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Enio H Alcantara enioha
Mais um dia, mais uma oportunidade para fazer melhor.


Pedro Vitor pedrovitorrs

@easysoftwareltda Barbacena - MG

GoisNeto goisneto

São Luis, MA, Brasil

Rafael Fernandes raferdev
Software Engineer

@pagaleve Brazil

José Castillo Lema josecastillolema
Software Engineer

Red Hat Madrid, Spain

Raphael Morsch raphaelmorsch
Software Engineer, Historian and Amateur guitarist

Red Hat Barcelona, Spain

Weslley Rosalem weslleyrosalem
AI Specialist @ Red Hat. Expert in AI, ML, Python, Cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure), Red Hat, OpenShift, k8s, and federated learning. Academic researcher.

@RedHatOfficial Brazil

Hi, I´m Hugo, a Full stack developer, working with C#, Angular and jBPM. I am from Uruguay, but i am living in Brasil for the past 10 years.

São Paulo, Brasil