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Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
Vasco Santos vslinuxdotnet
Breathing IOT and MCUs...

Linux System Administrator Leiria, Portugal

Krayon krayon

Melbourne, Australia

Ron Sheely RonSheely
Husband, father, grandfather, retired Cal Poly Electronic, Software, Embedded Systems Engineer, hp, Tektronix lifelong learner, really old photo ...

Retired Pacific Northwest

Dan dan69p
Homegrown Programmer, developer, nerd.
Lionel euchcat
"La vérité est si obscurcie en ces temps et le mensonge si établi, qu'à moins d'aimer la vérité, on ne saurait la reconnaître." (Blaise PASCAL / Pensées)


Sara Tasche sa-tasche

mitgedanken Germany

John Bates devstuff
Backend software engineer focused on containerized microservices.

Zendesk Vancouver, WA

Gustavo Schip GustavoSchip
Using Rust and Python to bring my creations to life.


Jeffrey H. Johnson johnsonjh
Not RPM developer Jeffrey Johnson. Not XTree developer Jeffrey Johnson. Not Jeffrey Johnson, Google Senior Software Engineer. Not the robotic engineer, either.

BAN AI Systems

Jason Rowe jasonfrowe

Bishop's University Sherbrooke, Québec

Jason Howard jthwho

@howardlogic Grass Valley, CA

Andy Petrie Zulu0001

Eastern North Carolina

Johan Broström Job76

InspektionsSystem AB Karlstad, SWEDEN

Everything electric :)
