- andriod
- android-app
- android-application
- android-architecture
- android-architecture-components
- android-databinding
- android-development
- android-ktx
- android-library
- android-sdk
- android-studio
- android-studio-plugin
- android-ui
- animation
- anko
- app
- architecture
- architecture-components
- assertions
- async
- awesome
- awesome-list
- boilerplate
- camera
- clean-architecture
- compiler
- conference
- coroutines
- dagger
- dagger2
- dagger2-mvp
- demo
- dribbble
- dsl
- espresso
- ethereum
- fanfou
- fingerprint
- fingerprint-authentication
- fragments
- freedom
- functional
- functional-programming
- gallery
- game
- gradient
- gradle
- gradle-plugin
- graphql
- gson
- gui
- http
- http-client
- ijkplayer
- intellij
- intellij-plugin
- java
- javafx
- json
- junit
- jvm
- library
- livedata
- logging
- maps
- matchers
- material
- material-components
- material-design
- material-ui
- media
- mobile
- mockito
- moshi
- mvp
- mvp-architecture
- mvvm
- networking
- oauth
- okhttp
- okhttp3
- open-source
- opengl
- opensource
- orm
- realm
- recyclerview
- recyclerview-adapter
- repository
- retrofit
- retrofit2
- room
- rxjava
- rxjava2
- rxkotlin
- sample
- sticky
- testing
- textview
- timeline
- timelineview
- transition
- translation
- tutorial
- video
- view
- viewmodel
- kovenant. Kovenant. Promises for Kotlin.
- PassAndroid. Android App to view passes
- conference-app-2018. The Official Conference App for DroidKaigi 2018 Tokyo
- Mango. 🏀 An Android app for dribbble.com
- Transportr. The public transport companion that respects your privacy and your freedom.
- android-clean-architecture-boilerplate. An android boilerplate project using clean architecture
- tivi. Tivi is a work-in-progress TV show tracking Android app, which connects to Trakt.tv. It is still in its early stages of development and currently only contains two pieces of UI. It is under heavy development.
- Mango. 🏀 An Android app for dribbble.com
- SurvivalManual. Libre Survival Manual for Android with offline in mind
- From-design-to-Android-part2.
- red-moon. An android screen filter app for night time phone use
- kotlin-android-examples. 💪 [Examples] Isolated applications purely on Kotlin, for all android devs out there
- PackageTracker. The New ExpressHelper for Android.
- Kotlin-CleanArchitecture. This is a sample app that is part of a blog post I have written about how to architect android application using the Uncle Bob's clean architecture and Fernando Cejas Android-CleanArchitecture in Kotlin. Post in Spanish: http://katade.com/clean-architecture-kotlin/
- walleth. native Android Ethereum wallet
- android-clean-architecture-boilerplate. An android boilerplate project using clean architecture
- countries. An example Android app using Retrofit, Realm, Parceler, Dagger and the MVVM pattern with the data binding lib.
- Kotlin-CleanArchitecture. This is a sample app that is part of a blog post I have written about how to architect android application using the Uncle Bob's clean architecture and Fernando Cejas Android-CleanArchitecture in Kotlin. Post in Spanish: http://katade.com/clean-architecture-kotlin/
- Android-Architecture-Components. The template project that uses Android Architecture Components with Repository pattern. The simple app that uses awesome Fuel library instead of Retrofit for perfoming HTTP request. The app also persists data using the Room library and display data in RecyclerView.
- android-arch-news-sample. News app built using new Android Architecture Guidelines and Kotlin
- Android-Architecture-Components. The template project that uses Android Architecture Components with Repository pattern. The simple app that uses awesome Fuel library instead of Retrofit for perfoming HTTP request. The app also persists data using the Room library and display data in RecyclerView.
- android-arch-news-sample. News app built using new Android Architecture Guidelines and Kotlin
- Android-Architecture-Components-Kotlin. Sample used to practice Kotlin and Android Architecture Components.
- rx-mvvm-android. My way to MVVM using RxJava and Android databinding
- android-gif-example. Gif RecyclerView in MVP using Dagger 2 + Retrofit 2 + Moshi + RxJava 2 + Glide 4 with JUnit and Espresso tests written in Kotlin + Kotlin DSL!
- android-clean-architecture-boilerplate. An android boilerplate project using clean architecture
- Kotlin-for-Android-Developers. Companion App for the book
- Simple-Calendar. A simple calendar with events, customizable widget and no ads.
- Simple-Gallery. A gallery for viewing photos and videos without ads.
- kotlin-android-examples. 💪 [Examples] Isolated applications purely on Kotlin, for all android devs out there
- Fetch. The best file downloader library for Android
- Android-CleanArchitecture-Kotlin. This is a movies sample app in Kotlin, which is part of a serie of blog posts I have written about architecting android application using different approaches.
- intellij-java2smali. A plugin for IntelliJ IDEA & Android Studio to easily compile Java & Kotlin files to smali.
- slidetoact. A simple 'Slide to Unlock' Material widget for Android, written in Kotlin 📱🎨🦄
- Simple-File-Manager. A simple file manager for browsing and editing files and directories.
- K4Kotlin. A sweet, small set of Kotlin functions to reduce your android boilerplate code
- awesome-kotlin-android. 🔥📱收集利用 Kotlin 进行 Android 开发的开源库,扩展,工具,开源项目,资料等高质量资源
- 31DaysOfKotlin. A summary of all the Kotlin tips from Google's Android Developer #31DaysofKotlin on Twitter
- flexbox-layout. Flexbox for Android
- SuperSLiM. A layout manager for the RecyclerView with interchangeable linear, grid, and staggered displays of views, all with configurable section headers including the sticky variety as specified in the material design docs.
- transitioner. A library for dynamic view-to-view transitions
- debug-bottle. 🍼Debug Bottle is an Android runtime debug / develop tools written using kotlin language.
- FragNav. An Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments
- LastAdapter. Don't write a RecyclerView adapter again. Not even a ViewHolder!
- FingerprintManager. A small library to handle Android fingerprint API.
- CodeView-android. Display code with syntax highlighting ✨ in native way.
- StickySwitch. ⭐️ beautiful switch widget with sticky animation ⭐️
- OkLog. Network logging interceptor for OkHttp. Logs an URL link with encoded network call data for every OkHttp call.
- QuickPermissions. The most easiest way to handle Android Runtime Permissions
- Charles. ✨ Charles is a local multi-media selector for Android
- Lemniscate. An easy way to make your progress view nice and sleek.
- fakeit. The Kotlin fake data generator library!
- Fetch. The best file downloader library for Android
- awesome-kotlin-android. 🔥📱收集利用 Kotlin 进行 Android 开发的开源库,扩展,工具,开源项目,资料等高质量资源
- ActivityStarter. Simple Android Library, that provides easy way to start the Activities with arguments.
- Apollo. 🚀 Awesome EventBus by RxJava.
- MaterialDrawerKt. A Kotlin DSL wrapper around the mikepenz/MaterialDrawer library.
- co.revely.gradient. An Android library for easy gradient management
- slidetoact. A simple 'Slide to Unlock' Material widget for Android, written in Kotlin 📱🎨🦄
- K4Kotlin. A sweet, small set of Kotlin functions to reduce your android boilerplate code
- composer. Reactive Android Instrumentation Test Runner.
- Kotlin-Android-Boilerplate. Kotlin Android boilerplate project with MVVM architecture using RxJava, Dagger 2, and more!
- TranslationPlugin. 🔌JetBrains IDE/Android Studio 翻译插件
- Kotlin-Android-Boilerplate. Kotlin Android boilerplate project with MVVM architecture using RxJava, Dagger 2, and more!
- android-arch-news-sample. News app built using new Android Architecture Guidelines and Kotlin
- android-studio-poet. Generate industry scale Java & Kotlin Android Studio projects
- K4Kotlin. A sweet, small set of Kotlin functions to reduce your android boilerplate code
- JsonToKotlinClass. Plugin for Android Studio And IntelliJ Idea to generate Kotlin data class code from JSON text ( Json to Kotlin )
- intellij-java2smali. A plugin for IntelliJ IDEA & Android Studio to easily compile Java & Kotlin files to smali.
- CodeView-android. Display code with syntax highlighting ✨ in native way.
- paris. Define and apply styles to Android views programmatically
- MaterialDrawerKt. A Kotlin DSL wrapper around the mikepenz/MaterialDrawer library.
- slidetoact. A simple 'Slide to Unlock' Material widget for Android, written in Kotlin 📱🎨🦄
- transitioner. A library for dynamic view-to-view transitions
- JellyToolbar.
- SearchFilter. Implementing Search Filter Animation in Kotlin for Quora Meets LinkedIn, Our App Design Concept
- Multi-Selection. Multiselection Solution for Android in Kotlin
- Bubble-Picker. An easy-to-use animation which can be used for content picking for Android
- android-snowfall. Fully customizable implementation of "Snowfall View" on Android.
- StickySwitch. ⭐️ beautiful switch widget with sticky animation ⭐️
- OfficialFoldingTabBar.Android.
- RadiusTransition. Transition between a circle to a square. ⚪️→ ⬜️
- PlayTabLayout. PlayTabLayout is a tab layout very similar to Google Play tab layout. The main feature is that ripple shows in a particular place where user taps.
- awesome-kotlin-android. 🔥📱收集利用 Kotlin 进行 Android 开发的开源库,扩展,工具,开源项目,资料等高质量资源
- android-kotlin-samples. Some basic samples of Kotlin for Android
- Fetch. The best file downloader library for Android
- awesome-kotlin-android. 🔥📱收集利用 Kotlin 进行 Android 开发的开源库,扩展,工具,开源项目,资料等高质量资源
- bodyweight-fitness-android. Bodyweight Fitness (Android)
- NewsCatchr. FOSS Android News Reader App
- kotlin-mvp-example. A small client server app on Kotlin that is using MVP architecture
- Android-Architecture-Components-Kotlin. Sample used to practice Kotlin and Android Architecture Components.
- KUnidirectional. The goal of this sample app is to show how we can implement unidirectional data flow architecture based on Flux and Redux on Android... using Kotlin 😉
- serverless-photo-recognition. A collection of 3 lambda functions that are invoked by Amazon S3 or Amazon API Gateway to analyze uploaded images with Amazon Rekognition and save picture labels to ElasticSearch (written in Kotlin)
- CatchUp. An app for catching up on things.
- Ribble. Simple Dribbble Client using Dribbble API, fully written in Kotlin 😱 ❤️
- rx-mvvm-android. My way to MVVM using RxJava and Android databinding
- MovieNight. MovieNight is a sample Android application that uses the clean architecture approach and is written in Kotlin.
- Posts. A sample Android app using Kotlin, Dagger 2, RxJava, RxAndroid, Retrofit and Android Architecture Components with a modular setup & effective networking
- android-arch-news-sample. News app built using new Android Architecture Guidelines and Kotlin
- kotlin-architecture-components. This is a sample app that uses Android Architecture Components with Kotlin and Dagger 2.
- Android-Architecture-Components-Kotlin. Sample used to practice Kotlin and Android Architecture Components.
- kotlintest. Powerful, elegant and flexible Kotlin test framework
- hamkrest. Hamcrest for Kotlin
- ktor. Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort
- kotlinx.coroutines. Library support for Kotlin coroutines
- kovenant. Kovenant. Promises for Kotlin.
- kotlin-coroutines-retrofit. Kotlin Coroutines await() extension for Retrofit Call
- ktx. LibKTX: Kotlin extensions for LibGDX games and applications
- AsyncAwait. async/await for Android built upon coroutines introduced in Kotlin 1.1
- awesome-conferences-database. 📲 A collaborative list of Conferences
- awesome-kotlin-android. 🔥📱收集利用 Kotlin 进行 Android 开发的开源库,扩展,工具,开源项目,资料等高质量资源
- awesome-conferences-database. 📲 A collaborative list of Conferences
- awesome-kotlin-android. 🔥📱收集利用 Kotlin 进行 Android 开发的开源库,扩展,工具,开源项目,资料等高质量资源
- android-clean-architecture-boilerplate. An android boilerplate project using clean architecture
- clean-architecture-components-boilerplate. A fork of our clean architecture boilerplate, this time using the Android Architecture Components
- Android-Architecture-Components. The template project that uses Android Architecture Components with Repository pattern. The simple app that uses awesome Fuel library instead of Retrofit for perfoming HTTP request. The app also persists data using the Room library and display data in RecyclerView.
- Fotoapparat. Making Camera for Android more friendly. 📸
- Simple-Camera. A camera with flash, zoom and no ads.
- android-clean-architecture-boilerplate. An android boilerplate project using clean architecture
- Ribble. Simple Dribbble Client using Dribbble API, fully written in Kotlin 😱 ❤️
- clean-architecture-components-boilerplate. A fork of our clean architecture boilerplate, this time using the Android Architecture Components
- MovieNight. MovieNight is a sample Android application that uses the clean architecture approach and is written in Kotlin.
- Android-CleanArchitecture-Kotlin. This is a movies sample app in Kotlin, which is part of a serie of blog posts I have written about architecting android application using different approaches.
- kotlin. The Kotlin Programming Language
- kotlin-native. Kotlin/Native infrastructure
- conference-app-2018. The Official Conference App for DroidKaigi 2018 Tokyo
- awesome-conferences-database. 📲 A collaborative list of Conferences
- kotlinx.coroutines. Library support for Kotlin coroutines
- kotlin-coroutines-retrofit. Kotlin Coroutines await() extension for Retrofit Call
- WanAndroidClient. Try to build a www.wanandroid.com client for kotlin.
- ktx. LibKTX: Kotlin extensions for LibGDX games and applications
- AsyncAwait. async/await for Android built upon coroutines introduced in Kotlin 1.1
- CatchUp. An app for catching up on things.
- countries. An example Android app using Retrofit, Realm, Parceler, Dagger and the MVVM pattern with the data binding lib.
- kotlin-architecture-components. This is a sample app that uses Android Architecture Components with Kotlin and Dagger 2.
- Voice. Minimalistic audiobook player
- Ribble. Simple Dribbble Client using Dribbble API, fully written in Kotlin 😱 ❤️
- MovieNight. MovieNight is a sample Android application that uses the clean architecture approach and is written in Kotlin.
- Kotlin-CleanArchitecture. This is a sample app that is part of a blog post I have written about how to architect android application using the Uncle Bob's clean architecture and Fernando Cejas Android-CleanArchitecture in Kotlin. Post in Spanish: http://katade.com/clean-architecture-kotlin/
- kotlin-android-mvp-starter. Create/Generate your kotlin MVP projects easily
- MoviesApp. It's under heavy development.
- kotlin-android-mvp-starter. Create/Generate your kotlin MVP projects easily
- awesome-kotlin-android. 🔥📱收集利用 Kotlin 进行 Android 开发的开源库,扩展,工具,开源项目,资料等高质量资源
- AndroidWithKotlin. 🚀 These are android sample projects which are written in Kotlin. It covers video streaming, mp3 player, sqlite, location services, custom camera, o-notifications, simple compass etc.
- koin. KOIN - a concise and pragmatic dependency injection framework for Kotlin
- Kakao. Nice and simple DSL for Espresso in Kotlin
- kotlinx.html. Kotlin DSL for HTML
- MaterialDrawerKt. A Kotlin DSL wrapper around the mikepenz/MaterialDrawer library.
- Barista. ☕ The guy who serves a great Espresso
- kotlin-android-starter. [Kotlin Android] Kotlin Android starter based MVP/Dagger2/RxJava2/Robolectric/Espresso/Mockito. It provides a generator to fast create a Kotlin Android project.
- Kakao. Nice and simple DSL for Espresso in Kotlin
- android-gif-example. Gif RecyclerView in MVP using Dagger 2 + Retrofit 2 + Moshi + RxJava 2 + Glide 4 with JUnit and Espresso tests written in Kotlin + Kotlin DSL!
- intellij-solidity. Solidity plugin for IntelliJ
- walleth. native Android Ethereum wallet
- Twidere-Android.
- FanfouHandpick. 📖 A Fanfou Handpick Client Developed by Kotlin
- FingerprintManager. A small library to handle Android fingerprint API.
- FingerprintAuthHelper. A small library that allows You to easily manage fingererprint authentication inside your Activity or Fragment on devices with fingerprint scanner and Android M and higher. Min sdk 14
- FingerprintManager. A small library to handle Android fingerprint API.
- FingerprintAuthHelper. A small library that allows You to easily manage fingererprint authentication inside your Activity or Fragment on devices with fingerprint scanner and Android M and higher. Min sdk 14
- FragNav. An Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments
- kotlinextensions.com. A handy collection of most commonly used Kotlin extensions to boost your productivity.
- Simple-Calendar. A simple calendar with events, customizable widget and no ads.
- Simple-Gallery. A gallery for viewing photos and videos without ads.
- Simple-File-Manager. A simple file manager for browsing and editing files and directories.
- koin. KOIN - a concise and pragmatic dependency injection framework for Kotlin
- Result. The modelling for success/failure of operations in Kotlin
- arrow. Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library
- funKTionale. Functional constructs for Kotlin
- Android-CleanArchitecture-Kotlin. This is a movies sample app in Kotlin, which is part of a serie of blog posts I have written about architecting android application using different approaches.
- Simple-Gallery. A gallery for viewing photos and videos without ads.
- PickPhotoSample. Photo Picker Of Android Library
- kotcity. KotCity, an open source city simulator
- FriceEngine. 🎮 JVM game engine based on Swing/JavaFX.
- Spark. 🎨 An Android library to create gradient animation like Instagram&Spotify
- co.revely.gradient. An Android library for easy gradient management
- kotlin-examples. Various examples for Kotlin
- kotlin-dsl. Kotlin language support for Gradle build scripts
- Fetch. The best file downloader library for Android
- kotlin-frontend-plugin. Gradle Kotlin (http://kotlinlang.org) plugin for frontend development
- MinecraftDev. Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA that gives special support for Minecraft modding projects.
- Charlatano. Cheating is but a lifestyle
- JRAW. The Java Reddit API Wrapper
- android-studio-poet. Generate industry scale Java & Kotlin Android Studio projects
- kotlin. The Kotlin Programming Language
- detekt. Static code analysis for Kotlin
- android-junit5. Testing with JUnit 5 for Android.
- CatchUp. An app for catching up on things.
- neo4j-graphql. GraphQL bindings for Neo4j, generates and runs Cypher
- graphql-java-tools. A schema-first tool for graphql-java inspired by graphql-tools for JS (https://github.com/apollographql/graphql-tools)
- JsonToKotlinClass. Plugin for Android Studio And IntelliJ Idea to generate Kotlin data class code from JSON text ( Json to Kotlin )
- countries. An example Android app using Retrofit, Realm, Parceler, Dagger and the MVVM pattern with the data binding lib.
- GUI-YouGet. GUI for you-get and youtube-dl
- jclasslib. jclasslib bytecode viewer is a tool that visualizes all aspects of compiled Java class files and the contained bytecode.
- http4k. http4k is an HTTP toolkit written in Kotlin that enables the serving and consuming of HTTP services in a functional and consistent way.
- Fetch. The best file downloader library for Android
- khttp. Kotlin HTTP requests library. Similar to Python requests.
- Fuel. The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
- http4k. http4k is an HTTP toolkit written in Kotlin that enables the serving and consuming of HTTP services in a functional and consistent way.
- Eyepetizer-in-Kotlin. 使用Kotlin撸一款Eyepetizer,学习Kotlin语言
- Tucao. http://www.tucao.tv/ 吐槽第三方Android客户端
- intellij-rust. Rust plugin for the IntelliJ Platform: https://intellij-rust.github.io/
- TranslationPlugin. 🔌JetBrains IDE/Android Studio 翻译插件
- intellij-rainbow-brackets. Rainbow Brackets / Rainbow Parentheses for IntelliJ IDEA based IDEs
- intellij-solidity. Solidity plugin for IntelliJ
- MinecraftDev. Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA that gives special support for Minecraft modding projects.
- kotlin. The Kotlin Programming Language
- TranslationPlugin. 🔌JetBrains IDE/Android Studio 翻译插件
- permissions-dispatcher-plugin. IntelliJ plugin for supporting PermissionsDispatcher
- JsonToKotlinClass. Plugin for Android Studio And IntelliJ Idea to generate Kotlin data class code from JSON text ( Json to Kotlin )
- intellij-rainbow-brackets. Rainbow Brackets / Rainbow Parentheses for IntelliJ IDEA based IDEs
- ok-gradle. IntelliJ/Android Studio plugin for searching artifacts ids of popular Java libraries.
- intellij-solidity. Solidity plugin for IntelliJ
- kotlin-for-android-developers-zh. Kotlin for android developers in chinese.
- lwjgl3. LWJGL is a Java library that enables cross-platform access to popular native APIs useful in the development of graphics (OpenGL), audio (OpenAL) and parallel computing (OpenCL) applications.
- Android-TextView-LinkBuilder. Insanely easy way to define clickable links within a TextView.
- Lightning-Browser. A lightweight Android browser with modern navigation
- jvm-mon. Console-based JVM monitoring
- Bubble-Picker. An easy-to-use animation which can be used for content picking for Android
- jclasslib. jclasslib bytecode viewer is a tool that visualizes all aspects of compiled Java class files and the contained bytecode.
- intellij-rainbow-brackets. Rainbow Brackets / Rainbow Parentheses for IntelliJ IDEA based IDEs
- CodeView-android. Display code with syntax highlighting ✨ in native way.
- retroauth. A library build on top of retrofit, for simple handling of authenticated requests
- SpannedGridLayoutManager. Android RecyclerView.LayoutManager that resizes and reorders views based on SpanSize
- Kanary. A minimalist web framework for building REST APIs in Kotlin/Java.
- Android-FloatingTutorialActivity. A light-weight, easy-to-implement, and easy-to-look-at way to do a tutorial pager or dialog on Android
- MinecraftDev. Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA that gives special support for Minecraft modding projects.
- Charlatano. Cheating is but a lifestyle
- telegram_backup. Java app to download all your telegram data.
- JRAW. The Java Reddit API Wrapper
- bodyweight-fitness-android. Bodyweight Fitness (Android)
- Android-Architecture-Components. The template project that uses Android Architecture Components with Repository pattern. The simple app that uses awesome Fuel library instead of Retrofit for perfoming HTTP request. The app also persists data using the Room library and display data in RecyclerView.
- Kotlin-CN. 尝试使用Kotlin编写构建的 Kotlin China 论坛,采用etcd+自定义tcp协议rpc做服务调度的分布式架构。我们致力于提供最好的Kotlin中文教程,共建最潮流的Kotlin中文社区
- FriceEngine. 🎮 JVM game engine based on Swing/JavaFX.
- intellij-java2smali. A plugin for IntelliJ IDEA & Android Studio to easily compile Java & Kotlin files to smali.
- KRefreshLayout. 强大的下拉刷新库,定制任意Header。比官方SwipRefrehLayout处理更加友好(Kotlin、Java双版本)
- walleth. native Android Ethereum wallet
- android-studio-poet. Generate industry scale Java & Kotlin Android Studio projects
- graphql-java-tools. A schema-first tool for graphql-java inspired by graphql-tools for JS (https://github.com/apollographql/graphql-tools)
- tornadofx. Lightweight JavaFX Framework for Kotlin
- FriceEngine. 🎮 JVM game engine based on Swing/JavaFX.
- klaxon. A JSON parser for Kotlin
- kotlinx.serialization. Kotlin cross-platform / multi-format serialization
- android-gif-example. Gif RecyclerView in MVP using Dagger 2 + Retrofit 2 + Moshi + RxJava 2 + Glide 4 with JUnit and Espresso tests written in Kotlin + Kotlin DSL!
- android-junit5. Testing with JUnit 5 for Android.
- jvm-mon. Console-based JVM monitoring
- kotlin-logging. Lightweight logging framework for Kotlin. A convenient and performant logging library wrapping slf4j with Kotlin extensions
- asmble. Compile WebAssembly to JVM and other WASM tools
- komputation. Komputation is a neural network framework for the Java Virtual Machine written in Kotlin and CUDA C.
- FriceEngine. 🎮 JVM game engine based on Swing/JavaFX.
- graphql-java-tools. A schema-first tool for graphql-java inspired by graphql-tools for JS (https://github.com/apollographql/graphql-tools)
- transitioner. A library for dynamic view-to-view transitions
- fluid-slider-android.
💧 A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected. Android library made by @Ramotion
- StickySwitch. ⭐️ beautiful switch widget with sticky animation ⭐️
- Stepper-Touch. Stepper Touch for Android based on MaterialUp submission
- fakeit. The Kotlin fake data generator library!
- SpannedGridLayoutManager. Android RecyclerView.LayoutManager that resizes and reorders views based on SpanSize
- Android-FloatingTutorialActivity. A light-weight, easy-to-implement, and easy-to-look-at way to do a tutorial pager or dialog on Android
- co.revely.gradient. An Android library for easy gradient management
- openct-android. open class table for android
- AndroidDeviceNames. A tiny Android library that transforms the device model name into something users can understand.
- K4Kotlin. A sweet, small set of Kotlin functions to reduce your android boilerplate code
- rx-mvvm-android. My way to MVVM using RxJava and Android databinding
- Android-Architecture-Components. The template project that uses Android Architecture Components with Repository pattern. The simple app that uses awesome Fuel library instead of Retrofit for perfoming HTTP request. The app also persists data using the Room library and display data in RecyclerView.
- Android-Architecture-Components-Kotlin. Sample used to practice Kotlin and Android Architecture Components.
- kotlin-logging. Lightweight logging framework for Kotlin. A convenient and performant logging library wrapping slf4j with Kotlin extensions
- OkLog. Network logging interceptor for OkHttp. Logs an URL link with encoded network call data for every OkHttp call.
- MapMe. The Android maps adapter
- react-native-amap3d. react-native 高德地图组件,使用最新 3D SDK,支持 Android + iOS
- kotlintest. Powerful, elegant and flexible Kotlin test framework
- hamkrest. Hamcrest for Kotlin
- MaterialTimelineView. With MaterialTimelineView you can easily create a material looking timeline.
- slidetoact. A simple 'Slide to Unlock' Material widget for Android, written in Kotlin 📱🎨🦄
- Light. 🍭 The usual Snackbar, but elegant
- slidetoact. A simple 'Slide to Unlock' Material widget for Android, written in Kotlin 📱🎨🦄
- Twidere-Android.
- Voice. Minimalistic audiobook player
- Tucao. http://www.tucao.tv/ 吐槽第三方Android客户端
- StickySwitch. ⭐️ beautiful switch widget with sticky animation ⭐️
- Light. 🍭 The usual Snackbar, but elegant
- MaterialTimelineView. With MaterialTimelineView you can easily create a material looking timeline.
- MoviesApp. It's under heavy development.
- Android-FloatingTutorialActivity. A light-weight, easy-to-implement, and easy-to-look-at way to do a tutorial pager or dialog on Android
- PackageTracker. The New ExpressHelper for Android.
- MaterialPopupMenu. Shows Material popup menus grouped in sections & more
- slidetoact. A simple 'Slide to Unlock' Material widget for Android, written in Kotlin 📱🎨🦄
- MaterialTimelineView. With MaterialTimelineView you can easily create a material looking timeline.
- MaterialDrawerKt. A Kotlin DSL wrapper around the mikepenz/MaterialDrawer library.
- slidetoact. A simple 'Slide to Unlock' Material widget for Android, written in Kotlin 📱🎨🦄
- Charles. ✨ Charles is a local multi-media selector for Android
- telegram_backup. Java app to download all your telegram data.
- awesome-conferences-database. 📲 A collaborative list of Conferences
- Fetch. The best file downloader library for Android
- bodyweight-fitness-android. Bodyweight Fitness (Android)
- mockito-kotlin. Using Mockito with Kotlin
- kotlin-android-starter. [Kotlin Android] Kotlin Android starter based MVP/Dagger2/RxJava2/Robolectric/Espresso/Mockito. It provides a generator to fast create a Kotlin Android project.
- Android-Testing-With-Kotlin. Android Testing With Kotlin
- CatchUp. An app for catching up on things.
- JsonToKotlinClass. Plugin for Android Studio And IntelliJ Idea to generate Kotlin data class code from JSON text ( Json to Kotlin )
- kotshi. An annotations processor that generates Moshi adapters from immutable Kotlin data classes.
- android-gif-example. Gif RecyclerView in MVP using Dagger 2 + Retrofit 2 + Moshi + RxJava 2 + Glide 4 with JUnit and Espresso tests written in Kotlin + Kotlin DSL!
- Voice. Minimalistic audiobook player
- KotlinMvp. 🔥 基于Kotlin+MVP+Retrofit+RxJava+Glide 等架构实现的短视频类的APP练手项目,UI 简约风格,代码详细注释,欢迎 Star or Fork!
- Ribble. Simple Dribbble Client using Dribbble API, fully written in Kotlin 😱 ❤️
- kotlin-android-starter. [Kotlin Android] Kotlin Android starter based MVP/Dagger2/RxJava2/Robolectric/Espresso/Mockito. It provides a generator to fast create a Kotlin Android project.
- JBusDriver. 这是去幼儿园的班车(滑稽
- kotlin-android-mvp-starter. Create/Generate your kotlin MVP projects easily
- kotlin-mvp-example. A small client server app on Kotlin that is using MVP architecture
- android-gif-example. Gif RecyclerView in MVP using Dagger 2 + Retrofit 2 + Moshi + RxJava 2 + Glide 4 with JUnit and Espresso tests written in Kotlin + Kotlin DSL!
- Eyepetizer. kotlin仿开眼app 学习kotlin mvp retrofit rxjava
- AndroidModular. 总结Android模块化的一些知识点。
- countries. An example Android app using Retrofit, Realm, Parceler, Dagger and the MVVM pattern with the data binding lib.
- rx-mvvm-android. My way to MVVM using RxJava and Android databinding
- Fuel. The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
- Fetch. The best file downloader library for Android
- retroauth. A library build on top of retrofit, for simple handling of authenticated requests
- JRAW. The Java Reddit API Wrapper
- OkLog. Network logging interceptor for OkHttp. Logs an URL link with encoded network call data for every OkHttp call.
- Fetch. The best file downloader library for Android
- android-kotlin-samples. Some basic samples of Kotlin for Android
- JBusDriver. 这是去幼儿园的班车(滑稽
- AndroidWithKotlin. 🚀 These are android sample projects which are written in Kotlin. It covers video streaming, mp3 player, sqlite, location services, custom camera, o-notifications, simple compass etc.
- Simple-Calendar. A simple calendar with events, customizable widget and no ads.
- Simple-Gallery. A gallery for viewing photos and videos without ads.
- fakeit. The Kotlin fake data generator library!
- lwjgl3. LWJGL is a Java library that enables cross-platform access to popular native APIs useful in the development of graphics (OpenGL), audio (OpenAL) and parallel computing (OpenCL) applications.
- Bubble-Picker. An easy-to-use animation which can be used for content picking for Android
- co.revely.gradient. An Android library for easy gradient management
- Simple-File-Manager. A simple file manager for browsing and editing files and directories.
- Simple-Camera. A camera with flash, zoom and no ads.
- Exposed. Kotlin SQL Framework
- Kotlin-Realm-Extensions. Kotlin extensions to simplify Realm API.
- countries. An example Android app using Retrofit, Realm, Parceler, Dagger and the MVVM pattern with the data binding lib.
- Kotlin-Realm-Extensions. Kotlin extensions to simplify Realm API.
- Kotlin-CleanArchitecture. This is a sample app that is part of a blog post I have written about how to architect android application using the Uncle Bob's clean architecture and Fernando Cejas Android-CleanArchitecture in Kotlin. Post in Spanish: http://katade.com/clean-architecture-kotlin/
- kotlin-android-mvp-starter. Create/Generate your kotlin MVP projects easily
- Multi-Selection. Multiselection Solution for Android in Kotlin
- MapMe. The Android maps adapter
- LastAdapter. Don't write a RecyclerView adapter again. Not even a ViewHolder!
- CodeView-android. Display code with syntax highlighting ✨ in native way.
- SpannedGridLayoutManager. Android RecyclerView.LayoutManager that resizes and reorders views based on SpanSize
- AndroidWithKotlin. 🚀 These are android sample projects which are written in Kotlin. It covers video streaming, mp3 player, sqlite, location services, custom camera, o-notifications, simple compass etc.
- android-gif-example. Gif RecyclerView in MVP using Dagger 2 + Retrofit 2 + Moshi + RxJava 2 + Glide 4 with JUnit and Espresso tests written in Kotlin + Kotlin DSL!
- LastAdapter. Don't write a RecyclerView adapter again. Not even a ViewHolder!
- CodeView-android. Display code with syntax highlighting ✨ in native way.
- Android-Architecture-Components. The template project that uses Android Architecture Components with Repository pattern. The simple app that uses awesome Fuel library instead of Retrofit for perfoming HTTP request. The app also persists data using the Room library and display data in RecyclerView.
- Android-Architecture-Components-Kotlin. Sample used to practice Kotlin and Android Architecture Components.
- countries. An example Android app using Retrofit, Realm, Parceler, Dagger and the MVVM pattern with the data binding lib.
- kotlin-coroutines-retrofit. Kotlin Coroutines await() extension for Retrofit Call
- Fetch. The best file downloader library for Android
- AndroidWithKotlin. 🚀 These are android sample projects which are written in Kotlin. It covers video streaming, mp3 player, sqlite, location services, custom camera, o-notifications, simple compass etc.
- KotlinMvp. 🔥 基于Kotlin+MVP+Retrofit+RxJava+Glide 等架构实现的短视频类的APP练手项目,UI 简约风格,代码详细注释,欢迎 Star or Fork!
- kotlin-coroutines-retrofit. Kotlin Coroutines await() extension for Retrofit Call
- retroauth. A library build on top of retrofit, for simple handling of authenticated requests
- WanAndroidClient. Try to build a www.wanandroid.com client for kotlin.
- JBusDriver. 这是去幼儿园的班车(滑稽
- kotlin-android-mvp-starter. Create/Generate your kotlin MVP projects easily
- android-arch-news-sample. News app built using new Android Architecture Guidelines and Kotlin
- CatchUp. An app for catching up on things.
- clean-architecture-components-boilerplate. A fork of our clean architecture boilerplate, this time using the Android Architecture Components
- android-arch-news-sample. News app built using new Android Architecture Guidelines and Kotlin
- Android-Architecture-Components-Kotlin. Sample used to practice Kotlin and Android Architecture Components.
- RxKotlin. RxJava bindings for Kotlin
- RxDownload. A multi-threaded download tool written with RxJava and Kotlin
- Fuel. The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
- Voice. Minimalistic audiobook player
- KotlinMvp. 🔥 基于Kotlin+MVP+Retrofit+RxJava+Glide 等架构实现的短视频类的APP练手项目,UI 简约风格,代码详细注释,欢迎 Star or Fork!
- CatchUp. An app for catching up on things.
- Mango. 🏀 An Android app for dribbble.com
- kovenant. Kovenant. Promises for Kotlin.
- kotlin-android-starter. [Kotlin Android] Kotlin Android starter based MVP/Dagger2/RxJava2/Robolectric/Espresso/Mockito. It provides a generator to fast create a Kotlin Android project.
- RxPay. 一个集成支付宝微信的支付工具完全兼容kotlin
- rx-mvvm-android. My way to MVVM using RxJava and Android databinding
- MoviesApp. It's under heavy development.
- Apollo. 🚀 Awesome EventBus by RxJava.
- FunctionalAndroidReference. Showcase project of Functional Reactive Programming on Android, using RxJava.
- Kotlin-CleanArchitecture. This is a sample app that is part of a blog post I have written about how to architect android application using the Uncle Bob's clean architecture and Fernando Cejas Android-CleanArchitecture in Kotlin. Post in Spanish: http://katade.com/clean-architecture-kotlin/
- Eyepetizer. kotlin仿开眼app 学习kotlin mvp retrofit rxjava
- RxRouter. A lightweight, simple, smart and powerful Android routing library.
- KotlinMvp. 🔥 基于Kotlin+MVP+Retrofit+RxJava+Glide 等架构实现的短视频类的APP练手项目,UI 简约风格,代码详细注释,欢迎 Star or Fork!
- Ribble. Simple Dribbble Client using Dribbble API, fully written in Kotlin 😱 ❤️
- JBusDriver. 这是去幼儿园的班车(滑稽
- MovieNight. MovieNight is a sample Android application that uses the clean architecture approach and is written in Kotlin.
- Apollo. 🚀 Awesome EventBus by RxJava.
- kotlin-android-mvp-starter. Create/Generate your kotlin MVP projects easily
- RxTest. Kotlin DSL for easier RxJava testing.
- Mango. 🏀 An Android app for dribbble.com
- Kotlin-CleanArchitecture. This is a sample app that is part of a blog post I have written about how to architect android application using the Uncle Bob's clean architecture and Fernando Cejas Android-CleanArchitecture in Kotlin. Post in Spanish: http://katade.com/clean-architecture-kotlin/
- kotlin-android-mvp-starter. Create/Generate your kotlin MVP projects easily
- kotlin-fullstack-sample. Kotlin Full-stack Application Example
- AndroidWithKotlin. 🚀 These are android sample projects which are written in Kotlin. It covers video streaming, mp3 player, sqlite, location services, custom camera, o-notifications, simple compass etc.
- kotlin-mvp-example. A small client server app on Kotlin that is using MVP architecture
- StickySwitch. ⭐️ beautiful switch widget with sticky animation ⭐️
- StickyTimeLine. StickyTimeLine is timeline view for android.
- kotlintest. Powerful, elegant and flexible Kotlin test framework
- Barista. ☕ The guy who serves a great Espresso
- Kluent. Fluent Assertion-Library for Kotlin
- RxTest. Kotlin DSL for easier RxJava testing.
- hamkrest. Hamcrest for Kotlin
- Android-TextView-LinkBuilder. Insanely easy way to define clickable links within a TextView.
- kotlinextensions.com. A handy collection of most commonly used Kotlin extensions to boost your productivity.
- MaterialTimelineView. With MaterialTimelineView you can easily create a material looking timeline.
- TimeLineView. A simple Timeline View that demonstrates the power of ConstraintLayout and RecyclerView. No drawing, just plug in and play.
- StickyTimeLine. StickyTimeLine is timeline view for android.
- TimeLineView. A simple Timeline View that demonstrates the power of ConstraintLayout and RecyclerView. No drawing, just plug in and play.
- StickyTimeLine. StickyTimeLine is timeline view for android.
- transitioner. A library for dynamic view-to-view transitions
- OfficialFoldingTabBar.Android.
- RadiusTransition. Transition between a circle to a square. ⚪️→ ⬜️
- kotlin-for-android-developers-zh. Kotlin for android developers in chinese.
- TranslationPlugin. 🔌JetBrains IDE/Android Studio 翻译插件
- Kotlin-Tutorials. 【Kotlin 视频教程】国内资料较少,我录制了一套视频作为抛砖引玉~
- Android-FloatingTutorialActivity. A light-weight, easy-to-implement, and easy-to-look-at way to do a tutorial pager or dialog on Android
- Kotlin-Tutorials. 【Kotlin 视频教程】国内资料较少,我录制了一套视频作为抛砖引玉~
- Simple-Gallery. A gallery for viewing photos and videos without ads.
- Simple-Camera. A camera with flash, zoom and no ads.
- transitioner. A library for dynamic view-to-view transitions
- Lemniscate. An easy way to make your progress view nice and sleek.
- MaterialTimelineView. With MaterialTimelineView you can easily create a material looking timeline.
- android-arch-news-sample. News app built using new Android Architecture Guidelines and Kotlin
- Android-Architecture-Components-Kotlin. Sample used to practice Kotlin and Android Architecture Components.