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Alok Tiwari alok-tiwari0
Spotfire Developer

Spotfire Pune

Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Erik Brandin ebrandin

Cloud Software Group Gothenburg

Vítor Corrêa vrawx

Brasília - Brazil

Michal Spano michalspano

Chalmers/Göteborgs Universitet Sweden

stakOverflow kevingoh
Firmware Developer at ITS, Austria Master's in AI student at JKU, Linz

ITS-Industrial Turbine Services GmbH Malaysia <-> Austria


TIBCO Software Inc.

Giuseppe Vincenzi gvincenzi
Data Product Owner for Air France KLM

Air France Paris, France

Sachin Upadhyay sramshek

Cloud Software Group Pune

David Hall david98hall
Civilingenjör, M.Sc. in Data Science and AI, B.Sc. in Software Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.


Prashant Maske prashant-maske
Senior Consultant, Spotfire Mods Developer @spotfiresoftware

Cloud Software Group Pune, India

Olof Bjerke objerke

Spotfire Stockholm

Kyle Smith kysmith-csg

Cloud Software Group Burlington, MA

Tobias Lehtipalo tlehtipa
VP Product Management @spotfiresoftware

Cloud Software Group Gothenburg