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NOTE: sequelize has been deprecated due to the decision to pull the sequelize migrator from future releases of sequelize. Although some recent fixes/improvements have been completed you should consider exploring the suggested interface for migrations Umzug.

The intent will be to port this project so as to support the a above mentioned alternative. The will add features which will add the automatic creation of migrations based on models such as intended by sequelize-cmd.

A command line interface for Sequelize. Largely based on sequelize-cli "cmd" adds advanced features that provide auto generated migrations based on previous model states. Up and Down migration events are then stubbed out accordingly.

Sequelize-cmd also allows passing an existing db connection as well as connecting via configuration params.

##Pre-Release Not for Production Use

Sequelize-cmd is very young and not ready for production use.


npm install sequelize-cmd -g

After installing with the above, navigate to your project directory and run:

sqcmd init

##Add Model

Adding a model only requires a name, in your sqcmd.json file you can configure models to auto capitalize or filenames to auto lower etc. Valid casing options are:

capitalize, lower, upper, camel, pascal, undefined.

You may add properties when generating a model. Each property may have multiple attributes. Each property should be separated with a space. Each attribute for a property should be separated by a :. An attribute is specified as key=value.

sqcmd addModel user firstName lastName email:type=string:allowNull:false

##Add Migration

To add a migration you need only specify the migration name. Migrations are prefixed with a timestamp. The migration will be generated based on a comparison from the previous state of the models. To stub out a migration with no auto generated values use the -s or --stub flag.

sqcmd addMigration create_user

##Add Seed

Seeds are used to populate tables after a migration. Seed files are passed the sequelize instance, sequelize DataTypes and an instance of the library. Chance assists in generating mock data.

sqcmd addSeed users

####Example Seed

'use strict';

module.exports = function (db, types, chance) {

    var model = db.models.User,
        models = [],
        count = 10;

    function generateUser(){
        var user = {
            first_name: chance.first(),
            last_name: chance.last(),
       return user;

    for(var i = 0; i < count; i++){

    // create the rows using our generated models.
    return model.bulkCreate(models);



When migrating any non-processed migrations will be run based on timestamps withing the sequelize meta table. To undo a migration simply run the command with -u or --undo.

sqcmd migrate


If a seed name is not specified all seeds are run.

sqcmd seed users


For a full list of commands and optional flags run:

sqcmd usage


Within your sqcmd.json file there are several options. Key options are explained below.

    templates: '/path/to/templates', // where the seed, model and migration custom templates are stored [optional]
    db: {
        // typical Sequelize connection properties.
    migration: {
        migrations: '/path/to/migrations/folder',
        models: '/path/to/models/folder',
        seeds: '/path/to/seeds/folder',
        typeVariable: 'types' // by default property types are defined 'types.STRING' you may wish to use 'DataTypes.STRING'

##Overwriting, Specify Path or Template

To overwrite an existing file of the same name use:

sqcmd addModel user -f or --force

To save a model or seed to a specific path you may add a prefix. This prefix is appended to the location of your model or seed folder if your models were located at /models and you added a prefix of /accounts for the model user the model would be saved to /models/accounts/user.js. Note you may need to wrap your prefix in quotes if the path contains spaces.

sqcmd addSeed users -p or --prefix /accounts 

To use a specific tempalte when generating a model, migration or seed you can use the -t or --template flag. This is useful when you have a certain type/category of model that is similar to others. Rather than having only one template you can make as many as you like and simply specify it by name.

sqcmd addSeed -t seed_timestamps // or some suffix that indicates its contents.


Command line interface for Sequelize migrations.







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