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Ahmed Sayed Ahmed525-12
Software Engineering | ASP.NET Core

Al Madinah Al Munawara , Saudi Arabia

Firoz Mohamed fizmhd

3bits Consulting AB Sweden

Ralph Hightower RalphHightower
Software Developer C#, .Net, Photographer (35mm film, digital). Two final manned space launches: US half of Apollo/Soyuz Test Project, Space Shuttle STS-135

@Permanent-Vacations Chapin, South Carolina, USA

Qin Guan qin-guan

@opengovsg Singapore

Sven Meyenberger sven-meye
Professional Software Engineer

Slongoo IT Solutions AG Switzerland

Anıl Cem Şimşek anilcemsimsek
Software Engineer


Arka Poddar postmeback
Learning New Things


Jason Frankel jfrankelp

Kallipr Ltd Pty (@Kallipr) Australia

EDW T-450
In the eerie woods where shadows creep, he beckons, his whispers deep.


Kevin Streicher NoxMortem
Studied Visual Computing at Vienna University of Technology Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms now doing cool things in logistics.


Asahi Cantu asahicantu
Software engineer, musician, environmentalist, curious mind. Concerned about world and social situations

Laerdal Medical Norway

Zeck zZeck
Analyzing systems to preserve or extend them. Always looking for better concepts to achieve this more quickly and maintainably for more people.