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Leandro leandwo
🍞 + 🥬 + 🍅 + 🧀 = 🥪

full snack development North America

Rhett Harrison reharri7
Software Developer - Rustacean

Axiallon Software California

Connor Bullard cdbullard
Software Engineer | MSCS
ben kristofic benkristofic
i tend to keep busy

UPMC Enterprises Pittsburgh PA

Andrew Peters iamandrewpeters
Just a guy that knows enough to bring a site.

@thereachco Atlanta

Caleb Tenney Caleb10E
CS Graduate, Support Agent/Specialist, Aspiring Developer

@planningcenter Fresno, CA

Caleb Bright caleb-bright
Media Coordinator at Encounter Jesus.

@encounterjesus Ashland, Ohio

David Plappert davidplappert
Founder @phonelive

@PhoneLive Peoria, IL

Sebastian Švec svecs132

Olomouc, Czech Republic

Junior Alves junioralves00

São Paulo/Taubaté - Brasil

Alex Palazzo alexpalazzo

Universal Music Group

Tyler Ryan tyleris-irish
Creating automation with python is pretty cool

@ucf-it Florida

Matt Monfils mmonfils
I assist with business development and growth through commercial insurance underwriting and the building of relationships with producers and wholesalers.

Hastings Mutual Insurance Company Des Moines, IA

Rodolfo Cupertino cupertinobr
Web developer

@branixtecnologia São Paulo - SP - Brasil

Andreas Hoch Andy-Hoch
👋 Full-Stack Developer | 🌐 Passionate about web development & the Church | 💻 Bring Innovation and a people-first approach to coding


Marc Beinder onairmarc
Software Engineer at @iheartradio, @rcsworks // Enterprise Tech Nerd // Enjoy What You're Building // Laravel Forever // Opinions are my own.

iHeartMedia, RCS St. Louis, Missouri

Zane Bliss zanebliss
I like Ruby, Rust, Linux, vim and other things. In my free time I mountain bike, backpack, and drink coffee.

Planning Center

Jennifer J Lee jihyunle
Java, Spring, AWS

Washington DC Metro Area

Usborn Ocampo usborn116
doing work at @planningcenter

Planning Center Portland, OR