt
  155. paas
  156. packer
  157. performance
  158. phoenix
  159. php
  160. playbook
  161. postfix
  162. postgresql
  163. postgresql-database
  164. postgressql
  165. protection
  166. provision
  167. provisioning
  168. proxy
  169. pyez
  170. python
  171. rails
  172. rails-deployment
  173. raspberry-pi
  174. redhat
  175. redis
  176. reverse-proxy
  177. rhel
  178. role
  179. rollback
  180. rtorrent
  181. ruby
  182. rust
  183. rutorrent
  184. scala
  185. security
  186. self-hosted
  187. server
  188. service-discovery
  189. setup
  190. slack
  191. slurm
  192. sonarqube
  193. spa
  194. spark
  195. springcloud
  196. sql
  197. ssh
  198. ssl
  199. st2
  200. stackstorm
  201. sudo
  202. symfony
  203. terraform
  204. test
  205. testing
  206. tmux
  207. tor
  208. travis-ci
  209. tutorial
  210. ubuntu
  211. vagrant
  212. vcs
  213. vim
  214. virtualbox
  215. virtualization
  216. vm
  217. vms
  218. vmware
  219. vpn
  220. webserver
  221. windows
  222. wordpress
  223. zsh


  1. ansible-for-devops. Ansible examples from Ansible for DevOps.
  2. manageiq. ManageIQ Open-Source Management Platform


  1. ansible-role-kibana. Ansible Role - Kibana
  2. ansible-grafana. Platform for analytics and monitoring


  1. ansible-role-apache. Ansible Role - Apache 2.x.
  2. ansible-role-solr. Ansible Role - Apache Solr


  1. aspnet-core-react-template. ASP.NET Core 2.0 / React SPA Template App
  2. aspnet-core-vuejs-template. ASP.NET Core / Vue.js SPA Template App


  1. mac-dev-playbook. Mac setup and configuration via Ansible.
  2. ansible-best-practises. A project structure that outlines some best practises of how to use ansible
  3. raspberry-pi-dramble. Drupal HA/HP Cluster using Raspberry Pis
  4. polemarch. Simply WEB gui for orchestration infrastructure by ansible playbooks. This is only mirror with bins in releases. Original repo on Gitlab.
  5. tensor. Tensor - Comprehensive web-based automation framework and Centralized infrastructure management platform
  6. AnsiPress. AnsiPress - Simple L(Linux) E(NGINX) M(MariaDB) P(PHP7) Shared Hosting Setup
  7. Rocket.Chat.Ansible. Deploy Rocket.Chat with Ansible!
  8. cookiecutter-django-ansible. Powered by Cookiecutter, Cookiecutter Django Ansible is a framework for jumpstarting an ansible project for provisioning a server that is ready for your cookiecutter-django application.
  9. netbox-as-ansible-inventory. Ansible dynamic inventory script for Netbox.
  10. ansible-st2. Ansible Roles and Playbooks to deploy StackStorm
  11. foreman-ansible. Ansible playbook to deploy a complete Foreman instance within minutes.
  12. mariadb-ansible-galera-cluster. Automated installation of MariaDB Galera Cluster using Ansible
  13. ansible-kafka. Ansible Kafka role
  14. td4a. Template designer for automation


  1. kubespray. Setup a kubernetes cluster
  2. manageiq. ManageIQ Open-Source Management Platform
  3. aws-spot-bot. A simple script to automate the creation of the cheapest and most stable AWS spot instances.
  4. mikado. 🤖💨Mikado helps managing your AWS infrastructure for WordPress sites by defining an out-of-box, highly available, easy-to-deploy setup
  5. linchpin. ansible based multicloud orchestrator
  6. django-init. Project template used at Fueled for scaffolding new Django based projects. 💫
  7. django-angular2-fullstack-devops. All-in-one django/angular2 seed with cli interface for multi-environment devops on aws using ansible/packer/terraform
  8. ansible-playbook. Ansible playbook to deploy distributed technologies
  9. lagom-on-kube. This tutorial describes how to bootstrap a production-ready Lagom microservices cluster in a Kubernetes environment.
  10. yesterday-i-learned. Brainfarts are caused by the rupturing of the cerebral sphincter.
  11. ansible-role-cloudformation. Ansible role to render an arbitrary number of Jinja2 templates into cloudformation files and create any number of stacks.
  12. ansible-meta-dynamic-inventory. Naming is hard. This wrapper script allows you to use set notation with dynamic host groups.


  1. awx-container. Ansible Container project that manages the lifecycle of AWX on Docker.
  2. ansible-role-awx. Ansible Role - AWX


  1. manageiq. ManageIQ Open-Source Management Platform
  2. elasticluster. Create clusters of VMs on the cloud and configure them with Ansible.


  1. raspberry-pi-dramble. Drupal HA/HP Cluster using Raspberry Pis
  2. ansible-role-nginx. Ansible Role - Nginx


  1. kubespray. Setup a kubernetes cluster
  2. oneview-ansible. Ansible Modules and Sample Playbooks for HPE OneView


  1. ansible-completion. Basic bash completion for Ansible
  2. catasb. Ansible scripts to setup an 'oc cluster up' environment for testing the Service Catalog and Ansible Service Broker on EC2 or Local


  1. trellis. Ansible playbooks for a WordPress LEMP stack
  2. appflow. Multitenant environment automation.


  1. ansible-for-devops. Ansible examples from Ansible for DevOps.
  2. automate-with-ansible. 《現代 IT 人一定要知道的 Ansible 自動化組態技巧》(freeze)


  1. packer-ubuntu-1604. Packer Example - Ubuntu 16.04 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  2. packer-centos-7. Packer Example - CentOS 7 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  3. packer-ubuntu-1404. Packer Example - Ubuntu 14.04 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  4. packer-centos-6. Packer Example - CentOS 6 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  5. ansible-role-packer-rhel. Ansible Role - Packer RHEL/CentOS Configuration for Vagrant VirtualBox


  1. ansible-role-redis. Ansible Role - Redis
  2. ansible-role-memcached. Ansible Role - Memcached


  1. deploy. Ansible role to deploy scripting applications like PHP, Python, Ruby, etc. in a capistrano style
  2. ansible-rails-deployment. deploy projects using ansible
  3. appflow. Multitenant environment automation.


  1. cassandra-image. Cassandra Image using Packer for Docker and EC2 AMI. Covers managing EC2 Cassandra clusters with Ansible.
  2. lagom-on-kube. This tutorial describes how to bootstrap a production-ready Lagom microservices cluster in a Kubernetes environment.


  1. awx-container. Ansible Container project that manages the lifecycle of AWX on Docker.
  2. ansible-role-awx. Ansible Role - AWX


  1. web_develop. 《Python Web开发实战》书中源码
  2. OpsManage. 自动化运维平台: 代码及应用部署CI/CD、资产管理CMDB、计划任务管理平台、SQL审核|回滚、任务调度、站内WIKI


  1. learning-tools. A collection of tools and files for learning new technologies
  2. ansible-role-apache. Ansible Role - Apache 2.x.
  3. ansible-role-firewall. Ansible Role - iptables Firewall configuration.
  4. ansible-role-security. Ansible Role - Security
  5. packer-centos-7. Packer Example - CentOS 7 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  6. ansible-role-docker. Ansible Role - Docker
  7. ansible-elk. 📊 Ansible playbook for setting up an ELK/EFK stack and clients.
  8. oracle-java. Ansible role to install Oracle Java on Debian and RedHat based distributions.
  9. ansible-role-repo-epel. Ansible Role - EPEL Repository for RHEL/CentOS
  10. mattermost-ansible. Ansible playbook to provide a turnkey solution for the Team Edition of Mattermost
  11. packer-centos-6. Packer Example - CentOS 6 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  12. Rocket.Chat.Ansible. Deploy Rocket.Chat with Ansible!
  13. ansible-nagios. ✅ Ansible playbook for setting up the Nagios monitoring system and clients.
  14. kubeadm-playbook. Fully fledged Kubernetes Cluster using kubeadm with Ansible for : RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu(debian based) with support of http_proxy, dashboard installed, ingress controller, prometheus, heapster, etc are installed using official helm charts
  15. ansible-role-hardening. Ansible role to apply a security baseline. Systemd edition.
  16. ansible-role-test-vms. A Vagrant configuration to test Ansible roles against a variety of Linux distributions.
  17. ansible-role-packer-rhel. Ansible Role - Packer RHEL/CentOS Configuration for Vagrant VirtualBox
  18. ansible-role-backup. Ansible Role - Backup for simple servers
  19. ansible-mariadb-galera-cluster.


  1. packer-centos-7. Packer Example - CentOS 7 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  2. oracle-java. Ansible role to install Oracle Java on Debian and RedHat based distributions.
  3. vagrant-centos7-ansible-lamp. Ansible example using Vagrant to deploy Centos7 server with Apache2.4.6, PHP7 (with xdebug), mariaDB5.5 and phpmyadmin to local VM.


  1. chef-bcpc. Bloomberg Clustered Private Cloud distribution
  2. kube-ansible. Build a Kubernetes cluster using Ansible playbooks. 🔧 🔧 🔧


  1. ansible-role-certbot. Ansible Role - Certbot (for Let's Encrypt)
  2. ansible-letsencrypt. Ansible role for LetsEncrypt


  1. ansible-role-certbot. Ansible Role - Certbot (for Let's Encrypt)
  2. ansible-letsencrypt. Ansible role for LetsEncrypt


  1. ansible-hubot. 💬 Ansible role for Hubot
  2. showcase-ansible-chatops. Vagrant Demo showing ChatOps with Ansible


  1. ansible-role-jenkins. Ansible Role - Jenkins CI
  2. awx-container. Ansible Container project that manages the lifecycle of AWX on Docker.
  3. ansible-role-awx. Ansible Role - AWX
  4. drupalci-sonar-jenkins. DEPRECATED - Drupal CI environment with SonarQube and Jenkins for Drupal Core code analysis.


  1. helloworld-msa. Main repository with documentation and support files
  2. tensor. Tensor - Comprehensive web-based automation framework and Centralized infrastructure management platform


  1. linchpin. ansible based multicloud orchestrator
  2. ansible-role-drush. Ansible Role - Drush for Drupal


  1. vps-comparison. A comparison between some VPS providers. It uses Ansible to perform a series of automated benchmark tests over the VPS servers that you specify. It allows the reproducibility of those tests by anyone that wanted to compare these results to their own. All the tests results are available in order to provide independence and transparency.
  2. manageiq. ManageIQ Open-Source Management Platform
  3. elasticluster. Create clusters of VMs on the cloud and configure them with Ansible.
  4. linchpin. ansible based multicloud orchestrator
  5. ECS-CommunityEdition. ECS Community Edition "Free & Frictionless"
  6. rpc-openstack. Rackspace Private Cloud Offering based on OpenStack || Submit bugs to:
  7. drupal-pi. Drupal on a single Raspberry Pi.


  1. raspberry-pi-dramble. Drupal HA/HP Cluster using Raspberry Pis
  2. elasticluster. Create clusters of VMs on the cloud and configure them with Ansible.
  3. kubeadm-playbook. Fully fledged Kubernetes Cluster using kubeadm with Ansible for : RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu(debian based) with support of http_proxy, dashboard installed, ingress controller, prometheus, heapster, etc are installed using official helm charts
  4. mariadb-ansible-galera-cluster. Automated installation of MariaDB Galera Cluster using Ansible
  5. fgci-ansible. 🔬 Collection of the Finnish Grid and Cloud Infrastructure Ansible playbooks
  6. openshifter. Tool for deploying OpenShift clusters and workshops


  1. ansible-cmdb. Generate host overview from ansible fact gathering output
  2. OpsManage. 自动化运维平台: 代码及应用部署CI/CD、资产管理CMDB、计划任务管理平台、SQL审核|回滚、任务调度、站内WIKI
  3. baize. 白泽自动化运维系统:配置管理、网络探测、资产管理、业务管理、CMDB、CD、DevOps、作业编排、任务编排等功能,未来将添加监控、报警、日志分析、大数据分析等部分内容


  1. drupal-vm. A VM for Drupal development
  2. beetbox. Pre-provisioned L*MP stack
  3. Rubel. Rubel - An open source cms built with Laravel and React.
  4. ansible-role-drupal. Ansible Role - Drupal


  1. ansible-completion. Basic bash completion for Ansible
  2. Rocannon. Vim for Ansible playbooks: omni-completion, abbreviations, syntax, folding, K-docs, and colorscheme


  1. ansible-role-composer. Ansible Role - Composer PHP Dependency Manager
  2. beetbox. Pre-provisioned L*MP stack


  1. ansible-role-dotfiles. Ansible Role - Easy and flexible dotfile installation.
  2. mac_config. Scripted installation and configuration of Mac OS X apps and preferences


  1. ansible-st2. Ansible Roles and Playbooks to deploy StackStorm
  2. foreman-ansible. Ansible playbook to deploy a complete Foreman instance within minutes.
  3. ansible-sshjail. An Ansible connection plugin for provisioning FreeBSD jails remotely
  4. mariadb-ansible-galera-cluster. Automated installation of MariaDB Galera Cluster using Ansible


  1. learning-tools. A collection of tools and files for learning new technologies
  2. ansible-consul. 📡 Ansible role for Consul clusters
  3. my-cheat-sheets. A place to keep my cheat sheets for various Apps, Operating Systems and Languages.


  1. manageiq. ManageIQ Open-Source Management Platform
  2. helloworld-msa. Main repository with documentation and support files
  3. ansible-role-docker. Ansible Role - Docker
  4. bookmarks. 🔖 +3.3K awesome resources for geeks and software craftsmen 🍺
  5. adhokku. A toy PaaS


  1. ansible-role-jenkins. Ansible Role - Jenkins CI
  2. ansiblecheck. One Stop Solution For Checking Your Ansible Roles and Playbooks


  1. ansible-dashr. Ansible Dashboard relying on existing Ansible code and logs
  2. kubeadm-playbook. Fully fledged Kubernetes Cluster using kubeadm with Ansible for : RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu(debian based) with support of http_proxy, dashboard installed, ingress controller, prometheus, heapster, etc are installed using official helm charts
  3. ansible-role-kibana. Ansible Role - Kibana


  1. baize. 白泽自动化运维系统:配置管理、网络探测、资产管理、业务管理、CMDB、CD、DevOps、作业编排、任务编排等功能,未来将添加监控、报警、日志分析、大数据分析等部分内容
  2. ansible-role-kibana. Ansible Role - Kibana
  3. ansible-role-backup. Ansible Role - Backup for simple servers


  1. ansible-role-mysql. Ansible Role - MySQL
  2. ansible-role-postgresql. Ansible Role - PostgreSQL
  3. ansible-role-memcached. Ansible Role - Memcached


  1. ansible-role-apache. Ansible Role - Apache 2.x.
  2. ansible-role-firewall. Ansible Role - iptables Firewall configuration.
  3. ansible-role-security. Ansible Role - Security
  4. debops. DebOps - Your Debian-based data center in a box
  5. ansible-role-docker. Ansible Role - Docker
  6. AnsiPress. AnsiPress - Simple L(Linux) E(NGINX) M(MariaDB) P(PHP7) Shared Hosting Setup
  7. oracle-java. Ansible role to install Oracle Java on Debian and RedHat based distributions.
  8. mattermost-ansible. Ansible playbook to provide a turnkey solution for the Team Edition of Mattermost
  9. pimp-my-box. 🌱 Automated seedbox install of rTorrent-PS and PyroScope CLI etc. via Ansible.
  10. Rocket.Chat.Ansible. Deploy Rocket.Chat with Ansible!
  11. ansible-postfix. Ansible role to set up postfix in Debian-like systems
  12. srv01. Automated installation/configuration/maintenance tool for personal servers
  13. ansible-wordpress. Ansible role to set up (multiple) wordpress installations in Debian-like systems (using wp-cli)
  14. ansible-debian. Buildfiles: Ansible automated leight-weight and sensible Debian provisioning
  15. ansible-supervisor. Ansible role to set up (the latest or a specific version of) supervisor in Debian-like systems
  16. ansible-role-backup. Ansible Role - Backup for simple servers
  17. ansible-mariadb-galera-cluster.


  1. ansible-role-php-xdebug. Ansible Role - PHP Xdebug
  2. ansible-role-mailhog. Ansible Role - MailHog for catching and viewing emails


  1. helloworld-msa. Main repository with documentation and support files
  2. showcase-ansible-chatops. Vagrant Demo showing ChatOps with Ansible


  1. deploy. Ansible role to deploy scripting applications like PHP, Python, Ruby, etc. in a capistrano style
  2. OpsManage. 自动化运维平台: 代码及应用部署CI/CD、资产管理CMDB、计划任务管理平台、SQL审核|回滚、任务调度、站内WIKI
  3. appflow. Multitenant environment automation.


  1. deploy. Ansible role to deploy scripting applications like PHP, Python, Ruby, etc. in a capistrano style
  2. ansible-rails. Ansible: Ruby on Rails Server
  3. rollback. Ansible role to rollback scripting applications like PHP, Python, Ruby, etc. in a capistrano style
  4. helloworld-msa. Main repository with documentation and support files
  5. ansible-rails-deployment. deploy projects using ansible
  6. drupal-pi. Drupal on a single Raspberry Pi.
  7. rails-deploy. Ansible scripts to setup a fully loaded ruby/rails web server
  8. ansible-st2. Ansible Roles and Playbooks to deploy StackStorm
  9. easy-ansible. 基于Ansible的自动部署平台-Automatical Deployment Platform Based on Ansible。
  10. adhokku. A toy PaaS


  1. deploy. Ansible role to deploy scripting applications like PHP, Python, Ruby, etc. in a capistrano style
  2. rollback. Ansible role to rollback scripting applications like PHP, Python, Ruby, etc. in a capistrano style


  1. drupal-vm. A VM for Drupal development
  2. beetbox. Pre-provisioned L*MP stack
  3. ansible-role-dotfiles. Ansible Role - Easy and flexible dotfile installation.
  4. ansible-role-mailhog. Ansible Role - MailHog for catching and viewing emails
  5. ansible-role-drush. Ansible Role - Drush for Drupal


  1. ansible-for-devops. Ansible examples from Ansible for DevOps.
  2. ansible-vagrant-examples. Ansible examples using Vagrant to deploy to local VMs.
  3. ansible-interactive-tutorial. Interactive Ansible tutorials with dead simple setup via Docker
  4. ios-dev-playbook. 不会运维的 iOS 开发不是好设计师。这个 Ansible Playbook 能快速配置 iOS 开发需要的服务,安装如 Gogs、GitLab、Jenkins、Ghost、Ajenti 等常用服务。
  5. raspberry-pi-dramble. Drupal HA/HP Cluster using Raspberry Pis
  6. lain. LAIN's main repo
  7. helloworld-msa. Main repository with documentation and support files
  8. bootslap. ☕ bootstraps macOS to be non-useless
  9. baize. 白泽自动化运维系统:配置管理、网络探测、资产管理、业务管理、CMDB、CD、DevOps、作业编排、任务编排等功能,未来将添加监控、报警、日志分析、大数据分析等部分内容
  10. nci-ansible-ui. Simple web interface for run ansible playbooks
  11. 5minutes. First 5 minutes on new servers. Secure your servers with single command - Ansible playbook
  12. JJG-Ansible-Windows. [DEPRECATED] Windows shell provisioning script to bootstrap Ansible from within a Vagrant VM.
  13. netbox-as-ansible-inventory. Ansible dynamic inventory script for Netbox.
  14. drupal-pi. Drupal on a single Raspberry Pi.
  15. ansible-st2. Ansible Roles and Playbooks to deploy StackStorm
  16. django-angular2-fullstack-devops. All-in-one django/angular2 seed with cli interface for multi-environment devops on aws using ansible/packer/terraform
  17. automate-with-ansible. 《現代 IT 人一定要知道的 Ansible 自動化組態技巧》(freeze)
  18. dev-box. Development Box Provisioning in Ansible
  19. ansible-playbook. Ansible playbook to deploy distributed technologies
  20. oneview-ansible. Ansible Modules and Sample Playbooks for HPE OneView
  21. bookmarks. 🔖 +3.3K awesome resources for geeks and software craftsmen 🍺
  22. cassandra-image. Cassandra Image using Packer for Docker and EC2 AMI. Covers managing EC2 Cassandra clusters with Ansible.
  23. lykops. lykops是一套web可视化的运维自动化项目,基于python3+django开发的。可视化、简化执行ansible任务,并提供详细的任务执行报告。
  24. ansible-windows-docker-springboot. Example project showing how to provision, deploy, run & orchestrate Spring Boot apps with Docker Windows Containers on Docker Windows native using Packer, Powershell, Vagrant & Ansible
  25. ansible-playbooks. Roles and playbooks for Ansible
  26. ansible-meta-dynamic-inventory. Naming is hard. This wrapper script allows you to use set notation with dynamic host groups.


  1. lykops. lykops是一套web可视化的运维自动化项目,基于python3+django开发的。可视化、简化执行ansible任务,并提供详细的任务执行报告。
  2. ansible-meta-dynamic-inventory. Naming is hard. This wrapper script allows you to use set notation with dynamic host groups.


  1. ansible-digitalocean. DIgital Ocean Ansible playbooks
  2. ansible-nodejs-digitalocean. Complete playbook to create and deploy a Node.js application on Digital Ocean.


  1. raspberry-pi-dramble. Drupal HA/HP Cluster using Raspberry Pis
  2. ansible-role-git. Ansible Role - Git


  1. awx. AWX Project
  2. polemarch. Simply WEB gui for orchestration infrastructure by ansible playbooks. This is only mirror with bins in releases. Original repo on Gitlab.
  3. baize. 白泽自动化运维系统:配置管理、网络探测、资产管理、业务管理、CMDB、CD、DevOps、作业编排、任务编排等功能,未来将添加监控、报警、日志分析、大数据分析等部分内容
  4. django-init. Project template used at Fueled for scaffolding new Django based projects. 💫
  5. cookiecutter-django-ansible. Powered by Cookiecutter, Cookiecutter Django Ansible is a framework for jumpstarting an ansible project for provisioning a server that is ready for your cookiecutter-django application.
  6. django-angular2-fullstack-devops. All-in-one django/angular2 seed with cli interface for multi-environment devops on aws using ansible/packer/terraform
  7. yesterday-i-learned. Brainfarts are caused by the rupturing of the cerebral sphincter.


  1. awx. AWX Project
  2. polemarch. Simply WEB gui for orchestration infrastructure by ansible playbooks. This is only mirror with bins in releases. Original repo on Gitlab.
  3. docker-cloud-platform. 使用Docker构建云平台,Docker云平台系列共三讲,Docker基础、Docker进阶、基于Docker的云平台方案。OpenStack+Docker+RestAPI+OAuth/HMAC+RabbitMQ/ZMQ+OpenResty/HAProxy/Nginx/APIGateway+Bootstrap/AngularJS+Ansible+K8S/Mesos/Marathon构建/探索微服务最佳实践。


  1. teleport. Modern SSH server for clusters and teams.
  2. ansible-vagrant-examples. Ansible examples using Vagrant to deploy to local VMs.
  3. molecule. Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles.
  4. ansible-interactive-tutorial. Interactive Ansible tutorials with dead simple setup via Docker
  5. learning-tools. A collection of tools and files for learning new technologies
  6. configuration. A simple, but flexible, way for anyone to stand up an instance of the Open edX platform that is fully configured and ready-to-go
  7. kubeasz. 使用Ansible脚本安装K8S集群,介绍组件交互原理,方便直接,不受国内网络环境影响
  8. infrastructure-as-code-tutorial. Infrastructure As Code Tutorial. Covers Packer, Terraform, Ansible, Vagrant, Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes
  9. docker.ubuntu. Docker role for Ansible on Ubuntu 14.04+
  10. lain. LAIN's main repo
  11. docker-ansible. Docker images for Ansible software, installed in a selected Linux distributions (Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS/Alpine).
  12. xxproject. SpringCloud 微服务综合实例。分布式配置中心,服务发现&负载均衡,链路断路器,API网关,OAuth2认证授权,分布式追踪,ELK日志中心,Ansible/Docker持续交付等最佳实践。
  13. Cloudbox. Cloudbox is an Ansible playbook for deploying a cloud media server stack on an Ubuntu server with the use of Docker containers.
  14. helloworld-msa. Main repository with documentation and support files
  15. awx-container. Ansible Container project that manages the lifecycle of AWX on Docker.
  16. ansible-role-docker. Ansible Role - Docker
  17. ansible-dockerswarm. Docker Engine clustering using "Swarm Mode" and Ansible
  18. spamscope. Fast Advanced Spam Analysis Tool
  19. ansible-service-broker. Ansible Service Broker
  20. vagrant-elastic-stack. Giving the Elastic Stack a try in Vagrant
  21. ansible-docker. Install Docker and Docker Compose using Ansible.
  22. beetbox. Pre-provisioned L*MP stack
  23. mqperf.
  24. ops_contrib. Infrastructure code to setup your own VersionEye instance.
  25. vulnerable-apps.
  26. ansiblecheck. One Stop Solution For Checking Your Ansible Roles and Playbooks
  27. generator-mitosis. A micro-service infrastructure generator based on Yeoman/Chatbot, Kubernetes/Docker Swarm, Traefik, Ansible, Jenkins, Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, etc.
  28. HAL-9000. Dominating your dev environment like cats rule the Internet
  29. dotfiles. Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger ― A powerful development environment for full-stack engineers
  30. docker-cloud-platform. 使用Docker构建云平台,Docker云平台系列共三讲,Docker基础、Docker进阶、基于Docker的云平台方案。OpenStack+Docker+RestAPI+OAuth/HMAC+RabbitMQ/ZMQ+OpenResty/HAProxy/Nginx/APIGateway+Bootstrap/AngularJS+Ansible+K8S/Mesos/Marathon构建/探索微服务最佳实践。
  31. my-cheat-sheets. A place to keep my cheat sheets for various Apps, Operating Systems and Languages.
  32. ansible-role-docker. Ansible Role for deploying docker-engine to hosts
  33. catasb. Ansible scripts to setup an 'oc cluster up' environment for testing the Service Catalog and Ansible Service Broker on EC2 or Local
  34. ansible-windows-docker-springboot. Example project showing how to provision, deploy, run & orchestrate Spring Boot apps with Docker Windows Containers on Docker Windows native using Packer, Powershell, Vagrant & Ansible
  35. lagom-on-kube. This tutorial describes how to bootstrap a production-ready Lagom microservices cluster in a Kubernetes environment.
  36. yesterday-i-learned. Brainfarts are caused by the rupturing of the cerebral sphincter.
  37. appflow. Multitenant environment automation.


  1. infrastructure-as-code-tutorial. Infrastructure As Code Tutorial. Covers Packer, Terraform, Ansible, Vagrant, Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes
  2. xxproject. SpringCloud 微服务综合实例。分布式配置中心,服务发现&负载均衡,链路断路器,API网关,OAuth2认证授权,分布式追踪,ELK日志中心,Ansible/Docker持续交付等最佳实践。
  3. ansible-docker. Install Docker and Docker Compose using Ansible.
  4. docker-cloud-platform. 使用Docker构建云平台,Docker云平台系列共三讲,Docker基础、Docker进阶、基于Docker的云平台方案。OpenStack+Docker+RestAPI+OAuth/HMAC+RabbitMQ/ZMQ+OpenResty/HAProxy/Nginx/APIGateway+Bootstrap/AngularJS+Ansible+K8S/Mesos/Marathon构建/探索微服务最佳实践。
  5. ansible-windows-docker-springboot. Example project showing how to provision, deploy, run & orchestrate Spring Boot apps with Docker Windows Containers on Docker Windows native using Packer, Powershell, Vagrant & Ansible


  1. openjdk-build. AdoptOpenJDK community OpenJDK build scripts - common across all releases/versions
  2. ansible-windows-docker-springboot. Example project showing how to provision, deploy, run & orchestrate Spring Boot apps with Docker Windows Containers on Docker Windows native using Packer, Powershell, Vagrant & Ansible


  1. ansible-silo. Ansible in a self-contained environment via Docker.
  2. spamscope. Fast Advanced Spam Analysis Tool


  1. ansible-dockerswarm. Docker Engine clustering using "Swarm Mode" and Ansible
  2. ansible-windows-docker-springboot. Example project showing how to provision, deploy, run & orchestrate Spring Boot apps with Docker Windows Containers on Docker Windows native using Packer, Powershell, Vagrant & Ansible


  1. helloworld-msa. Main repository with documentation and support files
  2. Rocannon. Vim for Ansible playbooks: omni-completion, abbreviations, syntax, folding, K-docs, and colorscheme
  3. ansible-docgen. Generate documentation from annotated Ansible Playbooks and Roles


  1. wincent. Dot-files
  2. dotfiles. My precious configs
  3. ansible-role-dotfiles. Ansible Role - Easy and flexible dotfile installation.
  4. dotfiles. Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger ― A powerful development environment for full-stack engineers
  5. machine. Machine setup, powered by Ansible
  6. ansible-debian. Buildfiles: Ansible automated leight-weight and sensible Debian provisioning


  1. aspnet-core-react-template. ASP.NET Core 2.0 / React SPA Template App
  2. aspnet-core-vuejs-template. ASP.NET Core / Vue.js SPA Template App


  1. drupal-vm. A VM for Drupal development
  2. raspberry-pi-dramble. Drupal HA/HP Cluster using Raspberry Pis
  3. AnsiPress. AnsiPress - Simple L(Linux) E(NGINX) M(MariaDB) P(PHP7) Shared Hosting Setup
  4. beetbox. Pre-provisioned L*MP stack
  5. drupal-pi. Drupal on a single Raspberry Pi.
  6. ansible-role-drupal. Ansible Role - Drupal
  7. drupalci-sonar-jenkins. DEPRECATED - Drupal CI environment with SonarQube and Jenkins for Drupal Core code analysis.
  8. ansible-role-drush. Ansible Role - Drush for Drupal


  1. molecule. Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles.
  2. elasticluster. Create clusters of VMs on the cloud and configure them with Ansible.
  3. cassandra-image. Cassandra Image using Packer for Docker and EC2 AMI. Covers managing EC2 Cassandra clusters with Ansible.
  4. catasb. Ansible scripts to setup an 'oc cluster up' environment for testing the Service Catalog and Ansible Service Broker on EC2 or Local


  1. ansible-elasticsearch. Ansible playbook for Elasticsearch
  2. ansible-elk. 📊 Ansible playbook for setting up an ELK/EFK stack and clients.
  3. vagrant-elastic-stack. Giving the Elastic Stack a try in Vagrant
  4. ansible-role-elasticsearch. Ansible Role - Elasticsearch
  5. generator-mitosis. A micro-service infrastructure generator based on Yeoman/Chatbot, Kubernetes/Docker Swarm, Traefik, Ansible, Jenkins, Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, etc.


  1. xxproject. SpringCloud 微服务综合实例。分布式配置中心,服务发现&负载均衡,链路断路器,API网关,OAuth2认证授权,分布式追踪,ELK日志中心,Ansible/Docker持续交付等最佳实践。
  2. ansible-elk. 📊 Ansible playbook for setting up an ELK/EFK stack and clients.
  3. ansible-role-logstash. Ansible Role - Logstash
  4. ansible-role-elasticsearch. Ansible Role - Elasticsearch
  5. ansible-role-kibana. Ansible Role - Kibana
  6. ansible-elk-playbook. A playbook for setting up the ELK Stack + beats log shippers on Ubuntu 16.04 and above
  7. ansible-role-logstash-forwarder. Ansible Role - Logstash Forwarder


  1. ansible-role-postfix. Ansible Role - Postfix
  2. ansible-role-mailhog. Ansible Role - MailHog for catching and viewing emails


  1. drupal-vm. A VM for Drupal development
  2. beetbox. Pre-provisioned L*MP stack
  3. ansible-repertory.


  1. learning-tools. A collection of tools and files for learning new technologies
  2. kubeasz. 使用Ansible脚本安装K8S集群,介绍组件交互原理,方便直接,不受国内网络环境影响
  3. ansible-etcd.


  1. ansible-for-devops. Ansible examples from Ansible for DevOps.
  2. ansible-vagrant-examples. Ansible examples using Vagrant to deploy to local VMs.
  3. helloworld-msa. Main repository with documentation and support files


  1. ansible-role-apache. Ansible Role - Apache 2.x.
  2. ansible-role-firewall. Ansible Role - iptables Firewall configuration.
  3. ansible-role-security. Ansible Role - Security
  4. fedora-ansible. Ansible playbooks for Fedora


  1. ansible-role-nfs. Ansible Role - NFS
  2. ansible-role-glusterfs. Ansible Role - GlusterFS


  1. vagrant-elastic-stack. Giving the Elastic Stack a try in Vagrant
  2. ansible-elk-playbook. A playbook for setting up the ELK Stack + beats log shippers on Ubuntu 16.04 and above


  1. teleport. Modern SSH server for clusters and teams.
  2. ansible-role-firewall. Ansible Role - iptables Firewall configuration.


  1. web_develop. 《Python Web开发实战》书中源码
  2. fvang. Flask-Vagrant-Ansible-Nginx-Gunicorn Starter Pack
  3. yesterday-i-learned. Brainfarts are caused by the rupturing of the cerebral sphincter.


  1. manageiq. ManageIQ Open-Source Management Platform
  2. forklift. Helpful deployment scripts for Foreman and Katello
  3. foreman-ansible. Ansible playbook to deploy a complete Foreman instance within minutes.


  1. ansible-sshjail. An Ansible connection plugin for provisioning FreeBSD jails remotely
  2. adhokku. A toy PaaS


  1. ansible-cmdb. Generate host overview from ansible fact gathering output
  2. tensor. Tensor - Comprehensive web-based automation framework and Centralized infrastructure management platform


  1. drupal-vm. A VM for Drupal development
  2. packer-ubuntu-1604. Packer Example - Ubuntu 16.04 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  3. packer-centos-6. Packer Example - CentOS 6 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  4. ansible-role-test-vms. A Vagrant configuration to test Ansible roles against a variety of Linux distributions.


  1. kubespray. Setup a kubernetes cluster
  2. molecule. Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles.


  1. ansible-role-gitlab. Ansible Role - GitLab
  2. ansible-role-git. Ansible Role - Git
  3. my-cheat-sheets. A place to keep my cheat sheets for various Apps, Operating Systems and Languages.
  4. adhokku. A toy PaaS


  1. teleport. Modern SSH server for clusters and teams.
  2. terraform-inventory. Terraform State → Ansible Dynamic Inventory
  3. ansible-service-broker. Ansible Service Broker


  1. semaphore. Open Source alternative to Ansible Tower
  2. ansible-service-broker. Ansible Service Broker
  3. devbox-golang. A Vagrant box with Ansible provisioning for setting up a vim-based Go(lang) development environment
  4. generator-mitosis. A micro-service infrastructure generator based on Yeoman/Chatbot, Kubernetes/Docker Swarm, Traefik, Ansible, Jenkins, Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, etc.


  1. molecule. Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles.
  2. goss-ansible. Ansible module for Goss


  1. graphite-stack-ansible-vagrant. Provision a complete Graphite, StatsD & Grafana install using Ansible and (optionally) Vagrant
  2. my-cheat-sheets. A place to keep my cheat sheets for various Apps, Operating Systems and Languages.
  3. ansible-grafana. Platform for analytics and monitoring


  1. elasticluster. Create clusters of VMs on the cloud and configure them with Ansible.
  2. spark2-hadoop2.6-hbase-labs.


  1. ansible-haproxy. Installs and configure HAProxy
  2. ansible-role-haproxy. Ansible Role - HAProxy
  3. docker-cloud-platform. 使用Docker构建云平台,Docker云平台系列共三讲,Docker基础、Docker进阶、基于Docker的云平台方案。OpenStack+Docker+RestAPI+OAuth/HMAC+RabbitMQ/ZMQ+OpenResty/HAProxy/Nginx/APIGateway+Bootstrap/AngularJS+Ansible+K8S/Mesos/Marathon构建/探索微服务最佳实践。
  4. ansible-haproxy. Ansible role to set up (the latest version of) HAProxy in Ubuntu systems


  1. ansible-os-hardening. This Ansible role provides numerous security-related configurations, providing all-round base protection.
  2. ansible-ssh-hardening. This Ansible role provides numerous security-related ssh configurations, providing all-round base protection.
  3. ansible-nginx-hardening. This Ansible role provides secure nginx configurations.
  4. ansible-mysql-hardening. This Ansible role provides security configuration for MySQL.
  5. ansible-role-hardening. Ansible role to apply a security baseline. Systemd edition.


  1. ansible-provisioning. Ansible provisioning framework - a set of modules, plugins, and documentation for provisioning with Ansible
  2. ansible-role-raspberry-pi. Configures a Raspberry Pi (running Raspbian).


  1. mac-dev-playbook. Mac setup and configuration via Ansible.
  2. bootslap. ☕ bootstraps macOS to be non-useless
  3. ansible-role-homebrew. Ansible Role - Homebrew for Mac


  1. vps-comparison. A comparison between some VPS providers. It uses Ansible to perform a series of automated benchmark tests over the VPS servers that you specify. It allows the reproducibility of those tests by anyone that wanted to compare these results to their own. All the tests results are available in order to provide independence and transparency.
  2. ansible-role-gitlab. Ansible Role - GitLab


  1. elasticluster. Create clusters of VMs on the cloud and configure them with Ansible.
  2. fgci-ansible. 🔬 Collection of the Finnish Grid and Cloud Infrastructure Ansible playbooks


  1. ansible-role-nginx. Ansible Role - Nginx
  2. drill. Drill is a HTTP load testing application written in Rust inspired by Ansible syntax


  1. ansible-role-nginx. Ansible Role - Nginx
  2. ansible-role-certbot. Ansible Role - Certbot (for Let's Encrypt)


  1. ansible-hubot. 💬 Ansible role for Hubot
  2. showcase-ansible-chatops. Vagrant Demo showing ChatOps with Ansible


  1. dotfiles. i3-gaps Dark Acid
  2. ansible-debian. Buildfiles: Ansible automated leight-weight and sensible Debian provisioning


  1. dotfiles. i3-gaps Dark Acid
  2. ansible-debian. Buildfiles: Ansible automated leight-weight and sensible Debian provisioning


  1. idrac-ansible-module. Ansible module for Out-Of-Band Controllers using Redfish APIs
  2. ansible-nagios. ✅ Ansible playbook for setting up the Nagios monitoring system and clients.


  1. awx-container. Ansible Container project that manages the lifecycle of AWX on Docker.
  2. packer-ubuntu-1404. Packer Example - Ubuntu 14.04 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  3. packer-centos-6. Packer Example - CentOS 6 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  4. wardroom. A tool for creating Kubernetes-ready base operating system images.


  1. ansible-best-practises. A project structure that outlines some best practises of how to use ansible
  2. ansible-role-docker. Ansible Role - Docker
  3. mikado. 🤖💨Mikado helps managing your AWS infrastructure for WordPress sites by defining an out-of-box, highly available, easy-to-deploy setup
  4. django-angular2-fullstack-devops. All-in-one django/angular2 seed with cli interface for multi-environment devops on aws using ansible/packer/terraform
  5. datagov-deploy. Main repository for's stack deployment


  1. infrastructure-as-code-tutorial. Infrastructure As Code Tutorial. Covers Packer, Terraform, Ansible, Vagrant, Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes
  2. goss-ansible. Ansible module for Goss
  3. shift_ware. ITインフラの構築・運用・保守を自動化するためのフレームワーク
  4. oneview-ansible. Ansible Modules and Sample Playbooks for HPE OneView
  5. kitchen-ansiblepush. test-kitchen plugin to use ansible in push mode


  1. ansible-role-apache. Ansible Role - Apache 2.x.
  2. ansible-role-nodejs. Ansible Role - Node.js
  3. ansible-role-java. Ansible Role - Java.
  4. ansible-role-git. Ansible Role - Git
  5. ansible-role-glusterfs. Ansible Role - GlusterFS


  1. ansible-cmdb. Generate host overview from ansible fact gathering output
  2. linchpin. ansible based multicloud orchestrator
  3. upcloud-ansible. Dynamic inventory and modules for managing servers via UpCloud's API
  4. ansible-debian. Buildfiles: Ansible automated leight-weight and sensible Debian provisioning


  1. ansible-role-firewall. Ansible Role - iptables Firewall configuration.
  2. ansible-role-firewall. A role to manage iptables rules which doesn't suck.


  1. web_develop. 《Python Web开发实战》书中源码
  2. jupyterhub-deploy-teaching. Reference deployment of JupyterHub and nbgrader on a single server


  1. ansible-role-java. Ansible Role - Java.
  2. oracle-java. Ansible role to install Oracle Java on Debian and RedHat based distributions.
  3. ansible-role-logstash. Ansible Role - Logstash
  4. StubbornJava. Unconventional Java code for building web servers / services without a framework. Think dropwizard but as a seed project instead of a framework. If this project had a theme it would be break the rules but be mindful of your decisions.
  5. Ansible-roles. Ansible Roles
  6. ansible-role-solr. Ansible Role - Apache Solr
  7. ansible-role-elasticsearch. Ansible Role - Elasticsearch


  1. awx. AWX Project
  2. semaphore. Open Source alternative to Ansible Tower


  1. ansible-role-jenkins. Ansible Role - Jenkins CI
  2. generator-mitosis. A micro-service infrastructure generator based on Yeoman/Chatbot, Kubernetes/Docker Swarm, Traefik, Ansible, Jenkins, Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, etc.
  3. django-angular2-fullstack-devops. All-in-one django/angular2 seed with cli interface for multi-environment devops on aws using ansible/packer/terraform
  4. ansible-jenkins-pipeline. An Ansible role to install Jenkins with the Pipeline plugin
  5. drupalci-sonar-jenkins. DEPRECATED - Drupal CI environment with SonarQube and Jenkins for Drupal Core code analysis.
  6. ansible-role-jenkins2. This Ansible role can be used to install and manage Jenkins 2.


  1. openconfig-demo-with-juniper-devices. How to configure Juniper devices using configuration data models written in YANG and published on Github by OpenConfig.
  2. junos-automation-with-ansible. How to automate Junos with Ansible. This project has many ready-to-use Ansible playbooks to interact with Junos devices.
  3. td4a. Template designer for automation
  4. ansible-role-cloudformation. Ansible role to render an arbitrary number of Jinja2 templates into cloudformation files and create any number of stacks.


  1. td4a. Template designer for automation
  2. ansible-role-cloudformation. Ansible role to render an arbitrary number of Jinja2 templates into cloudformation files and create any number of stacks.


  1. openconfig-demo-with-juniper-devices. How to configure Juniper devices using configuration data models written in YANG and published on Github by OpenConfig.
  2. junos-automation-with-ansible. How to automate Junos with Ansible. This project has many ready-to-use Ansible playbooks to interact with Junos devices.


  1. web_develop. 《Python Web开发实战》书中源码
  2. jupyterhub-deploy-teaching. Reference deployment of JupyterHub and nbgrader on a single server


  1. kubeasz. 使用Ansible脚本安装K8S集群,介绍组件交互原理,方便直接,不受国内网络环境影响
  2. docker-cloud-platform. 使用Docker构建云平台,Docker云平台系列共三讲,Docker基础、Docker进阶、基于Docker的云平台方案。OpenStack+Docker+RestAPI+OAuth/HMAC+RabbitMQ/ZMQ+OpenResty/HAProxy/Nginx/APIGateway+Bootstrap/AngularJS+Ansible+K8S/Mesos/Marathon构建/探索微服务最佳实践。


  1. generator-mitosis. A micro-service infrastructure generator based on Yeoman/Chatbot, Kubernetes/Docker Swarm, Traefik, Ansible, Jenkins, Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, etc.
  2. ansible-playbook. Ansible playbook to deploy distributed technologies
  3. ansible-kafka. Ansible Kafka role


  1. ansible-elk. 📊 Ansible playbook for setting up an ELK/EFK stack and clients.
  2. vagrant-elastic-stack. Giving the Elastic Stack a try in Vagrant
  3. generator-mitosis. A micro-service infrastructure generator based on Yeoman/Chatbot, Kubernetes/Docker Swarm, Traefik, Ansible, Jenkins, Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, etc.
  4. ansible-role-kibana. Ansible Role - Kibana
  5. ansible-elk-playbook. A playbook for setting up the ELK Stack + beats log shippers on Ubuntu 16.04 and above


  1. rak8s. Stand up a Raspberry Pi based Kubernetes cluster with Ansible
  2. kubeadm-ansible. Build a Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm via Ansible.
  3. kubeadm-playbook. Fully fledged Kubernetes Cluster using kubeadm with Ansible for : RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu(debian based) with support of http_proxy, dashboard installed, ingress controller, prometheus, heapster, etc are installed using official helm charts
  4. k8s-on-openstack. An opinionated way to deploy a Kubernetes cluster on top of an OpenStack cloud.
  5. halcyon-kubernetes. Ansible playbooks for a kubadm-based kubernetes deployment, on supporting any cloud and any kubeadm-enabled OS.


  1. kubespray. Setup a kubernetes cluster
  2. manageiq. ManageIQ Open-Source Management Platform
  3. kubeasz. 使用Ansible脚本安装K8S集群,介绍组件交互原理,方便直接,不受国内网络环境影响
  4. infrastructure-as-code-tutorial. Infrastructure As Code Tutorial. Covers Packer, Terraform, Ansible, Vagrant, Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes
  5. lain. LAIN's main repo
  6. kraken-lib. Kraken-lib
  7. rak8s. Stand up a Raspberry Pi based Kubernetes cluster with Ansible
  8. kube-ansible. Build a Kubernetes cluster using Ansible playbooks. 🔧 🔧 🔧
  9. wardroom. A tool for creating Kubernetes-ready base operating system images.
  10. generator-mitosis. A micro-service infrastructure generator based on Yeoman/Chatbot, Kubernetes/Docker Swarm, Traefik, Ansible, Jenkins, Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, etc.
  11. kubeadm-playbook. Fully fledged Kubernetes Cluster using kubeadm with Ansible for : RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu(debian based) with support of http_proxy, dashboard installed, ingress controller, prometheus, heapster, etc are installed using official helm charts
  12. HAL-9000. Dominating your dev environment like cats rule the Internet
  13. kubernetes-ansible. Deploy Kubernetes with ansible
  14. k8s-on-openstack. An opinionated way to deploy a Kubernetes cluster on top of an OpenStack cloud.
  15. halcyon-kubernetes. Ansible playbooks for a kubadm-based kubernetes deployment, on supporting any cloud and any kubeadm-enabled OS.
  16. my-cheat-sheets. A place to keep my cheat sheets for various Apps, Operating Systems and Languages.
  17. lagom-on-kube. This tutorial describes how to bootstrap a production-ready Lagom microservices cluster in a Kubernetes environment.


  1. kubespray. Setup a kubernetes cluster
  2. kraken-lib. Kraken-lib
  3. rak8s. Stand up a Raspberry Pi based Kubernetes cluster with Ansible
  4. kubeadm-ansible. Build a Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm via Ansible.
  5. lagom-on-kube. This tutorial describes how to bootstrap a production-ready Lagom microservices cluster in a Kubernetes environment.


  1. ansible-role-php. Ansible Role - PHP
  2. ansible-role-apache. Ansible Role - Apache 2.x.
  3. ansible-role-drupal. Ansible Role - Drupal
  4. ansible-role-drush. Ansible Role - Drush for Drupal


  1. ansible-role-nodejs. Ansible Role - Node.js
  2. ansible-role-ruby. Ansible Role - Ruby


  1. AnsiPress. AnsiPress - Simple L(Linux) E(NGINX) M(MariaDB) P(PHP7) Shared Hosting Setup
  2. ansible-provisioning-tywin. Generate your Ansible provisioning for Symfony2, Laravel and Node.js projects
  3. Rubel. Rubel - An open source cms built with Laravel and React.


  1. raspberry-pi-dramble. Drupal HA/HP Cluster using Raspberry Pis
  2. ansible-role-php. Ansible Role - PHP
  3. ansible-role-drush. Ansible Role - Drush for Drupal


  1. ansible-letsencrypt. An ansible role to generate TLS certificates and get them signed by Let's Encrypt
  2. ansible-role-certbot. Ansible Role - Certbot (for Let's Encrypt)
  3. Cloudbox. Cloudbox is an Ansible playbook for deploying a cloud media server stack on an Ubuntu server with the use of Docker containers.
  4. AnsiPress. AnsiPress - Simple L(Linux) E(NGINX) M(MariaDB) P(PHP7) Shared Hosting Setup
  5. django-init. Project template used at Fueled for scaffolding new Django based projects. 💫
  6. ansible-letsencrypt. Ansible role for LetsEncrypt


  1. ansible-os-hardening. This Ansible role provides numerous security-related configurations, providing all-round base protection.
  2. ansible-role-firewall. Ansible Role - iptables Firewall configuration.
  3. ansible-role-security. Ansible Role - Security
  4. ansible-role-java. Ansible Role - Java.
  5. ansible-gpdpocket. Linux Installer for GPD Pocket
  6. dev-box. Development Box Provisioning in Ansible
  7. bookmarks. 🔖 +3.3K awesome resources for geeks and software craftsmen 🍺
  8. ansible-role-backup. Ansible Role - Backup for simple servers


  1. ansible-role-varnish. Ansible Role - Varnish HTTP accelerator
  2. ansible-role-haproxy. Ansible Role - HAProxy


  1. drupal-vm. A VM for Drupal development
  2. beetbox. Pre-provisioned L*MP stack
  3. ansible-role-mailhog. Ansible Role - MailHog for catching and viewing emails


  1. graylog-ansible-role. Ansible role which installs and configures Graylog
  2. ansible-role-logstash. Ansible Role - Logstash
  3. ansible-role-elasticsearch. Ansible Role - Elasticsearch
  4. ansible_stdout_compact_logger. Ansible Stdout Compact Logger
  5. ansible-role-kibana. Ansible Role - Kibana
  6. ansible-role-logstash-forwarder. Ansible Role - Logstash Forwarder


  1. ansible-elk. 📊 Ansible playbook for setting up an ELK/EFK stack and clients.
  2. vagrant-elastic-stack. Giving the Elastic Stack a try in Vagrant
  3. ansible-role-logstash. Ansible Role - Logstash
  4. generator-mitosis. A micro-service infrastructure generator based on Yeoman/Chatbot, Kubernetes/Docker Swarm, Traefik, Ansible, Jenkins, Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, etc.
  5. ansible-role-kibana. Ansible Role - Kibana
  6. ansible-role-logstash-forwarder. Ansible Role - Logstash Forwarder


  1. mac-dev-playbook. Mac setup and configuration via Ansible.
  2. ansible-role-homebrew. Ansible Role - Homebrew for Mac
  3. ansible-role-mas. Ansible Role - Mac App Store CLI.


  1. mac-dev-playbook. Mac setup and configuration via Ansible.
  2. wincent. Dot-files
  3. bootslap. ☕ bootstraps macOS to be non-useless
  4. ansible-playbooks. An evolving set of mac user creation, setup and maintenance playbooks being used at Ideas On Purpose
  5. ansible-role-homebrew. Ansible Role - Homebrew for Mac
  6. HAL-9000. Dominating your dev environment like cats rule the Internet
  7. setupmac. Using Ansible to setup my Mac
  8. dotfiles. Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger ― A powerful development environment for full-stack engineers
  9. mac_config. Scripted installation and configuration of Mac OS X apps and preferences
  10. mac-ansible. Personal mac setup provisioned through Ansible
  11. ansible-role-mas. Ansible Role - Mac App Store CLI.


  1. ansible-postfix. Ansible role to set up postfix in Debian-like systems
  2. ansible-role-postfix. Ansible Role - Postfix
  3. ansible-role-mailhog. Ansible Role - MailHog for catching and viewing emails


  1. aspnet-core-react-template. ASP.NET Core 2.0 / React SPA Template App
  2. aspnet-core-vuejs-template. ASP.NET Core / Vue.js SPA Template App


  1. manageiq. ManageIQ Open-Source Management Platform
  2. ansible-role-docker. Ansible Role - Docker


  1. mariadb-ansible-galera-cluster. Automated installation of MariaDB Galera Cluster using Ansible
  2. ansible-mariadb-galera-cluster.


  1. ansible-role-redis. Ansible Role - Redis
  2. ansible-role-memcached. Ansible Role - Memcached


  1. vagrant-elastic-stack. Giving the Elastic Stack a try in Vagrant
  2. ansible-elk-playbook. A playbook for setting up the ELK Stack + beats log shippers on Ubuntu 16.04 and above


  1. helloworld-msa. Main repository with documentation and support files
  2. lagom-on-kube. This tutorial describes how to bootstrap a production-ready Lagom microservices cluster in a Kubernetes environment.


  1. ansible-dockerswarm. Docker Engine clustering using "Swarm Mode" and Ansible
  2. ansible-telegraf. Installing and configuring Telegraf via Ansible for RedHat/Debian/Ubuntu.


  1. ansible-role-monit. Ansible role to configure monit.
  2. monit. Ansible role that configures monit. Will also setup baseline monitoring of SSH, NTP, and Cron.


  1. ansible-nagios. ✅ Ansible playbook for setting up the Nagios monitoring system and clients.
  2. ansible-prometheus. Deploy Prometheus monitoring system
  3. ansible-grafana. Platform for analytics and monitoring


  1. ansible-role-mysql. Ansible Role - MySQL
  2. AnsiPress. AnsiPress - Simple L(Linux) E(NGINX) M(MariaDB) P(PHP7) Shared Hosting Setup
  3. mysqltools. 一个用于快速构建大规模,高质量,全自动化的 mysql分布式集群环境的工具;包含mysql 安装、备份、监控、高可用、读写分离、优化、巡检、自行化运维
  4. ansible-mysql-hardening. This Ansible role provides security configuration for MySQL.
  5. Ansible-roles. Ansible Roles
  6. vagrant-centos7-ansible-lamp. Ansible example using Vagrant to deploy Centos7 server with Apache2.4.6, PHP7 (with xdebug), mariaDB5.5 and phpmyadmin to local VM.
  7. ansible-elixir-playbooks. Ansible playbooks for Elixir build server and Phoenix Website. Sample app here:


  1. openconfig-demo-with-juniper-devices. How to configure Juniper devices using configuration data models written in YANG and published on Github by OpenConfig.
  2. ansible-napalm-samples. GitHub Repo comparing NAPALM and Ansible on Cisco NXOSv and Arista vEOS


  1. ansible-role-nfs. Ansible Role - NFS
  2. td4a. Template designer for automation


  1. ansible-role-nginx. Ansible role to install and manage nginx configuration
  2. raspberry-pi-dramble. Drupal HA/HP Cluster using Raspberry Pis
  3. ansible-role-nginx. Ansible Role - Nginx
  4. nginx. A fairly flexible and feature full Ansible role for the NGINX web server.
  5. AnsiPress. AnsiPress - Simple L(Linux) E(NGINX) M(MariaDB) P(PHP7) Shared Hosting Setup
  6. ansible-role-ssl-certs. Generate and/or deploy SSL certificate
  7. vagrant-elastic-stack. Giving the Elastic Stack a try in Vagrant
  8. ansible-nginx-hardening. This Ansible role provides secure nginx configurations.
  9. ops_contrib. Infrastructure code to setup your own VersionEye instance.
  10. ansible-nginx. Install and configure nginx (SSL A+ by default) with Ansible.
  11. docker-cloud-platform. 使用Docker构建云平台,Docker云平台系列共三讲,Docker基础、Docker进阶、基于Docker的云平台方案。OpenStack+Docker+RestAPI+OAuth/HMAC+RabbitMQ/ZMQ+OpenResty/HAProxy/Nginx/APIGateway+Bootstrap/AngularJS+Ansible+K8S/Mesos/Marathon构建/探索微服务最佳实践。
  12. fvang. Flask-Vagrant-Ansible-Nginx-Gunicorn Starter Pack
  13. ansible-role-nginx. Ansible role for NGINX


  1. ansible-role-nodejs. Ansible Role - Node.js
  2. nci-ansible-ui. Simple web interface for run ansible playbooks
  3. ansible-provisioning-tywin. Generate your Ansible provisioning for Symfony2, Laravel and Node.js projects
  4. ansible-nodejs-digitalocean. Complete playbook to create and deploy a Node.js application on Digital Ocean.


  1. ansible-napalm-samples. GitHub Repo comparing NAPALM and Ansible on Cisco NXOSv and Arista vEOS
  2. ansible_inventory_report. This repo contains an Ansible networking inventory report playbook (inventory.yml). This playbook exports hostname, platform, mgmt0 IP address and code version to a HTML file. The jinja2 template used for the website can also highlight the version of code if it doesn't match a desired version.


  1. xxproject. SpringCloud 微服务综合实例。分布式配置中心,服务发现&负载均衡,链路断路器,API网关,OAuth2认证授权,分布式追踪,ELK日志中心,Ansible/Docker持续交付等最佳实践。
  2. my-cheat-sheets. A place to keep my cheat sheets for various Apps, Operating Systems and Languages.


  1. aspnet-core-react-template. ASP.NET Core 2.0 / React SPA Template App
  2. aspnet-core-vuejs-template. ASP.NET Core / Vue.js SPA Template App


  1. openshift-ansible. OpenShift Installation and Configuration Management
  2. manageiq. ManageIQ Open-Source Management Platform
  3. helloworld-msa. Main repository with documentation and support files
  4. ansible-service-broker. Ansible Service Broker
  5. linchpin. ansible based multicloud orchestrator
  6. casl-ansible. Ansible automation for Managing OpenShift Container Platform clusters
  7. catasb. Ansible scripts to setup an 'oc cluster up' environment for testing the Service Catalog and Ansible Service Broker on EC2 or Local
  8. openshifter. Tool for deploying OpenShift clusters and workshops


  1. molecule. Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles.
  2. manageiq. ManageIQ Open-Source Management Platform
  3. chef-bcpc. Bloomberg Clustered Private Cloud distribution
  4. linchpin. ansible based multicloud orchestrator
  5. rpc-openstack. Rackspace Private Cloud Offering based on OpenStack || Submit bugs to:
  6. casl-ansible. Ansible automation for Managing OpenShift Container Platform clusters
  7. k8s-on-openstack. An opinionated way to deploy a Kubernetes cluster on top of an OpenStack cloud.
  8. docker-cloud-platform. 使用Docker构建云平台,Docker云平台系列共三讲,Docker基础、Docker进阶、基于Docker的云平台方案。OpenStack+Docker+RestAPI+OAuth/HMAC+RabbitMQ/ZMQ+OpenResty/HAProxy/Nginx/APIGateway+Bootstrap/AngularJS+Ansible+K8S/Mesos/Marathon构建/探索微服务最佳实践。


  1. baize. 白泽自动化运维系统:配置管理、网络探测、资产管理、业务管理、CMDB、CD、DevOps、作业编排、任务编排等功能,未来将添加监控、报警、日志分析、大数据分析等部分内容
  2. bookmarks. 🔖 +3.3K awesome resources for geeks and software craftsmen 🍺


  1. lain. LAIN's main repo
  2. ansible-pan. Ansible modules for Palo Alto Networks NGFWs


  1. manageiq. ManageIQ Open-Source Management Platform
  2. ovirt-ansible. This repository holds all oVirt related Ansible roles


  1. lain. LAIN's main repo
  2. adhokku. A toy PaaS


  1. infrastructure-as-code-tutorial. Infrastructure As Code Tutorial. Covers Packer, Terraform, Ansible, Vagrant, Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes
  2. packer-ubuntu-1604. Packer Example - Ubuntu 16.04 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  3. packer-centos-7. Packer Example - CentOS 7 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  4. beetbox. Pre-provisioned L*MP stack
  5. packer-ubuntu-1404. Packer Example - Ubuntu 14.04 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  6. packer-centos-6. Packer Example - CentOS 6 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  7. django-angular2-fullstack-devops. All-in-one django/angular2 seed with cli interface for multi-environment devops on aws using ansible/packer/terraform
  8. my-cheat-sheets. A place to keep my cheat sheets for various Apps, Operating Systems and Languages.
  9. ansible-windows-docker-springboot. Example project showing how to provision, deploy, run & orchestrate Spring Boot apps with Docker Windows Containers on Docker Windows native using Packer, Powershell, Vagrant & Ansible
  10. ansible-role-packer-rhel. Ansible Role - Packer RHEL/CentOS Configuration for Vagrant VirtualBox


  1. drill. Drill is a HTTP load testing application written in Rust inspired by Ansible syntax
  2. ansible-role-memcached. Ansible Role - Memcached
  3. ansible-role-haproxy. Ansible Role - HAProxy


  1. ansible-phoenix. Develop and deploy a Phoenix app using Ansible!
  2. ansible-elixir-playbooks. Ansible playbooks for Elixir build server and Phoenix Website. Sample app here:


  1. ansible-role-php. Ansible Role - PHP
  2. ansible-role-composer. Ansible Role - Composer PHP Dependency Manager
  3. AnsiPress. AnsiPress - Simple L(Linux) E(NGINX) M(MariaDB) P(PHP7) Shared Hosting Setup
  4. php-ansible. php oop wrapper for ansible provisioning tool
  5. ansible-role-drupal. Ansible Role - Drupal
  6. vagrant-centos7-ansible-lamp. Ansible example using Vagrant to deploy Centos7 server with Apache2.4.6, PHP7 (with xdebug), mariaDB5.5 and phpmyadmin to local VM.
  7. ansible-role-php7. Ansible Role - PHP 7
  8. ansible-wordpress. Ansible role to set up (multiple) wordpress installations in Debian-like systems (using wp-cli)
  9. ansible-role-php-xdebug. Ansible Role - PHP Xdebug
  10. ansible-role-drush. Ansible Role - Drush for Drupal


  1. mac-dev-playbook. Mac setup and configuration via Ansible.
  2. ansible-os-hardening. This Ansible role provides numerous security-related configurations, providing all-round base protection.
  3. ansible-role-mysql. Ansible Role - MySQL
  4. ansible-ssh-hardening. This Ansible role provides numerous security-related ssh configurations, providing all-round base protection.
  5. ansible-role-php. Ansible Role - PHP
  6. rollback. Ansible role to rollback scripting applications like PHP, Python, Ruby, etc. in a capistrano style
  7. ansible-elk. 📊 Ansible playbook for setting up an ELK/EFK stack and clients.
  8. graylog-ansible-role. Ansible role which installs and configures Graylog
  9. nci-ansible-ui. Simple web interface for run ansible playbooks
  10. ansible-nginx-hardening. This Ansible role provides secure nginx configurations.
  11. mattermost-ansible. Ansible playbook to provide a turnkey solution for the Team Edition of Mattermost
  12. ansible-mysql-hardening. This Ansible role provides security configuration for MySQL.
  13. ansible-digitalocean. DIgital Ocean Ansible playbooks
  14. openbsd-cookbooks. Setup environment in OpenBSD using Ansible playbook
  15. graphite-stack-ansible-vagrant. Provision a complete Graphite, StatsD & Grafana install using Ansible and (optionally) Vagrant
  16. idrac-ansible-module. Ansible module for Out-Of-Band Controllers using Redfish APIs
  17. Rocket.Chat.Ansible. Deploy Rocket.Chat with Ansible!
  18. ansible-ubuntu. Ansible scripts to setup Ubuntu desktop/server
  19. fedora-ansible. Ansible playbooks for Fedora
  20. ansible-nagios. ✅ Ansible playbook for setting up the Nagios monitoring system and clients.
  21. ansible-letsencrypt. Ansible role for LetsEncrypt
  22. casl-ansible. Ansible automation for Managing OpenShift Container Platform clusters
  23. drupal-pi. Drupal on a single Raspberry Pi.
  24. kubeadm-playbook. Fully fledged Kubernetes Cluster using kubeadm with Ansible for : RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu(debian based) with support of http_proxy, dashboard installed, ingress controller, prometheus, heapster, etc are installed using official helm charts
  25. ansible-role-ruby. Ansible Role - Ruby
  26. drupalci-sonar-jenkins. DEPRECATED - Drupal CI environment with SonarQube and Jenkins for Drupal Core code analysis.
  27. catasb. Ansible scripts to setup an 'oc cluster up' environment for testing the Service Catalog and Ansible Service Broker on EC2 or Local
  28. ansible-elk-playbook. A playbook for setting up the ELK Stack + beats log shippers on Ubuntu 16.04 and above
  29. easy-ansible. 基于Ansible的自动部署平台-Automatical Deployment Platform Based on Ansible。
  30. ansible-docgen. Generate documentation from annotated Ansible Playbooks and Roles
  31. mariadb-ansible-galera-cluster. Automated installation of MariaDB Galera Cluster using Ansible
  32. ansible-napalm-samples. GitHub Repo comparing NAPALM and Ansible on Cisco NXOSv and Arista vEOS
  33. ansible_inventory_report. This repo contains an Ansible networking inventory report playbook (inventory.yml). This playbook exports hostname, platform, mgmt0 IP address and code version to a HTML file. The jinja2 template used for the website can also highlight the version of code if it doesn't match a desired version.
  34. upcloud-ansible. Dynamic inventory and modules for managing servers via UpCloud's API


  1. ansible-postfix. Ansible role to set up postfix in Debian-like systems
  2. ansible-role-postfix. Ansible Role - Postfix
  3. ansible-role-postfix. Ansible role for Postfix MTA


  1. postgresql. Fairly full featured Ansible role for Postgresql.
  2. mattermost-ansible. Ansible playbook to provide a turnkey solution for the Team Edition of Mattermost
  3. ansible-role-postgresql. Ansible Role - PostgreSQL
  4. my-cheat-sheets. A place to keep my cheat sheets for various Apps, Operating Systems and Languages.
  5. ansible-elixir-playbooks. Ansible playbooks for Elixir build server and Phoenix Website. Sample app here:


  1. aspnet-core-react-template. ASP.NET Core 2.0 / React SPA Template App
  2. aspnet-core-vuejs-template. ASP.NET Core / Vue.js SPA Template App


  1. aspnet-core-react-template. ASP.NET Core 2.0 / React SPA Template App
  2. aspnet-core-vuejs-template. ASP.NET Core / Vue.js SPA Template App


  1. ansible-os-hardening. This Ansible role provides numerous security-related configurations, providing all-round base protection.
  2. ansible-ssh-hardening. This Ansible role provides numerous security-related ssh configurations, providing all-round base protection.
  3. ansible-nginx-hardening. This Ansible role provides secure nginx configurations.
  4. ansible-mysql-hardening. This Ansible role provides security configuration for MySQL.


  1. JJG-Ansible-Windows. [DEPRECATED] Windows shell provisioning script to bootstrap Ansible from within a Vagrant VM.
  2. casl-ansible. Ansible automation for Managing OpenShift Container Platform clusters
  3. mac-ansible. Personal mac setup provisioned through Ansible
  4. ansible-debian. Buildfiles: Ansible automated leight-weight and sensible Debian provisioning
  5. appflow. Multitenant environment automation.
  6. openshifter. Tool for deploying OpenShift clusters and workshops


  1. ansible-provisioning. Ansible provisioning framework - a set of modules, plugins, and documentation for provisioning with Ansible
  2. ansible-pan. Ansible modules for Palo Alto Networks NGFWs
  3. linchpin. ansible based multicloud orchestrator
  4. terraform-provisioner-ansible. Marrying ansible with terraform 0.11+
  5. datagov-deploy. Main repository for's stack deployment
  6. ansible-debian. Buildfiles: Ansible automated leight-weight and sensible Debian provisioning
  7. fgci-ansible. 🔬 Collection of the Finnish Grid and Cloud Infrastructure Ansible playbooks


  1. ansible-role-varnish. Ansible Role - Varnish HTTP accelerator
  2. kubeadm-playbook. Fully fledged Kubernetes Cluster using kubeadm with Ansible for : RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu(debian based) with support of http_proxy, dashboard installed, ingress controller, prometheus, heapster, etc are installed using official helm charts
  3. ansible-role-haproxy. Ansible Role - HAProxy


  1. openconfig-demo-with-juniper-devices. How to configure Juniper devices using configuration data models written in YANG and published on Github by OpenConfig.
  2. junos-automation-with-ansible. How to automate Junos with Ansible. This project has many ready-to-use Ansible playbooks to interact with Junos devices.


  1. ansible. Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications — automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.
  2. awx. AWX Project
  3. molecule. Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles.
  4. vps-comparison. A comparison between some VPS providers. It uses Ansible to perform a series of automated benchmark tests over the VPS servers that you specify. It allows the reproducibility of those tests by anyone that wanted to compare these results to their own. All the tests results are available in order to provide independence and transparency.
  5. web_develop. 《Python Web开发实战》书中源码
  6. configuration. A simple, but flexible, way for anyone to stand up an instance of the Open edX platform that is fully configured and ready-to-go
  7. ansible-provisioning. Ansible provisioning framework - a set of modules, plugins, and documentation for provisioning with Ansible
  8. ansigenome. A tool to help you gather information and manage your Ansible roles.
  9. elasticluster. Create clusters of VMs on the cloud and configure them with Ansible.
  10. ansible-junos-stdlib. Junos modules for Ansible
  11. polemarch. Simply WEB gui for orchestration infrastructure by ansible playbooks. This is only mirror with bins in releases. Original repo on Gitlab.
  12. ara-archive. This repository is an historical archive of, please use instead.
  13. spamscope. Fast Advanced Spam Analysis Tool
  14. ansible-dev-by-example. 💥 Ansible module development with examples and walk-throughs
  15. mysqltools. 一个用于快速构建大规模,高质量,全自动化的 mysql分布式集群环境的工具;包含mysql 安装、备份、监控、高可用、读写分离、优化、巡检、自行化运维
  16. baize. 白泽自动化运维系统:配置管理、网络探测、资产管理、业务管理、CMDB、CD、DevOps、作业编排、任务编排等功能,未来将添加监控、报警、日志分析、大数据分析等部分内容
  17. paternoster. Paternoster provides allows to run ansible playbooks like ordinary python or bash scripts.
  18. rpc-openstack. Rackspace Private Cloud Offering based on OpenStack || Submit bugs to:
  19. fedora-ansible. Ansible playbooks for Fedora
  20. HAL-9000. Dominating your dev environment like cats rule the Internet
  21. ansible-api. A restful http api for ansible 2.x
  22. catasb. Ansible scripts to setup an 'oc cluster up' environment for testing the Service Catalog and Ansible Service Broker on EC2 or Local
  23. openconfig-demo-with-juniper-devices. How to configure Juniper devices using configuration data models written in YANG and published on Github by OpenConfig.
  24. ansible-debian. Buildfiles: Ansible automated leight-weight and sensible Debian provisioning
  25. openshifter. Tool for deploying OpenShift clusters and workshops


  1. manageiq. ManageIQ Open-Source Management Platform
  2. ansible-rails. Ansible: Ruby on Rails Server
  3. rails-deploy. Ansible scripts to setup a fully loaded ruby/rails web server


  1. ansible-rails-deployment. deploy projects using ansible
  2. rails-deploy. Ansible scripts to setup a fully loaded ruby/rails web server


  1. raspberry-pi-dramble. Drupal HA/HP Cluster using Raspberry Pis
  2. rak8s. Stand up a Raspberry Pi based Kubernetes cluster with Ansible
  3. rpicam. Raspberry PI Surveillance Automation
  4. drupal-pi. Drupal on a single Raspberry Pi.
  5. ansible-raspi-playbooks. Playbooks, templates and tasks for setup and configuration of raspberry pi projects.
  6. ansible-role-raspberry-pi. Configures a Raspberry Pi (running Raspbian).
  7. raspbian-vpn-router. Setting up a Raspberry Pi 3 as a VPN Gateway


  1. ansible-role-apache. Ansible Role - Apache 2.x.
  2. ansible-role-security. Ansible Role - Security
  3. helloworld-msa. Main repository with documentation and support files
  4. ansible-role-docker. Ansible Role - Docker
  5. oracle-java. Ansible role to install Oracle Java on Debian and RedHat based distributions.
  6. ansible-role-repo-epel. Ansible Role - EPEL Repository for RHEL/CentOS
  7. mattermost-ansible. Ansible playbook to provide a turnkey solution for the Team Edition of Mattermost
  8. casl-ansible. Ansible automation for Managing OpenShift Container Platform clusters
  9. ansible-role-packer-rhel. Ansible Role - Packer RHEL/CentOS Configuration for Vagrant VirtualBox
  10. ansible-role-backup. Ansible Role - Backup for simple servers
  11. ansible-mariadb-galera-cluster.


  1. vagrant-elastic-stack. Giving the Elastic Stack a try in Vagrant
  2. ansible-role-redis. Ansible Role - Redis


  1. ansible-role-varnish. Ansible Role - Varnish HTTP accelerator
  2. ansible-role-haproxy. Ansible Role - HAProxy


  1. ansible-role-apache. Ansible Role - Apache 2.x.
  2. ansible-role-firewall. Ansible Role - iptables Firewall configuration.
  3. ansible-role-security. Ansible Role - Security
  4. ansible-elk. 📊 Ansible playbook for setting up an ELK/EFK stack and clients.
  5. ansible-role-repo-epel. Ansible Role - EPEL Repository for RHEL/CentOS
  6. ansible-nagios. ✅ Ansible playbook for setting up the Nagios monitoring system and clients.
  7. kubeadm-playbook. Fully fledged Kubernetes Cluster using kubeadm with Ansible for : RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu(debian based) with support of http_proxy, dashboard installed, ingress controller, prometheus, heapster, etc are installed using official helm charts
  8. ansible-role-packer-rhel. Ansible Role - Packer RHEL/CentOS Configuration for Vagrant VirtualBox


  1. ansible-os-hardening. This Ansible role provides numerous security-related configurations, providing all-round base protection.
  2. ansible-role-mysql. Ansible Role - MySQL
  3. ansible-role-jenkins. Ansible Role - Jenkins CI
  4. ansible-ssh-hardening. This Ansible role provides numerous security-related ssh configurations, providing all-round base protection.
  5. ansible-role-nginx. Ansible Role - Nginx
  6. ansible-role-php. Ansible Role - PHP
  7. ansible-role-apache. Ansible Role - Apache 2.x.
  8. ansible-role-firewall. Ansible Role - iptables Firewall configuration.
  9. ansible-role-security. Ansible Role - Security
  10. ansible-role-gitlab. Ansible Role - GitLab
  11. ansible-role-nodejs. Ansible Role - Node.js
  12. ansible-role-certbot. Ansible Role - Certbot (for Let's Encrypt)
  13. ansible-role-docker. Ansible Role - Docker
  14. ansible-role-composer. Ansible Role - Composer PHP Dependency Manager
  15. ansible-role-java. Ansible Role - Java.
  16. ansible-role-git. Ansible Role - Git
  17. ansible-role-ntp. Ansible Role - NTP
  18. ansible-nginx-hardening. This Ansible role provides secure nginx configurations.
  19. ansible-role-repo-epel. Ansible Role - EPEL Repository for RHEL/CentOS
  20. ansible-role-homebrew. Ansible Role - Homebrew for Mac
  21. ansible-mysql-hardening. This Ansible role provides security configuration for MySQL.
  22. ansible-role-redis. Ansible Role - Redis
  23. ansible-role-logstash. Ansible Role - Logstash
  24. ansible-role-nfs. Ansible Role - NFS
  25. ansible-role-dotfiles. Ansible Role - Easy and flexible dotfile installation.
  26. ansible-role-postgresql. Ansible Role - PostgreSQL
  27. ansible-role-solr. Ansible Role - Apache Solr
  28. ansible-role-varnish. Ansible Role - Varnish HTTP accelerator
  29. ansible-role-elasticsearch. Ansible Role - Elasticsearch
  30. ansible-role-drupal. Ansible Role - Drupal
  31. ansible-role-ruby. Ansible Role - Ruby
  32. ansible-role-memcached. Ansible Role - Memcached
  33. ansible-role-kibana. Ansible Role - Kibana
  34. ansible-role-glusterfs. Ansible Role - GlusterFS
  35. ansible-role-haproxy. Ansible Role - HAProxy
  36. ansible-role-seafile. An ansible role to deploy Seafile, an Open Source Cloud Storage.
  37. ansible-role-postfix. Ansible Role - Postfix
  38. ansible-role-php-xdebug. Ansible Role - PHP Xdebug
  39. ansible-role-mailhog. Ansible Role - MailHog for catching and viewing emails
  40. ansible-role-packer-rhel. Ansible Role - Packer RHEL/CentOS Configuration for Vagrant VirtualBox
  41. ansible-role-raspberry-pi. Configures a Raspberry Pi (running Raspbian).
  42. ansible-role-drush. Ansible Role - Drush for Drupal
  43. ansible-role-backup. Ansible Role - Backup for simple servers
  44. ansible-role-logstash-forwarder. Ansible Role - Logstash Forwarder
  45. ansible-role-mas. Ansible Role - Mac App Store CLI.


  1. deploy. Ansible role to deploy scripting applications like PHP, Python, Ruby, etc. in a capistrano style
  2. rollback. Ansible role to rollback scripting applications like PHP, Python, Ruby, etc. in a capistrano style


  1. Cloudbox. Cloudbox is an Ansible playbook for deploying a cloud media server stack on an Ubuntu server with the use of Docker containers.
  2. pimp-my-box. 🌱 Automated seedbox install of rTorrent-PS and PyroScope CLI etc. via Ansible.


  1. ansible-vagrant-examples. Ansible examples using Vagrant to deploy to local VMs.
  2. manageiq. ManageIQ Open-Source Management Platform
  3. ansible-rails. Ansible: Ruby on Rails Server
  4. ansible-role-gitlab. Ansible Role - GitLab
  5. ansible-role-ruby. Ansible Role - Ruby
  6. yesterday-i-learned. Brainfarts are caused by the rupturing of the cerebral sphincter.


  1. drill. Drill is a HTTP load testing application written in Rust inspired by Ansible syntax
  2. generator-mitosis. A micro-service infrastructure generator based on Yeoman/Chatbot, Kubernetes/Docker Swarm, Traefik, Ansible, Jenkins, Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, etc.


  1. Cloudbox. Cloudbox is an Ansible playbook for deploying a cloud media server stack on an Ubuntu server with the use of Docker containers.
  2. pimp-my-box. 🌱 Automated seedbox install of rTorrent-PS and PyroScope CLI etc. via Ansible.


  1. mqperf.
  2. lagom-on-kube. This tutorial describes how to bootstrap a production-ready Lagom microservices cluster in a Kubernetes environment.


  1. algo. Set up a personal IPSEC VPN in the cloud
  2. teleport. Modern SSH server for clusters and teams.
  3. ansible-role-firewall. Ansible Role - iptables Firewall configuration.
  4. ansible-role-security. Ansible Role - Security
  5. spamscope. Fast Advanced Spam Analysis Tool
  6. yams. A collection of Ansible roles for automating infosec builds.
  7. 5minutes. First 5 minutes on new servers. Secure your servers with single command - Ansible playbook
  8. ansible-mysql-hardening. This Ansible role provides security configuration for MySQL.
  9. ansible-pan. Ansible modules for Palo Alto Networks NGFWs
  10. vulnerable-apps.
  11. ansible-role-hardening. Ansible role to apply a security baseline. Systemd edition.
  12. bookmarks. 🔖 +3.3K awesome resources for geeks and software craftsmen 🍺


  1. debops. DebOps - Your Debian-based data center in a box
  2. srv01. Automated installation/configuration/maintenance tool for personal servers


  1. ansible-role-docker. Ansible Role - Docker
  2. selfhosted-server. Selfhosted server with Ansible.
  3. ansible-role-nfs. Ansible Role - NFS
  4. ansible-role-glusterfs. Ansible Role - GlusterFS
  5. srv01. Automated installation/configuration/maintenance tool for personal servers
  6. ansible-role-backup. Ansible Role - Backup for simple servers


  1. ansible-consul. 📡 Ansible role for Consul clusters
  2. lagom-on-kube. This tutorial describes how to bootstrap a production-ready Lagom microservices cluster in a Kubernetes environment.


  1. mac-dev-playbook. Mac setup and configuration via Ansible.
  2. ansible-role-apache. Ansible Role - Apache 2.x.
  3. ansible-role-security. Ansible Role - Security
  4. ansible-role-nodejs. Ansible Role - Node.js
  5. packer-centos-7. Packer Example - CentOS 7 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  6. ansible-role-git. Ansible Role - Git
  7. ansible-role-repo-epel. Ansible Role - EPEL Repository for RHEL/CentOS
  8. ansible-role-homebrew. Ansible Role - Homebrew for Mac
  9. ansible-role-postgresql. Ansible Role - PostgreSQL
  10. ansible-ubuntu. Ansible scripts to setup Ubuntu desktop/server
  11. ansible-role-postfix. Ansible Role - Postfix
  12. ansible-role-raspberry-pi. Configures a Raspberry Pi (running Raspbian).


  1. ansible-hubot. 💬 Ansible role for Hubot
  2. showcase-ansible-chatops. Vagrant Demo showing ChatOps with Ansible
  3. Rocket.Chat.Ansible. Deploy Rocket.Chat with Ansible!


  1. elasticluster. Create clusters of VMs on the cloud and configure them with Ansible.
  2. fgci-ansible. 🔬 Collection of the Finnish Grid and Cloud Infrastructure Ansible playbooks


  1. generator-mitosis. A micro-service infrastructure generator based on Yeoman/Chatbot, Kubernetes/Docker Swarm, Traefik, Ansible, Jenkins, Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, etc.
  2. drupalci-sonar-jenkins. DEPRECATED - Drupal CI environment with SonarQube and Jenkins for Drupal Core code analysis.


  1. aspnet-core-react-template. ASP.NET Core 2.0 / React SPA Template App
  2. aspnet-core-vuejs-template. ASP.NET Core / Vue.js SPA Template App


  1. elasticluster. Create clusters of VMs on the cloud and configure them with Ansible.
  2. generator-mitosis. A micro-service infrastructure generator based on Yeoman/Chatbot, Kubernetes/Docker Swarm, Traefik, Ansible, Jenkins, Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, etc.
  3. spark2-hadoop2.6-hbase-labs.


  1. xxproject. SpringCloud 微服务综合实例。分布式配置中心,服务发现&负载均衡,链路断路器,API网关,OAuth2认证授权,分布式追踪,ELK日志中心,Ansible/Docker持续交付等最佳实践。
  2. docker-cloud-platform. 使用Docker构建云平台,Docker云平台系列共三讲,Docker基础、Docker进阶、基于Docker的云平台方案。OpenStack+Docker+RestAPI+OAuth/HMAC+RabbitMQ/ZMQ+OpenResty/HAProxy/Nginx/APIGateway+Bootstrap/AngularJS+Ansible+K8S/Mesos/Marathon构建/探索微服务最佳实践。


  1. starhackit. StarHackIt: Preact/React Native/Node fullstack starter kit with authentication and authorisation, data backed by SQL.
  2. ansible-role-postgresql. Ansible Role - PostgreSQL


  1. streisand. Streisand sets up a new server running your choice of L2TP/IPsec, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, a Tor bridge, and WireGuard. It also generates custom instructions for all of these services. At the end of the run you are given an HTML file with instructions that can be shared with friends, family members, and fellow activists.
  2. teleport. Modern SSH server for clusters and teams.
  3. ansible-role-security. Ansible Role - Security
  4. JJG-Ansible-Windows. [DEPRECATED] Windows shell provisioning script to bootstrap Ansible from within a Vagrant VM.
  5. ansible-sshd. Ansible role to configure the OpenSSH server daemon


  1. ansible-role-certbot. Ansible Role - Certbot (for Let's Encrypt)
  2. ansible-role-ssl-certs. Generate and/or deploy SSL certificate
  3. ansible-haproxy. Ansible role to set up (the latest version of) HAProxy in Ubuntu systems


  1. showcase-ansible-chatops. Vagrant Demo showing ChatOps with Ansible
  2. ansible-st2. Ansible Roles and Playbooks to deploy StackStorm


  1. showcase-ansible-chatops. Vagrant Demo showing ChatOps with Ansible
  2. ansible-st2. Ansible Roles and Playbooks to deploy StackStorm


  1. ansible-role-security. Ansible Role - Security
  2. paternoster. Paternoster provides allows to run ansible playbooks like ordinary python or bash scripts.


  1. beetbox. Pre-provisioned L*MP stack
  2. ansible-provisioning-tywin. Generate your Ansible provisioning for Symfony2, Laravel and Node.js projects


  1. learning-tools. A collection of tools and files for learning new technologies
  2. terraform-inventory. Terraform State → Ansible Dynamic Inventory
  3. infrastructure-as-code-tutorial. Infrastructure As Code Tutorial. Covers Packer, Terraform, Ansible, Vagrant, Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes
  4. tensor. Tensor - Comprehensive web-based automation framework and Centralized infrastructure management platform
  5. kraken-lib. Kraken-lib
  6. StubbornJava. Unconventional Java code for building web servers / services without a framework. Think dropwizard but as a seed project instead of a framework. If this project had a theme it would be break the rules but be mindful of your decisions.
  7. mikado. 🤖💨Mikado helps managing your AWS infrastructure for WordPress sites by defining an out-of-box, highly available, easy-to-deploy setup
  8. terraform-provisioner-ansible. Marrying ansible with terraform 0.11+
  9. django-angular2-fullstack-devops. All-in-one django/angular2 seed with cli interface for multi-environment devops on aws using ansible/packer/terraform
  10. my-cheat-sheets. A place to keep my cheat sheets for various Apps, Operating Systems and Languages.
  11. datagov-deploy. Main repository for's stack deployment
  12. terraform-ansible-example. Quick start on how to provision with ansible inside terraform


  1. goss-ansible. Ansible module for Goss
  2. ansible-role-test-vms. A Vagrant configuration to test Ansible roles against a variety of Linux distributions.


  1. molecule. Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles.
  2. ansiblecheck. One Stop Solution For Checking Your Ansible Roles and Playbooks
  3. kitchen-ansiblepush. test-kitchen plugin to use ansible in push mode


  1. wincent. Dot-files
  2. dotfiles. Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger ― A powerful development environment for full-stack engineers


  1. streisand. Streisand sets up a new server running your choice of L2TP/IPsec, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, a Tor bridge, and WireGuard. It also generates custom instructions for all of these services. At the end of the run you are given an HTML file with instructions that can be shared with friends, family members, and fellow activists.
  2. ansible-relayor. An Ansible Role for Tor Relay Operators


  1. openconfig-demo-with-juniper-devices. How to configure Juniper devices using configuration data models written in YANG and published on Github by OpenConfig.
  2. junos-automation-with-ansible. How to automate Junos with Ansible. This project has many ready-to-use Ansible playbooks to interact with Junos devices.


  1. ansible-tuto. Ansible tutorial
  2. ansible-interactive-tutorial. Interactive Ansible tutorials with dead simple setup via Docker
  3. lagom-on-kube. This tutorial describes how to bootstrap a production-ready Lagom microservices cluster in a Kubernetes environment.


  1. learning-tools. A collection of tools and files for learning new technologies
  2. docker.ubuntu. Docker role for Ansible on Ubuntu 14.04+
  3. ansible-role-apache. Ansible Role - Apache 2.x.
  4. ansible-role-firewall. Ansible Role - iptables Firewall configuration.
  5. ansible-role-security. Ansible Role - Security
  6. packer-ubuntu-1604. Packer Example - Ubuntu 16.04 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  7. debops. DebOps - Your Debian-based data center in a box
  8. ansible-role-docker. Ansible Role - Docker
  9. AnsiPress. AnsiPress - Simple L(Linux) E(NGINX) M(MariaDB) P(PHP7) Shared Hosting Setup
  10. oracle-java. Ansible role to install Oracle Java on Debian and RedHat based distributions.
  11. 5minutes. First 5 minutes on new servers. Secure your servers with single command - Ansible playbook
  12. mattermost-ansible. Ansible playbook to provide a turnkey solution for the Team Edition of Mattermost
  13. packer-ubuntu-1404. Packer Example - Ubuntu 14.04 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  14. pimp-my-box. 🌱 Automated seedbox install of rTorrent-PS and PyroScope CLI etc. via Ansible.
  15. django-init. Project template used at Fueled for scaffolding new Django based projects. 💫
  16. Rocket.Chat.Ansible. Deploy Rocket.Chat with Ansible!
  17. ansible-ubuntu. Ansible scripts to setup Ubuntu desktop/server
  18. automate-with-ansible. 《現代 IT 人一定要知道的 Ansible 自動化組態技巧》(freeze)
  19. ansible-role-hardening. Ansible role to apply a security baseline. Systemd edition.
  20. ansible-postfix. Ansible role to set up postfix in Debian-like systems
  21. ansible-role-test-vms. A Vagrant configuration to test Ansible roles against a variety of Linux distributions.
  22. ansible-wordpress. Ansible role to set up (multiple) wordpress installations in Debian-like systems (using wp-cli)
  23. ansible-haproxy. Ansible role to set up (the latest version of) HAProxy in Ubuntu systems
  24. ansible-supervisor. Ansible role to set up (the latest or a specific version of) supervisor in Debian-like systems
  25. appflow. Multitenant environment automation.
  26. ansible-role-backup. Ansible Role - Backup for simple servers
  27. ansible-mariadb-galera-cluster.


  1. trellis. Ansible playbooks for a WordPress LEMP stack
  2. ansible-for-devops. Ansible examples from Ansible for DevOps.
  3. ansible-tuto. Ansible tutorial
  4. ansible-vagrant-examples. Ansible examples using Vagrant to deploy to local VMs.
  5. drupal-vm. A VM for Drupal development
  6. molecule. Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles.
  7. learning-tools. A collection of tools and files for learning new technologies
  8. infrastructure-as-code-tutorial. Infrastructure As Code Tutorial. Covers Packer, Terraform, Ansible, Vagrant, Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes
  9. chef-bcpc. Bloomberg Clustered Private Cloud distribution
  10. packer-ubuntu-1604. Packer Example - Ubuntu 16.04 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  11. packer-centos-7. Packer Example - CentOS 7 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  12. vagrant-elastic-stack. Giving the Elastic Stack a try in Vagrant
  13. dotfiles. i3-gaps Dark Acid
  14. devbox-golang. A Vagrant box with Ansible provisioning for setting up a vim-based Go(lang) development environment
  15. beetbox. Pre-provisioned L*MP stack
  16. JJG-Ansible-Windows. [DEPRECATED] Windows shell provisioning script to bootstrap Ansible from within a Vagrant VM.
  17. packer-ubuntu-1404. Packer Example - Ubuntu 14.04 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  18. ops_contrib. Infrastructure code to setup your own VersionEye instance.
  19. packer-centos-6. Packer Example - CentOS 6 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  20. forklift. Helpful deployment scripts for Foreman and Katello
  21. kube-ansible. Build a Kubernetes cluster using Ansible playbooks. 🔧 🔧 🔧
  22. graphite-stack-ansible-vagrant. Provision a complete Graphite, StatsD & Grafana install using Ansible and (optionally) Vagrant
  23. showcase-ansible-chatops. Vagrant Demo showing ChatOps with Ansible
  24. Rubel. Rubel - An open source cms built with Laravel and React.
  25. generator-mitosis. A micro-service infrastructure generator based on Yeoman/Chatbot, Kubernetes/Docker Swarm, Traefik, Ansible, Jenkins, Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, etc.
  26. django-angular2-fullstack-devops. All-in-one django/angular2 seed with cli interface for multi-environment devops on aws using ansible/packer/terraform
  27. vagrant-centos7-ansible-lamp. Ansible example using Vagrant to deploy Centos7 server with Apache2.4.6, PHP7 (with xdebug), mariaDB5.5 and phpmyadmin to local VM.
  28. ansible-phoenix. Develop and deploy a Phoenix app using Ansible!
  29. ansible-role-test-vms. A Vagrant configuration to test Ansible roles against a variety of Linux distributions.
  30. drupalci-sonar-jenkins. DEPRECATED - Drupal CI environment with SonarQube and Jenkins for Drupal Core code analysis.
  31. my-cheat-sheets. A place to keep my cheat sheets for various Apps, Operating Systems and Languages.
  32. cassandra-image. Cassandra Image using Packer for Docker and EC2 AMI. Covers managing EC2 Cassandra clusters with Ansible.
  33. catasb. Ansible scripts to setup an 'oc cluster up' environment for testing the Service Catalog and Ansible Service Broker on EC2 or Local
  34. ansible-windows-docker-springboot. Example project showing how to provision, deploy, run & orchestrate Spring Boot apps with Docker Windows Containers on Docker Windows native using Packer, Powershell, Vagrant & Ansible
  35. fvang. Flask-Vagrant-Ansible-Nginx-Gunicorn Starter Pack
  36. appflow. Multitenant environment automation.
  37. oxvm_eshop. Official OXID eShop VM and SDK integration
  38. manalize. Provides ready-to-use environments for various projects through manala ansible roles


  1. ansible-role-gitlab. Ansible Role - GitLab
  2. ansible-role-git. Ansible Role - Git


  1. wincent. Dot-files
  2. dotfiles. i3-gaps Dark Acid
  3. Rocannon. Vim for Ansible playbooks: omni-completion, abbreviations, syntax, folding, K-docs, and colorscheme
  4. dotfiles. Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger ― A powerful development environment for full-stack engineers


  1. drupal-vm. A VM for Drupal development
  2. packer-ubuntu-1604. Packer Example - Ubuntu 16.04 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  3. packer-centos-7. Packer Example - CentOS 7 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  4. devbox-golang. A Vagrant box with Ansible provisioning for setting up a vim-based Go(lang) development environment
  5. beetbox. Pre-provisioned L*MP stack
  6. packer-ubuntu-1404. Packer Example - Ubuntu 14.04 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  7. packer-centos-6. Packer Example - CentOS 6 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  8. kube-ansible. Build a Kubernetes cluster using Ansible playbooks. 🔧 🔧 🔧
  9. ansible-role-test-vms. A Vagrant configuration to test Ansible roles against a variety of Linux distributions.
  10. ansible-role-packer-rhel. Ansible Role - Packer RHEL/CentOS Configuration for Vagrant VirtualBox
  11. appflow. Multitenant environment automation.


  1. rpc-openstack. Rackspace Private Cloud Offering based on OpenStack || Submit bugs to:
  2. ansible-role-proxmox. Configures Proxmox VE 4.x/5.x clusters.


  1. drupal-vm. A VM for Drupal development
  2. beetbox. Pre-provisioned L*MP stack
  3. packer-centos-6. Packer Example - CentOS 6 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  4. drupalci-sonar-jenkins. DEPRECATED - Drupal CI environment with SonarQube and Jenkins for Drupal Core code analysis.


  1. ansible-vagrant-examples. Ansible examples using Vagrant to deploy to local VMs.
  2. ansible-role-test-vms. A Vagrant configuration to test Ansible roles against a variety of Linux distributions.


  1. drupal-vm. A VM for Drupal development
  2. manageiq. ManageIQ Open-Source Management Platform
  3. packer-ubuntu-1604. Packer Example - Ubuntu 16.04 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  4. packer-centos-6. Packer Example - CentOS 6 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner
  5. ansible-role-test-vms. A Vagrant configuration to test Ansible roles against a variety of Linux distributions.


  1. streisand. Streisand sets up a new server running your choice of L2TP/IPsec, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, a Tor bridge, and WireGuard. It also generates custom instructions for all of these services. At the end of the run you are given an HTML file with instructions that can be shared with friends, family members, and fellow activists.
  2. algo. Set up a personal IPSEC VPN in the cloud


  1. ansible-role-nginx. Ansible Role - Nginx
  2. ansible-role-apache. Ansible Role - Apache 2.x.
  3. nginx. A fairly flexible and feature full Ansible role for the NGINX web server.
  4. ansible-role-haproxy. Ansible Role - HAProxy


  1. JJG-Ansible-Windows. [DEPRECATED] Windows shell provisioning script to bootstrap Ansible from within a Vagrant VM.
  2. ansible. Ansible playbooks for managing an elementary school IT infrastructure (mostly Windows desktops)


  1. trellis. Ansible playbooks for a WordPress LEMP stack
  2. debops-wordpress. Your superpowered WordPress server in three commands.
  3. AnsiPress. AnsiPress - Simple L(Linux) E(NGINX) M(MariaDB) P(PHP7) Shared Hosting Setup
  4. beetbox. Pre-provisioned L*MP stack
  5. mikado. 🤖💨Mikado helps managing your AWS infrastructure for WordPress sites by defining an out-of-box, highly available, easy-to-deploy setup
  6. ansible-wordpress. Ansible role to set up (multiple) wordpress installations in Debian-like systems (using wp-cli)


  1. dotfiles. i3-gaps Dark Acid
  2. dotfiles. My precious configs
  3. dotfiles. Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger ― A powerful development environment for full-stack engineers