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Kumar Vishesh krVishesh
Having fun with code, IoT, assembly and games.
Alon Krymgand RealA10N
`echo $(date +%Y) - 2004 | bc` y/o student that enjoys programming 👨‍💻

~/ Haifa, Israel

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Geo Geo-Bit
Security Engineer & Hobbyist

Fort Collins, CO

KL3FT3Z toxy4ny
Delve into the digital shadows with us.

Kinare kinare
A creative full-stack developer, I stand on a sweet spot where design and code intersect. Am available for freelance work and projects.

Kinare Designs Nairobi

Aaron aaronbehan
An enjoyer of C and Python. Here to learn, be inspired and document my growth


stayinit intejie

Tallinn, Estonia

Miras StarwinM
19M ; @iwtdai cowboy

@iwtdai Astana, Kazakhstan

Daniel L. Wang wangd

Arista Networks USA

Nathan Berg nathanberg
Professional Keyboard Cowboy

Reston, VA, United States


Arizona State University Tempe

Mark Cummins ExploringSecurity

Technological University Dublin Dublin, Ireland

Maheer Ashhab Naveen maheer-ee

Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona

Astral✨ astra1dev
developer & modder interested in open-source software, cyber security and data protection

Anonymous Area 51

marcos marcosfpr
developer (@marcosfpr-vaultree)

Vaultree Brazil

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Prasanna Jagadesh Prasannajaga

Mavens-I Softech Private Limited Chennai, India

Uranara Uranara
Proficient in Linux spelling, familiar with downloading and installing office software, and have heard of Java, GO, and Python
Mohamed Amine maxamin
Tunisian Cyber Security Enthusiast specializing in WEB3, networking,Whitehat and advanced threat hunter. Signal:maxamin.89 Discord:2d523

Looking for new opportunities Ancient Chartage

R4ngers gyqtc
I'm a student from Zhejiang University. My research interests include vulnerability assessment, vulnerability exploitation, and APT provenance detection.

ZJU 浙江省杭州市

Leandro IamLeandrooooo
Penetration Tester 🇵🇹
Nathan Wells nathanwells27
I'm currently an IT technician. I'm just beginning my first steps into code. I hope to learn a lot and become very skilled with this for a future career.


SIG sirbuig

University of Bucharest Bucharest, Romania

Alvin Wu TheSleepyPegasus
Cybersecurity student

@theZFJ United States of America

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Alessandro Mileto ubersandro
Computer Engineer from Italy. Working in California, USA.

Politecnico di Milano Milano, Italy