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23 repositories
Public templateacme-web
Public archiveweavy-web-node
Public archiveweavy-react-nextjs
Public archiveweavy-js-dotnet
Public archiveadd-weavy-to-hubspot
PublicLearn how to add chat, feeds, and file-sharing to your site built in HubSpot CMS using Weavy including pages published as private so you can add community features for your signed-in users.Wijmo-Weavy-Hackathon
Public archiveWeavyWijmo
Public archiveIt uses ASP.NET for user authentication, and React for the UI. The main difference is that this app has a client-side part that creates JWT tokens to be used by the Weavy client. The app was created using Visual Studio 2022 (new project, ASP.NET Core with React.js template).wijmo-weavy-dashboard
Public archivemsbuild-inapp-chat
Public archiveBizFundWeb
Public archiveurban-repair-ui
Public archiveMEDBAY-V1
Public archivehorizon-virtual-classroom
Public archiveweavy-thinktank-co2-emission-app
Public archiveheydocJS
Public archiveWeavCanvas
Public archiveveavy-code
Public archivelifeline_Weavy-Colaboration-hack
Public archivedbootstrap