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Stanley Ojadovwa stanwarri
Product manager with years of experience in building digital products, solving complex problems and managing cross-functional teams in dynamic environments.

@PayFlexiHQ Nigeria

Chafik HADJ ABDOU RAZACK ChafikHadjAbdouRazack
Software Engineer | Available for consultation and contract work.


Haneef Ansari ahaneef29
Web Developer - Working in Laravel PHP, Java, Dart, Android, Swift, Vue.js, Angular, Typescript, Flutter, Native Script.


Charles Koko charleskoko
Software developer passionate about mobile and web development.

Check24 Berlin

Sergey Mochalov proweb
💻 Software developer in HiEd ☕ Coffee lover 👩 Husband and 👦👧 Father


Nassim Bennouna kertechs

Kertechs Chatenay-Malabry, France

Bahman Shams bahmanshams



Columat Sant Cugat

Chiril Teterea cijic
Senior Software Engineer

Chisinau, Moldova

Julio Marquez juliomrqz
💻 Software Engineer ☕️ Coffee lover

@Bicycle-Health @aceforth @toptal Spain

Swan Yee Tun developedBySwan
🚢 Shipping better DX, always.

Yangon, Myanmar

Yugo yugo412

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Don't give up, Invest myself

Hong Kong

Phillip Fickl phillipfickl

@webcrab-at Málaga, Spain

Daniel, Petrica Andrei-Daniel danielpetrica
27yo (born in 97) Speaking IT, RO & EN Writing PHP, JS (but I prefer typescript) and SQL mainly

Italy, Reggio Emilia

Bartlomiej Przymus bartlomiej-przymus
Full Stack PHP Developer

United Kingdom

Bram bram-pkg
Senior Software Engineer at @carandclassic and maintainer of @FakerPHP

@carandclassic West Country, United Kingdom

Craig Potter craigpotter
Just a small time dev, living in a coding world!

Devon, United Kingdom

AriaieBOY ariaieboy
Self-Employed TALL Stack developer

Rakolo Mashhad, Iran

João Alves K2ouMais
Full-Stack developer, father and husband.


Sam Carré Sammyjo20
I love building tools that help the PHP community. Space Cowboy 🤠🪐

The Saloon