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Inayet Hadi inayet
Exciting times where tech is at your finger tips, apis, webhooks, llm, learn and share, being thankful

Dreams API Denver, CO

Horia Delicoti horia-delicoti
Linux | DevOps Engineer


mahadevan M-DEV-1
first principles thinking | building web platforms


David Wells DavidWells
Full stack engineer focused on serverless architecture & product development

San Francisco

David Landa 4e1e0603

Prague, Czech Republic

Arnaud arnaduga

Paris area, France

Marc Laventure marclave
ceo & co-founder @scalar                    prev: @launchaco (acquired by @namecheap , co-founded with @cameronrohani )

@scalar Vancouver

Lan, Jian ShapelessCat
Functional Programmer

Beijing, China

Joshua Burrell JoshBurrell

@systrading Sydney, Australia

Brian M Johnson Brian-M-J
Student. AI, Mojo and Python enthusiast.
Pierre Lecerf eledhwen

@illuin-tech Tokyo, Japan

Nikolay Kolev nikolay
A hacker, not a script kiddie. Opinions are my own. Code is all yours. 🇧🇬🇺🇸

@withcodery Irvine, CA, US

Nick Papadopoulos 31328
I love tinkering hardware and experimenting with code.

North West, UK.

Jazz Yao-Tsung Wang jazzwang
Data-driven Evangelist, Learner, Relator

HsinChu, Taiwan

Mattèo Gauthier MatteoGauthier
Software Engineer (Web/Mobile) Bordeaux, France

David Dennison davidldennison
🎯SEO Mastermind | Content Marketing Wiz | Noob Developer🚀Combining SEO expertise, dev tools, and innovation to thrive at the crossroads of marketing and tech!

David Dennison SEO Las Vegas, NV

Jonas Ulrich julrich
CTO & Founder at ruhmesmeile GmbH / kickstartDS

ruhmesmeile GmbH Bonn, Germany

Gergely Imreh imrehg
Senior Machine Learning Engineer at @facultyai , physicist, hacker; Co-founder of Taipei Hackerspace @taipeihackorg; ex-@balena-io

@facultyai Taiwan

Kenji Kiuchi kkiuchi

Technical Advisor San Francisco, CA

Chris Trujillo christru

TruDigital Mortgage Solutions Tucson, AZ

Geoffrey Bonneville G-Ray
I ❤️ open source and decentralized technologies

PikaTorrent ⚡ France

Shraddha Arora shraddhaarora
Building Starship @postmanlabs 🚀

@postmanlabs Remote

Michael Mior michaelmior
Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Rochester Institute of Technology

Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, New York

Tony Gorez tony-go
systems engineer | @nodejs diagnostic WG | @NodeSecure

Postman Paris, FR

Alex Bit alexbit-codemod
Building Codemod & codemods... Let's chat! I'd love to hear how we can make your code migration experience better.

Codemod Inc. Palo Alto, CA

Clifford Fajardo cliffordfajardo
🌮 tacos nourish my soul; somewhat of a runner

@linkedin Bay Area, California

Juan Cruz Viotti jviotti
Founder at @sourcemeta | TSC member at @json-schema-org | O'Reilly author | Award-winning University of Oxford alumnus
Ben Hutton Relequestual

@the-guild-org / @json-schema-org