👨💻 I'm an AI Engineer and Data Scientist with a background in Applied Physics. I'm focused on applying cutting-edge AI and data-driven solutions to address climate and sustainability challenges.
My recent work involves time series analysis and computer vision technologies for resource management, including water supply and waste management. I'm also interested in causal inference and exploring complex systems.
AI Engineer @ VRAIN (Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence) - Universitat Politècnica de València July 2023 - Present
- Research on the integration of different Machine/Deep Learning tools across various stages of the waste management value chain, within the ReciclAI360º R&D project. Waste image and video classification, development of an application as a personal recycling assistant, behaviour analysis, resources optimization... Publications:
- O. Chacón-Albero et al. Towards Sustainable Recycling: Advancements in AI-Based Waste Classification. In: Highlights in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Digital Twins 2024. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2149. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-73058-0_2
- M. Campos-Mocholí, O. Chacón-Albero et al. CLARA: Semi-automatic Retraining System. In: Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15347. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-77738-7_14
Data Scientist @ Global Omnium Idrica SLU October 2022 - June 2023
- Hybrid Data Scientist/ Data Engineer role providing intelligent solutions for the optimization of the water cycle management
- ETLs design and maintenance, development of water supply monitorization algorithms using Python, PostgreSQL and pySpark. Algorithms deployment and orchestration using Git, Docker and Kafka
Master Thesis @ Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria - Universitat de València September 2024
- Exploring Causal Inference methods to discover causal relations and assess the impact of human activities from climatic data
- Causal effects estimation using Causal Impact and causal discovery using Tigramite, from temporal climatic data
- Also explored temporal series clustering with tslearn
- You can read my master thesis and check my code on this repo