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Melody Nguyen melodyxnguyen
Computer Science & Business @marimo-team

marimo New York City

Bennet Meyers bmeyers
PV Performance Specialist, Scientific Coding Enthusiast

Stanford & SLAC National Lab California

Linwei Sang sanglinwei
Focusing on sustaintable power system analytics via AI and OR.

Tsinghua University Berkeley, USA

Nikola nikapotato
CTU FEE - Open Informatics - Data Science (2023)
Matej mat-ej
interests: torch, graphcore, mlops


Aalekh AR-SmartHelio
On my way to git @SmartHelio

@SmartHelio New Delhi, India

Felix Soubelet fsoubelet
Accelerator Physics PhD working for CERN on beam physics simulation codes.

CERN Geneva, Switzerland

Sara A. Miskovich pluflou
Staff Engineer @slaclab | Physics PhD

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Menlo Park, CA

Gregory Ziegler gregorydziegler
I am a software engineer at Stanford University's SLAC physics laboratory. I am interested in energy grid storage and use optimization.

Carnegie Mellon University Mountain View, California

Jonathan Jonathannsegal
Information Science PhD student @CornellCIS

@Cornell-Tech-AIRLab New York, NY